Cardiac Rehab Flashcards
Criteria to reduce or terminate ex:
- Angina or other s. of intolerance
- 10 pt DROP in systolic BP or
rise in Systolic >240, Diastolic>110
260/115 for ex test - > 1mm ST segment depression, horiz or downslope. >2mm upslope
- Increased freq of ventricular arrhythmias
- 2nd deg or 3rd deg AV block or other disturbance
NYHA 4 levels of Heart Failure
cardiac rehab intensity levels
- Asymptomatic (6.5 METS)
- Symptomatic with mod exertion (4.5 METS)
- Symptomatic with minimal exertion (3 METS)
- Symptomatic at rest (1.5 METS)
rate pressure product
energy cost to myocardium
What does Digitalis do to EKG?
Digitalis __HR and __contractility
depresses ST, flattens t-wave, shortens QT
decrease HR, increase contractility
hyperkalemia or hypercalcemia can change the EKG how?
widen QRS
Beta blockers ___ HR
Nitrates ___HR
decrease; increase
mean arterial pressure
systolic+(diastolicx2) / 3
types of angina
variant (pretzmetals)
asymptomatic (diabetic)
signs of MI
male: SOB, wkness, fatigue, chest discomfort
female: early warnings with sleep disturbance and unusual fatigue, SOB, wkness, only 30% experience chest discomfort
red flag*
ankle pressure / brachial pressure
1 is normal
<.5 is no bueno!
(220 - Age) – (Resting HR) = HRR
HRR x Training Intensity % + Rest HR = Train HR
1 MET =
activity 1-10
1 met = 3.5mL/kg O2 REST 2-3 mets = slow walking 4-6 mets = ADLs, brisk walking, mod bike 8 mets = jog 10 mets = swim/run
resistance training typically begins __ weeks after event
RPE___ corresponds to 60% intensity
RPE___ corresponds to 85% intensity
exercise begins __ after MI
__ weeks after for angioplasty
exercise begins 24 hrs after
2 weeks after for angioplasty
cardiac rehab is CONTRAINDICATED if…
unstable angina, 200/110, orth hypotn w/ sx, aortic stenosis, fever, uncontrolled arrythmia, uncontrolled tachy 120+, uncompensated CHF, pericarditis/myocarditis, uncontrolled diabetes
PHASE I cardiac rehab
ACUTE 3-5 days, 2-3x daily, short sessions
2-3 METS, 10-20 pt rise in HR
PHASE II cardiac rehab
OP or SUBACUTE progressing to ADLs
3-4xwk w/ ECG monitoring (progress to self check)
end goal of 9 METS
30-60 min + WU/CD
PHASE III cardiac rehab
COMMUNITY- may be supervised 6-12 months
50-80% 45min or more, 4x wk or more
guidelines for CHF exercise
must be medically stable, >3 MET capacity, HR>115 contraindicated during exercise, use energy conservation, caution with supine as orthopnea is likely.
2 red flags with lymphedema
- avoid vasodilation (thermal)
2. compression should be NO higher than 45mmHg