Cardio Flashcards
Streptocuccus Bovis endocarditis
Associated with colon cancer. Causes subacute bacterial endocarditis. Occurs in patient with NO preexisting valvular abnormality.
Holosystolic murmur at the apex that radiates to the axilla. What is the best indicator of severity of the problem?
Presence of S3: indicates high volume of regurgitant flow (mitral regurgitation)
pt dies in motor accident n biopsy shows heavy calcification of the ortic valve. What most likely preceded this?
Cell necrosis
Stages of Dystrophic calcificaiton
Initiation: within the mitochondria of dying cells and Propagation: can perforate the membrane.
Pt with tetralogy of Fallot squats to relieve cyanosis. The posture helps to?
Increase systemic vascular resistance
A drug dilates arterioles and veins and promotes diuresis. What is its endogenous analog?
Brain natriuretic peptide/atrial natriuretic peptide
A drug that dilates arterioles and veins and promotes diuresis
MOA of Atrial natriuretic peptide
activate guanylate cyclase which increases intracellular cyclic GMP causing vasodilation and diuresis.
In systolic heart failure which is increased blood volume within the heart causing stretch of atria and ventricles, which hormones are released?
Atrial natriuretic peptide and brain (ventricular) natriuretic peptide
Risk factor for infective endocarditis
Prosthetic heart valves, prior valvular inflammation and scarring
Pathogenesis of vegetations caused by S.Aureus
S.aureus can bind to normal valves due to expression of multiple surface adhesins. Then tissue factor expression results in platelet and fibrin deposition and formation of vegetation. It can then embolize and cause sepsis.
S.Aureus vegetations in endocarditis have?
Fibrin and platelets deposition.
Mitras stenosis Murmur
opening snap early in diastole due to tensing of the leaflets after they have already opened.
Stable angina
chest pain with exertion, relieved by rest or nitroglycerin
Stable angina pathophysiology
Fixed atheromatous obstruction of coronary occluding at least 75% of the luminal cross sectional area.
Unstable angina pathophysiology
Ulcerated atherosclerotic plaque with a partially obstructive thrombus.
Drug that can cause Prinzmetal’s angina
MOA of ergonovine
ergot alkaloid that constricts vascular smooth muscle by stimulating both alpha-adrenergic and serotonergic receptors. Can induce coronary spams
Pathophys of Prinzmetal’s angina (variant)
Caused by coronary artery vasospam that may occur near sites of atherosclerosis and can result in transient transmural ischemia with ST-segment Elevation
Prinzmetal’s angina
episodic angina that occurs at REST due to coronary vasospasm.
Mitral regurgitation
Blowing, holosystolic murmur heard best over the apex with radiation to the axilla.
Valve most affected by rheumatic heart disease
MITRAL, acute: regurgitaiton and chronic:stenosis
Congenital malformation that is normal in some adults
Foramen ovale: abnormalities increasing the right atrial pressure can produce a right to left shunt across the patent foramen ovale.
Rheumatic fever criteria
JONES, Joint, O is heart, Nodules, Erythema marginatum, Sydenham chorea
Theumatic fever
autoimmune reaction that occur following untreated Streptococcus pyogenes pharyngitis due to molecular mimicry.
Organism that causes subacute bacterial endocarditis
Viridians streptococci: colonizes valves with preexisting defects after dental manipulation
Bacteria that causes dental caries
Viridians streptococci (mutans)
gram-positive cocci in blood of patient with bactermia able to synthezise dextrans from glucose
Viridians streptococci
Aortic stenosis murmur
systolic crescendo-decrescendo following an ejection click
Kaussmaul’s sign
paradoxical rise in the height of the jugular venous pressure during inspiration
dense, thick fibrous tissue in the pericardial space between the visceral and parietal pericardium.
Constrictive pericarditis
Findings on constrictive pericarditis
Restricted ventricular filling, low cardiac output and right-sided heart failure resistant to medications
bilateral basilar lung crackels, left ventricular hypertrophy. Pulmonary arterial hypertension. The most likely mechanism for this pt pulmonary HTN?
