Cardio Flashcards
1-Vasovagal ( triggered + prodrome
2-Carotid hypersensitivity ( tactile stimulus)
3- Autonomic dysfunctions ( orthostatic)
4- hypovolemia ( orthostatic + blood loss
5- lv outflow obstruction ( with exertion + murmur)
6- ventricular arrhythmia no warning symptoms and ischemic HD
7- conduction impairment ecg abnormalities
Cyanide toxicity ( nitroprusside for emergency hypertension)
Altered mental status and lactic acidosis and seizures
Acute cocaine intoxication
Psychomotor agitation, dilated pupils, tachy , hypertension with stemi
Treated by benzodiazepines
Heat stroke
Temperature >40
Cns dysfunction
Tachycardia with hypotension
DIC and hemoconcentration
Risk factors cardiac catheter
Livedo reticularis , blue toe syndrome (purple mottling of the skin)
And subacute renal injury
Latex allergy widely used in the medical community
Anaphylactic shock
IgE mediated type 1
Urticarial skin rash
Bronchi constriction upper air way edema
Atrial tachy and av block
Most common side effect of digoxin
Increases the vagal tone
Vasospastic angina or variant or prinzmetal
Vascular smooth muscle hyperactivity
Young and smoking and recurrent chest discomfort
Spontaneous resolution < 15 min
Takotaubo or stress induced cardiomyopathy
Women ( recent physical or emotional)
Lv apical hypokinessis and basilar hyper
Balloon shape on echo
Austin flint murmur
Rumbling mid late diastolic murmur
( severe aortic regurgitation)
Blood flow from the aorta ( retrograde) mixing with blood flow from the atrium (anterograde)
ECG sign of hypothermia
Long Qt interval ( Osborn wave
Brady and prolonged PR