Cardiac Assessment Part 2 Flashcards
What valve issue?
May be asymptomatic until severe
angina, syncope, CHF
Exercise testing for CAD has poor diagnostic accuracy
should not be performed in symptomatic patients
Aortic stenosis
HR where ischemia occurs
Ischemic threshold
(T/F) LBBB is always indicative of abnormal pathology
With aortic stenosis avoid drugs that increase ___, decrease ____ and _________
What valve disease?
Often no symptoms until severe dz
pulmonary edema, dyspnea, PND
chest pain, palpitations, AF
hemoptysis, hoarseness (Ortner’s syndrome)
Mitral stenosis
Classification of valve stenosis (aortic & mitral)
Valve area = >1.5 cm^2
Classification of valve stenosis (aortic & mitral)
Valve area = 1-1.5 cm^2
Classification of valve stenosis (aortic & mitral)
Valve area = <1 cm^2
Understand Pressure-volume loops
Research it
What valve disease?
Chronic versus Acute
Graded from 1+ to 4+
Hemodynamic goals
maintain preload
increase HR>/= 80 pm
what about ASCVD
maintain contractility
decrease afterload
Aortic Regurg
Is frank-starling mechanism intrinsic or extrinsic?
What valve disease?
papillary muscle dysfunction- chest trauma or MI, myxomatous disease
Sudden increase in LAP – pulmonary circuit
Presents as bivent failure
Acute mitral regurg
What valve disease?
LV dilation, RHD, chordae thickening
Eccentric hypertrophy and LAE
Compensated vs. decompensated
Chronic mitral regurg
With mitral regurg, avoid anything that increases _____!
Review classifications of heart failure. NYHA classification scale is very common, but know both NYHA & ACC/AHA. Seen on slide 61 on PP.
Slide 61
With MR, maintain preload, but be careful not to ________
What type of heart dysfunction?
Chronic increased afterload
Increased wall thickness with no change in chamber size
Diminished compliance
Concentric Hypertrophy
Pt in HF are much more depend on _____ kick than the normal pt. Therefore, watch out for what arrhythmia?
Atria kick
IF possible, use nerve _____ for pain management for cardiac pts to help alleviate pain.
Nerve blocks
What type of heart dysfunction?
Dilated LV
chronic increase in volume
Increased wall thickness with an increase in chamber size
Eccentric Hypertrophy
What type of heart dysfunction? (take your time and read the symptoms/presentations)
Dynamic stenosis with varying degrees of obstruction
nonobstructive, labile, or obstructive
Sudden death may be the first manifestation of the disease
Potential mechanisms include atrial arrhythmias with sudden hypotension. LVOT obstruction exacerbated by brady or tachy arrhythmias, or myocardial ischemia
May have total obstruction to Ao outflow
asymm hypertrophy of intraventricular septum
anterior displacement of papillary m and MV leaflets (SAM)
Mitral Regurgitation
Hypertrophic Subaortic Stenosis (HOCM)
New or worsened HF within ___ weeks of non-cardiac surgery leads to a 2x increase of 30-day mortality
4 weeks
Who decides if a cardiac pt is cleared for surgery?
YOU (bring up convo w/ surgeon)
HOCM Preoperative Considerations? (List at least 3)
-continue all meds incl. antiarrhythmics
-avoid hypovolemia
-avoid tachycardia & sympathetic stimulation
-all types of anesthesia are acceptable
-Ca++ / BB?
Serotonin causes ______ stenosis
Your biggest job to identify w/ aortic stenosis pts.?
Symptomatic or non symptomatic
With AS, the after load comes from the ______
aortic valve
With increase SVR, the after load comes from the _____
vascular system
Give vasodilators with AS?
Problem is not the vasculature (SVR)
Will bottom out BP and cardiac perfusion
AS can pull volume out of the ______ arteries via the venturi effect
With AS, monitor BP with ____ ____
A line
Induction should be ______ and steady with AS and cardiac pts
Narcotics are ______ stable
Cardiac stable
What drug for SVR increase in cardiac pt.?