Reactive vasoconstriction due to venous congestion
Most common cause of Right sided heart failure
Left sided heart failure
most common cause of left sided heart failure
Chronic hypertension
What does left ventricular dysfunction lead to?
Increased pulmonary arterial pressure due to reactive vasoconstriction secondary to pulmonary venous congestion
Fibromuscular dysplasia
irregular thickenning of large and medium sized arteries especially the renal artery, disease affecting women 20-30 years old
Renal artery stenosis treatment
be careful with ACE inhibitors because Angiotensin II is necessary to keep a GFR.
Gross finding in Renal artery stenosis
one sided kidney atrophy
which population does renal artery stenosis affect
elderly individuals due to atherosclerothic changes in intima and women in chilbearing age (fibromuscular dysplasia)
cherry hemangioma
affects adults, do not regress spontaneously yet number increase.
histology of cherry hemangioma
sharply circumscribed areas of congested capillaries and post-capillary venules in the papillary dermis
small red cutaneous papules common n aging adults that do not regress spontaneously
cherry hemangiomas
abnormal prominent left atrial v wave present in which murmur?
mitral regurgitation
Adult onset asthma and eosinophilia. P-ACNA
Churg-Strauss syndrome
fixed wide splitting of the second heart sound
complication of ASD
chronic pulmonary hypertension as a result of the left-to-right shunt. Aka increased blood flow through the pulmonary artery
Eisenmenger syndrome
late-onset reversal of a left-to-right shunt due to pulmonary vascular sclerosis resulting from pulmonary hypertension.
extreme myofiber disarray with interstitial fibrosis on cardiac histology
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
mutation in genes coding for sarcomere proteins, Beta-myosin heavy chain
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
pt with extended consumption of appetite supressant, progressive dyspnea and dizzines on exertion. What pathologic findings would you have?
Right ventricular hypertrophy
side effects of appetite supressants
secondary pulmonary hypertension, leading to right ventricular hypertrophy and cor pulmonale
appetite supressant
Fenfluramine, Dexfenfluramine and phentermine
familial hypercholesterolemia
autosomal dominant mutation of the LDL receptor gene in the liver. Causes fast progression of atherosclerosis and early coronary artery disease
Only Right heart fibrosis. Which substance will appear high in urine?
5 hydroxyindoleacetic acid (serotonin metabolite)
skin flushing, abdominal cramping, nausea, vomit, diarhea and endocardial fibrosis of right heart
Carcinoid syndrome
What is abnormaly produced by carcinoid tumors?
serotonin, kallikrein, bradykinin, histamine, prostaglandins and or tachikinins.
eicosanoid that inhibits platelet aggregation and adhesion to the vascular endothelium, vasodilates, increases vascular permeability and stimulates leukocyte chemotaxis
artery most likely to be affected by atherosclerosis
Abdominal aorta
arteries most likely to affected by atherosclerosis in order
abdominal aorta, coronary arteries, popliteal, internal carotid, circle of willis.
Down syndrome
endocardial cushion defects: ASD and regurgitant AV valves
DiGeorge syndrome
tetralogy of fallot and aortic arch abnormalities
turners syndrome
coarctation of the aorta
marfan’s syndrome
Cystic medial necrosis of aorta: aortic insufficiency and dissection
tuberous sclerosis
valvular obstruction due to cardiac rhabdomyomas
friedreich ataxia
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
infant of diabetic mother
transposition of great vessels
pt in ER cuz of chest pain, diaphoresis and lightheadedness. Symptoms started 1 hour ago. ST segment elevations. Which type of cell injury will most likely present?
Coagulative necrosis
small bluish lesion under the nail. Lesion is tender to touch. Which cells does it originate from?
Glomus bodies which regulate thermoregulation
small numerous encapsulated neurovascular organs found in the dermis of the nail bed. Role is to shunt blood away from the skin surface in cold temperatures in order to prevent heat loss and to direct blood flow to the skin surface in hot environments to fascilitate dissipation of heat.
