carboxylic acids Flashcards
What is the test for a carboxylic acid?
Add NaHCO3, fizzing
Why does BP increases with chain length?
More carbons= more VDW bonds. They also contain the OH group so can form H bonds
Why does solubility decrease with chain length?
they have a hydrophobic nature which increases as more carbons are added
How does an ammonium salt of a carboxylic acid react with FeCl3(aq)?
Red-brown colouration
How does benzoic acid react with FeCl3(aq)?
Buff colouration
How is an aliphatic carboxylic acid formed from an alcohol?
A 1* alcohol is refluxed with H+/K2Cr2O7
How is an aromatic carboxylic acid formed?
The side chain of an aromatic compound is oxidised with alkaline potassium permanganate(VII) and then acidified with HCl to release the acid
How is an ester hydrolysed? (acid)
In acid hydrolysis the ester bond is broken using water and dilute H2SO4 forming a carboxylic acid and an alcohol
How is an ester hydrolysed? (alkaline)
In alkaline hydrolysis the ester bond is broken using sodium hydroxide forming a sodium salt of the carboxylic acid and an alcohol
How are carboxylic acid reduced?
Add LiAlH4 to form a primary alcohol
What is the decarboxylation of a carboxylic acid?
The acid is heated strongly with soda lime to form an alkane and sodium carbonate
How is amide formed from a carboxylic acid?
React acid with basic ammonia to give ammonium carboxylate salt. Heat the salt at 120* to form the amide.
Heat the amide with phosphorous (V) oxide