Cardio And Resp During Exercise - Week 16 Flashcards
What determines the strength of muscle fibres?
Cross sectional area of fibres proportional to strength
Features of slow twitch muscle fibres?
Prolonged endurance activity
What are features of fast twitch fibres?
Type 2a
Endurance or rapid force
Quickly fatigue
Features of the fast twitch muscle fibres?
Type 2B
Rapid force production
Quickly fatigue
What is isometric contraction?
Contraction against resistance
Length of muscle stays the same
What is isotonic contraction?
Contraction against resistance where length of muscle changes
Concentric - in direction of contraction (joint angle decreases)
Eccentric - opposite direction of contraction (joint angle increases)
What does endurance training enable?
Increased mitochondrial function
Hypoxia inducing factors
Increased Hb conc
What happens during intense short term exercise?
10-15s —> creatine phosphate, ATP
Up to 2 mins —> glycogen to glucose-6-phosphate
Several mins —> lactic acid build up, oxygen debt, 2L O2 to replenish ATP and creatine phosphate
What is recovery phase features?
Fast component - resting levels of ATP and CP resorted
Slow component - lactic acid converted to glucose in liver
Lactic acid converted to pyruvic acid
What is the role of respiratory system during exercise?
Meet increased o2 demand
Increase ventilation rate
Increase tidal volume
What happens if vo2max is exceeded in exercise?
Lactic acid accumulation
What factors alter vo2max?
What causes cardiac output to increase?
Increased heart sympathetic activity —> increased stroke volume (ventricular myocardium) and HR (SA node)
Decreased heart parasympathetic activity —> increased HR (SA node)
What results in stroke volume increasing?
Increased venous return —> increased end-diastolic volume
increased sympathetic activity —> increased contractility
Also decreased arterial pressure (after load)
What is stroke volume?
Amount of blood expelled by heart in each beat
How does central venous pressure and total peripheral resistance change to increase stroke volume?
CVP - changes diastolic filling pressure
TPR - changes ability to expel blood into arterial system
Benefits of exercise and reducing CVD?
Reduces BP
increased circulating HDL and reduced triglycerides
Arterial wall homeostatic changes
Increased hair tic function
Reduced calcification
Increased ventricular chamber wall thickness