Glomus bodies
cause of death in acute rheumatic fever
Severe myocarditis
Causes of death in lightning injuries
fatal arrhytmias and respiratory failure
pt with long extremities, long tapering fingers, spinal scoliosis and kyphosis. Lens discoloration and aortic dissection and/ormitral valve prolapse
Marfan’s syndrome
Mutation in marfan’s syndrome
autosomal dominant defect in connective tissue glycoprotein fibrillin-1
most common cause of death in Marfan’s
aortic dissection
most common cause of aortic stenosis in a pt 70 years old
degenerative calcification of aortic valve
aortic stenosis murmur
systolic ejection murmur heard at the cardiac base that radiates to the carotids arteries
presenttion of aortic stenosis
SAD syncope, angina and dyspnea
pt with severe headache and oliguria. BP 240/150. There is papilledema. What is the most likely pathologic process in this condition?
Onion-like concentric thickening of arteriolar walls. Malignant hypertension.
murmur present in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
ejection type systolic murmur. Augmented by decreasing the LV end diastolic volume with maneuvers such as sudden standing and valsalva
tetralogy of fallot findings
pulmonic stenosis, ventricular septal defect, right ventricular hypertrophy and overriding of the aorta
Findings in bacterial endocarditis
FROM JANE, Fever, Roth’s spots, Osler’s nodules, Murmur, Janeway lesions, Anemia, Nailbed hemorrhages, Emboli
skin biopsy of kid has vascular lesions with IgA and C3 deposition. What other presenttions will you find?
Sking rash and adbominal pain. (henoch-shonlein purpura)
Finding in Henoch-schonlein purpura
skin, Arthralgia and GI. Palpable purpura, abdminal pain. Hematuria.
how to keep a patent ductus arteriosus open
how to close a patent ductus arteriosus
Indomethacin and ibuprofen by inhibiting PGE1 synthesis
Patent ductus arteriosus associations
Prematurity, perinatal distress, congenital rubella and fetal alcohol syndrome.
SLE cardiac findings
pleuritis and pericarditis
pt with proteinuria, malar facial rash, photosensitivity, arthralgias, chest pain relieved by leaning forwards and worse on inspiration
Systemic Lupus erythematosus findings
sundromes associated with mitral valve prolapse
Marfans and Ehlers-Danlos syndromes
Mid systolic click which is followed by a short late systolic murmur. Murmur disappears on squatting
Mitral valve prolapse
Atrial Septal defect sounds
pulmonary flow murmur because of increased flow through pulmonary valve and a diastolic rumble because of increased flow across tricuspid
jervell and lange-nielsen syndrome
Congenital long QT due to defects in cariac sodium or potassium channels. Presents with severe congenital sensrineural deafness.
Disease that leads to a 3rd degree block
Lyme disease
Pulsus paradoxus
decrease in systolic blod pressure of greater than 10 mmHg with inspiration.
Diseases that present with pulsus paradoxus
cardiac tamponade, constrictive pericarditis, restrictive cardiomyopathy, sevre obstructive pulmonary disease
How is pulsus paradoxis detected?
inflating a blood pressure cuff aboce systolic pressure and then slowly releasing it. Korotkoff sounds become audible during expiration.
Pt is tachypneic, expiration is prolonged and prominent bilateral wheezes. Which agent would bring immediate relief?
Beta-adrenergic agonist: relaxes bronchial smooth muscle by stimulation of beta 2 adrenergic receptor.
MOA beta 2 adrenergic agonist
bind to Gs protein coupled receptor and activates adenylyl cyclase and ncreases intracellular cAMP cncentrations.
most important factors involved in coronary blod flow
Adenosine and nitric oxide
MOA nitric oxide
causes vascular smooth muscle relaxation by a guanylate cyclase-mediated cGMP second messenger system. Increases cyclic GMP
repetitive ischemia of cardiac myocytes can result in chronicle reversible loss of contractile function called?