Cardiac 2 Flashcards
Colloid Osmotic pressure
Pressure in vessels caused by build up of proteins
Pulls water into circulatory system
Distal Ischemia
Caused by obstruction in the ARTERIAL system
Caused by obstruction in the VENOUS system
Ischemic Stroke
Embolus leaving the LEFT VENTRICLE
Pulmonary Embolus
Embolus leaving RIGHT VENTRICLE
Sudden involuntary constriction of muscle that results in obstruction to flow
Angina, hemorrhagic stroke, migranes
Inflammation of the intima of artery
Inflammation of the lining of a vein
Inflammatory process of autoimmune origin in arteries
Mechanical Compression
Obstruction of blood flow caused by trauma, tight casts or dressings etc.
Fat build up (plaque) in arteries that lead to serious heart problems
Buerger’s Disease
inflammation of arteries and veins of the extremities
Inaccurate blood flow to extremities
Cyanosis and necrosis of finger tips…associated with smoking
Raynaud Syndrome
vasoconstriction of arteries in fingers in response to the cold and stress
Spasms of fingers, tips change colors red, white, and blue
abnormal widening or ballooning of an artery due to weakness in wall of BV.
Commonly happens in aorta and brain
Classifications of aneurysms
True: All three layers involved
Saccular: Weakening on one side of the vessel
Fusiform: Weakening of both sides of the vessel
False: At least one layer of the vessel is unaffected
Dissecting: Tear in vessel wall, creates channel of blood flow between the layers of the vessel
Acute Arterial Occlusion
Absence of arterial circulation due to thrombus, trauma, too tight cast etc.
6 P’s:
- Pallor
- Paraesthesia
- Paralysis
- Pain
- Polar
- Pulselessness
Varicose veins
Over stretching of valves from venous pressure resulting in backflow of blood