Neo (not levo, will increase HR)
Cardiac murmurs overview. Looks at slide 81 on PP
Review slide 81 on PP
Stretch of the left recurrent laryngeal nerve
Ortners syndrome
You can see _______ syndrome with MS pts
Ortners syndrome
Have big left _____ chamber with MS pts
left atrium
Normal aortic valve size
3-4 cm^2
Critical aortic stenosis valve size?
Mean AV gradient gives you reflection of ___ dysfunction
LV dysfunction
Sever AV area paired w/ moderate AV mean gradient. What does pt. probably need?
Needs inotrope
Prob have cardiomegaly d/t LV dysfunction
What is mean gradient (when referencing valves)?
Difference in pressure between LV and Post-aortic valve
Which is worse valvular regurg? 1+ or 4+
Decrease _______ with aortic regurg
Dont give ____ ______ with aortic regurg
Beta Blockers
Dont give ____ ______ with aortic regurg
Beta Blockers
Sudden increase in LA pressure? What valve disease?
Mitral regurg
Main difference in acute vs chronic MR?
Acute - increase LA pressure
chronic - LA enlargement
See slide 73 on PP
HTN, AS, IHSS, LVH can all lead to what?
Concentric hypertrophy
With concentric hypertrophy, what 2 things lead to decreased supply?
-arteries in endocardium are compressed
-decrease CO
2 ways to increase supply w/ concentric hypertrophy?
-decrease HR
-maintain volume
If you decrease SVR with concentric hypertrophy, you can decrease filling of ______ arteries
coronary arteries
Eccentric hypertrophy = _______ LV
Give ______ drugs w/ eccentric hypertrophy
Which one?
inotropic drugs
Doesn’t increase HR (and vasodilates)
Should you increase or decrease SVR w/ eccentric hypertrophy?
HOCM pts commonly die of __________
Arrhymias (Vfib/Vtach)
Hypertrophic sub aortic stenosis is a _______ stenosis
Should decrease _______ with HOCM
What 2 drugs are our friends with HOCM?
Beta blockers
Ca+ channel blockers
What is common with athletes? (increased contractility)
What primary causes HOCM? (aside from contractility)
Hypertrophy of intraventricular septum
Tx. for HOCM?
Septal ablations
Need volume w/ HOCM?
With decreased BP w/ HOCM, dont use _______ drugs. Use _____ and _______
Inotropic drugs
Neo & fluids
Where is the aortic area?
2nd right intercostal space
Where is the pulmonic area?
2nd left intercostal space
Where is Erb’s point?
3rd left intercostal space, left sternal border
Where is tricuspid area?
4th left intercostal space, left lower sternal border
Where is mitral area?
5th left intercostal space, midclavicular line
What murmur?
Second parasternal interspaces
Aortic stenosis
What murmur?
Third and fourth parasternal interspaces
Aortic insufficiency
What murmur?
Mitral stenosis
What murmur?
Mitral regurgitation
What murmur?
Late systolic
Mitral valve prolapse
Pneumonic for Valve area locations (from left to right, top to bottom)
The _____ maneuver will decrease intensity of AS murmur
W/ Class I ACC/AHA valvular disease, symptomatic and no prior ______, then they need an _____
Class IIa ACC/AHA valve disease - if ______ ok to go with surgery
Dont do _______ ______ ________ __________ w/ class IIb ACC/AHA valve disease
percutaneous mitral balloon commissurotomy
SA node bpm
SA conduction speed through atrium
AV node delay time
.15 second delay
Speed of conduction at AV node
.05 m/sec
Bundles speed of conduction
2 m/sec
V escape rhythm bpm
Av node bpm
What is a bundle branch block?
Ventricles are depolarized at different times
Pacemaker cell resting Vm
-70 mV
Ventricular myocyte resting Vm
-90 mV
What 4 ions responsible for action potential?
Na, K, Cl, Ca
PVC is an _________ arrhythmia
Increased sympathetic activity usually causes what arrhythmia?
