Carboxylic Acid Derivatives Flashcards
Amides, esters and anhydrides are all carboxylic acid derivatives formed by a ______ reaction with a carboxylic acid.
THe leaving molecule is _____ from the _____ group and a hydrogen coming from the nucleophile.
Gen Formula: RCONR2
-oic acid suffix replaced with -amide suffix
alkyl substituents on the nitrogen atom are prefixes specified with the letter N
ex: N-ethyl-N-methylbutanamide
synthesized by carboxylic acid + amine/ammonia
only primary and secondary amines
cyclic amides are called lactams
Boiling points of amides are either _____ or _____ as carboxylic acids due to lack of ______
same level
H bonding
carboxylic acid + alcohol
Prefix is the substituent bonded to the Oxygen with suffix -oate
ex: ethyl ethanoate
cyclic esters are called lactones
Fischer Esterification
under acidic conditions carboxylic acids and alcohols will condense in esters
1) carbonyl O attacks H+
2) alcohol O attacks carbonyl carbon and pi bond electrongs go to carbonyl O making alcohol
3) carboxylic hydroxyl takes H from newly attached alcohol
4) water leaves as carbonyl is formed again by top O losing H
cyclic amides
cyclic esters
Because they ______ hydrogen bonding, esters have ____ boiling points than carboxylic acids.
storage of fats
esters of long chain cab=rboxylic acids and glycerol
Acidification of soap _____ the fatty acids.
Anhydrides/Acid Anyhydrides
condensation dimers of 2 carboxylic acids
Gen For: RC(O)OC(O)R (two carbonyls seperated by O in middle)
symetrical anhydrides are named by changing acid to anhydride
ex: ethanoic anyhydride
asymmetrical anhydrides are named by labeling chains alphabetically and then adding anhydride
ex: ethanoic propanoic anyhydride
Anhydride Formation
1) carboxylic hydroxyl attaks carbonyl carbon which gives pi electrongs to carbonyl Oxygen
2) H+ comes and bonds to hydroxyl group and takes away water, O- not gives electrons back for the double bond
Certain cyclic anhydrides can be formed through ________. This is driven forward by the ________ of the newly formed rings, hence only ____ or ____ membered rings are made.
heating carboxylic acids
increased stability
Anyhydrides have ______ boiling points than carboxylic acids because of _______
increased weight
Relative reactivity of Derivatives
Most to least reactive
anyhydrides > esters > amides
resonance stabilization + 3 electron withdrawing oxygens are very electrophilic
lack one less elecron withdrawing oxygen
amino group is electron donating which is less reactive
Steric Effects
size of substituents impact reaction
can be used to advantage as if we want an Sn1 reaction, we can use a tertiary substrate ad to ceate protecting groups
sizee and substitution of the leaving group of carboxylic acid derivative can affect ability of nucleophile to access the carbonyl carbon
Electronic Effects: Induction
distribution of charge across pi bonds
dipoles are made as electrons from pi bond may be pulled more closely to the electronegative atom
this dipole being made can increase chance for nucleophillic attack (+ for the carbonyl carbon)
hence Anyhydrides > Amides as N is less electronegative than oxygen so the carbonyl carbon is more positive for the anhydride
Electronic Effects: Conjugation
presence of alternating single and multiple bonds
all atoms are either sp2 or sp hybridized and have unhybridized p orbitals
this causes delocalization of electrons as p orbitals align leading to resonance and sharing of electrons and more stable compounds
***once nucelophile bonds, this allows for positive charge stabilization so the compounds are more susceptible to nucelophilic attacks
Strain in Cyclic Derivatives
certain lactams and lactones are more reactive to hydrolysis because they contain more strain
ex: 4 membered rings have significantly high ring strain
ring strain and reactivity is increased by fusion to a second ring by reducing resonance and making hydrolysis more likely
Anyhydride Cleavage Reaction
splits anyhdride in two with a carboxylic acid leaving group
with ammonida, formation is amide + carboxylic acid
with an alcohol, formation is ester + carboxylic acid
with water, formation is 2 carboxylic acids
1) nucelophile (say ammonia) attacks a carbonyl carbon, carbonyl oxygen becomes O-
2) center O strips H from the nucleophile
3) positive OH splits off with a carbonyl carbon to make carboxylic acid, O- gives back electrons to form pi bond
in this case results are a carboxylic acid and amide
alcohol acts as nuclephile to displace an esterifying group
aka new ester is made with a new R’
Hydrolysis of Amides
under acidic conditions via nucleophilic substitution
carbonyl ocygen becomes protonated making it more susceptible to nucleophilic attack by water
produces carboxylic acid and ammonia (literally reverse of amide formation)
1) water attacks carbonyl carbon and pi bonds go make protonated carbonyl O to just OH
2) proton protonates NH2 to NH3 making it a leaving group and first OH gives electrons to make pi bond
3) H from positive carbonyl O dissociates
Hydrolysis can occur in basic conditions bu oxygen isnt protonated, nucleophile is a hydroxide ion, and the product is deprotonated carboxylate anion instead of carboxylic acid