Cardiac Flashcards
Specificity of troponin
cTnI > cTnT (TnC not useful as a cardiac marker)
Diagnosis of MI
Biochemical evidence + 1 clinical evidence (symptoms / ECG change / Echocardiogram / intracoronary thrombus)
Classification of MI
Type 1: ACS
Type 2: causes other than ACS
Type 3: SCD before biomarkers measured
Type 4,5: Procedure related
Kinetics of hsTn
onset of elevation: 30~60 mins
Peak: 24~48h
Normalisation: 5~14d
DDx of elevation of troponin
Cardiac: Iatrogenic / trauma, myocarditis / pericarditis, CHF
Non-cardiac: PE, renal failure, spesis
(cTnT: myositis)
Marker to distinguish HF from other causes of dyspnea
DDx of elevated BNP
cardiac: HF, LVH, ACS, AF
non-cardiac: pulmonary PT, renal failure, cirrhosis, hyperaldosteronism, Cushing, sepsis
Cardiac application of hsCRP
marker of atherosclerotic process
Secondary causes of hyperlipidaemia
DM, hypothyroidism
nephrotic syndrome, cholestasis, alcohol…
Score for cardiovascular risk (what is it calculating for?)
Framingham risk score
(10-year risk of developing CHD)
What sample tube should be used for lipid profile?
Li heparin tube
<5, <1.7, >1, <3
Formula for indirect LDL-C (name)
Friedewald formula:
LDL-C = TC - HDL-C - TG/2.2
MC primary hyperlipidaemia (What are the genes (3)?)
Familial hypercholesterolemia (AD)
Diagnostic criteria for familial hypercholesterolaemia
DLCN (Dutch Lipid Clinic Network criteria)
Gene for sitosterolaemia
What is CHADS-VASc score?
To determine thromboembolic risk in AF patient
CHF, HT, Age (>75), DM, Stroke,
Vascular diseases, Age (65-74), Sex
Which secondary cause(s) of hyperlipidaemia give rise to elevated TG only?
alcoholism, CKD
Which secondary cause(s) of hyperlipidaemia give rise to elevated TC only?
hypothyroidism, cholestasis, nephrotic syndrome
Which secondary cause(s) of hyperlipidaemia give rise to elevated TC and TG?
DM, nephrotic syndrome
Why does nephrotic syndrome lead to hyperlipidaemia?
hypoproteinaemia –> ↑ synthesis of lipoprotein in liver to compensate
Gene for autosomal recessive familial hypercholesterolaemia