BiV pacemaker may not have ____ mode
Async mode
Dont order pre-op ______ if pacer depend. No point
Detsky Modified Cardiac risk index 2 worst things
-Critical AS
-Class 4 Angina
With DM pts, always check _____
Hbg A1C
Most detailed cardiac assessment tool
NSQIP MI/Cardiac Arrest Risk Calculator (MICA)
Functional capacity = ______ ________
cardiac reserve
You want MET > ____ before surgery
MET > 4
MET = ______ _________
Metabolic equivalents
Highest surgical risk procedures (list a few)
Emergency surgery
Prolonged Procedures with fluid shifts
Total hip replacements
Emergency neurohormone resembling atrial natriuretic peptide but synthesized primarily in the ventricles
Secreted in response to increased ventricular volume, pressure overload, or increased wall tension
Can be used in diagnosis of CHF; values rise and fall in response to exacerbation and resolution of CHF
Recommended according to the ACC/AHA Guidelines for Mgmt of HF
B-type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP)
BNP <100
BNP 100-300
HF present
BNP 300-600
Mild HF
BNP 600-900
Moderate HF
BNP >900
Severe HF
Marker for inflammation produced in the liver and smooth muscle cells
risk of atherothrombosis
May predict MI, CVA, PVD, sudden cardiac death
Information independent of other risk factors
Acute care
predict early and late mortality in acute ischemia
useful in chest pain mgmt with negative troponin levels
C-reactive protein
Very sensitive and specific indicators of damage to the myocardium
Differentiate between unstable angina or MI in patients with chest pain or ACS. can also occur in patients with coronary vasospasm
Marker of all heart muscle damage, not just MI
ACC/AHA 2014 Recommendations for MI surveillance and Mgmt - Class I - Troponin and cardiac workup needed?
ACC/AHA 2014 Recommendations for MI surveillance and Mgmt - Class III - Troponin and cardiac workup needed?
No benefit
BNP currently 500. You see they have been 1000s in the past. You worried?
ACC/AHA classes (this is true for all types). Class I = tx or testing needed?
Class III = tx or testing needed?
Class I = needed
Class III = not indicated
*this is true for all classification types under ACC/AHA
ST depression and t wave inversion – abnormality of ___________
Least invasive, most cost-effective method of detecting ischemia
Exercise electrocardiography
With the evaluation of LV fx, increased number of abnormal segments = _______ risk
increased risk
You MUST inform patients of their _____
risks/informed consent
You MUST document that you informed patients of their ______
risks/informed consent
Cardiac patients must be _______ treated for hemodynamic changes
aggressively treated
Assess ejection fraction and valvular function
Limited predictive value - failure to detect all IHD
Resting ECHO
If heart is taking up more than ____ of the chest on an x-ray then there is concern
Kerley-B lines (pulmonary vascular markings) = _______ ______
pulmonary edema
Type of ECHO:
Can assess static function and/or dynamic function
Hibernating or stunned myocardium
High sensitivity and specificity for perioperative cardiac death and MI
Should not be used for patients with severe arrhythmias, significant hypertension, large thrombus-laden aortic aneurysms, or hypotension
Dobutamine stress ECHO
A new _BB block does not go to OR
LBB block
Must be evaluated
_____ pattern on EKG doesn’t not go to OR
Strain pattern
EKG for low risk surgery?
Low positive predictive value but high negative predictive value. What does this mean?
What is an example of this with cardiac workup?
Won’t tell us that they have a certain problem but will tell us that they dont
ex. exercise electrocardiography
when the ventricle muscle contracts it “flops opposite ways”
Ventricle doesn’t contract much
Ventricle doesn’t contract at all
_______ ECHO is not useful to predict abnormalities under OR stress
this type ECHO has high sensitivity and specificity for perioperative cardiac death and MI
Dobutamine stress echo
Dont do ________ _____ ECHO for AS pts
Dobutamine stress echo
Thalium-201 or cardiolyte are the ______ for exercise nuclear imaging
Agents to use to increase demand during Pharmacologic Stress Thallium Imaging?
Coronary vasodilators - Adenosine and Persantine (dipridamole)
Inotropes (increase demand)
Would you rather have a fixed or reversible cardiac defect?
Gold Standard for defining coronary anatomy
Cardiac Angiography
Know PP slide 129 normal PA cath values
Know slide 129 on PP
Best monitor for looking at the heart on the spot in the Or
Look at PP slide 135 for a few considerations w/ anesthetic techniques regarding different surgeries
PP slide 135