Cardiac embryology Flashcards
What forms the myocardium?
splanchnic mesoderm surrounding the heart tube
Around what day does the heart develop rhythmic contractions?
day 23
What embryonic structure forms the left and right atria?
sinus venosus
What forms the aorta and pulmonary artery?
truncus arteriosus
At how many days does chamber septation and development occur?
29-40 days
At how many days does valve formation occur?
At what stage do the coronary vessels form?
At what stage do the aortic arch, main pulmonary artery, and ductus arteriosus form?
26-38 days
Which aortic arch is rudimentary and has no known development?
fifth aortic arch
Which aortic arch becomes the axillary and external carotid arteries?
Which aortic arch becomes the hyoid and stapedial arteries?
Which aortic arch becomes the common carotid and proximal internal carotid arteries?
What part of the fourth arch typically degenerates?
What happens if it does not?
double aortic arch
What parts of the heart form from neural crest cells?
aorticopulmonary septum and carotid body
During what time period does the heart tube form?
18-24 days