ActionPotentials - Week 16 PBL Flashcards
How is a resting membrane potential maintained?
Sodium-potassium ATPase pump
2K+ into cell
3NA+ out of cell
What is the concentration of ions in and out of a cell?
More Na out of cell
More K inside cell
More Ca2+ out of cell
More Cl- out of cell
Describe an action potential?
resting potential at -70mv
Stimulus opens some voltage gated Na+ channels
All or nothing threshold reached at -55mv
More VG Na+ channels open, Na flows into cell
VG Na+ channels close, VG K+ channels open and K flows out of cell
Hyperpolarisation - refractory period occurs here
Back to resting membrane potential
Why does an action potential propagate unidirectionally?
Due to the refractory period
What is Saltatory conduction?
Myelin sheath insulates axon and allows faster conduction.
The nodes of ranvier = unmyelinated regions along tree axon