Card Game Flashcards
Problems and Programmers Card Game
- Simulates the software development process
- Players who follow proper SENG practices are rewarded
- Players taking risks and cutting corners are punished.
- Players frollow the waterfall model. (5-step version which divides implementation into 2 steps)
- Players can move on to the next stage at their own pace.
- Moving back a stage instigates a penalty.
- The decisions in each stage will affect the player later on in the game.
- Complexity:
- How many time points a programmer needs to spend to complete one piece of good code.
- 2 or 4
- Length:
- How many code cards must be completed
- Quality:
- How many code cards will be drawn from your final project during the product delivery stage
- Budget:
- How much money you will have to spend on the project.
The Decks
Code Deck:
- Contains code cards with colored backs. (Rushed or non-rushed code)
Document Deck:
- Contains document cards with blank backs. (Clear or Unclear)
Main Deck:
- Contains problems cards, concept cards and programmer cards.
- Salary - Programmers with higher salaries take up more budget
- Skill - the number of time points that a programmer gets per turn. Every action that a programmer takes requires a certain number of time points. Rated on a 1 - 5 skale with 5 being the best.
- Personality - The programmer’s tendency to be a good worker. Rated on a scale of 1 - 5. The lower, the more vulnerable.
- Criteria - What conditions must be met for you to be able to play this card on a given opponent.
- Criteria Abbreviation - This act as a quick reference for the card’s criteria
- Effect - The effect on the player or programmer that this problem is played on. Most are used then immediately discarded. Persistent problems are placed in play and hassle their recipients.
- Effect - what this concept card does
- Cost - some concepts have a cost. THis is treated in the same manner as a programmer’s salary and cannot be played if it would go over budget.
Player’s Actions
Choose whether to move on
Draw cards (Up to 5 in hand at a time)
Take action based on your stage
Play programmer and concept cards
Discard cards you don’t need
Requirements Stage
- Take 2 cards from the document deck
- May take one or both of these to replace an existing unclear document
- Can choose any number of requirements (Good maximum is six)
Design Stage
- Take two cards from the documentation deck
- Take one or both of these cards to replace an existing unclear documentation card.
- Again good maximum is 6.
Implementation Stage
- Problems: Each player may play one problem card.
- Decide: if you have inetraged code cards equal to or greater than the length of your project.
- Choose to move on to delivery phase.
- Cards may or may not have bugs.
- Implement:
- Each programmer may take actions.
Programmer Options
Program Good Code (Cost = Complexity of your project)
Program Rush Code (Cost = Half the project’s complexity, rounding
Inspect Code (Cost = 1 skill point)
Fix a Bug (Cost = 1 skill point)
Problems: Each other player may play one problem card on you if you meet its criteria
Each turn: take all of the code cards above one of the programmers and put them in a separate column to the right of all programmers.
Product Delivery Stage
- Take all of your code cards and turn them face down.
- Mix up their order
- One opposing player may choose to cut the pile once
- REveal cards off of the top of the pile equal to your quality
- If none of them are bugs, YOU WIN!
- If any of them are bugs
- nasty bugs: YOU LOSE!
- simple or normal bugs: place all code cards over one programmer.