Carbonates Flashcards
Composed of a carbon atom centrally located in an equilateral triangle of oxygen atoms.
Ratio of Carbonates
How does Carbonates form
When water is supersaturated with Ca & Co3
Industrial uses of Carbonates
Drug developments
Glass making
Pulp and paper industry
3 Sub Groups of Carbonates
General Formula of Calcite
Latin word of Calcite and meaning
Calx; burnt lime
How does Calcite occur?
occurs in cave and shallow waters as a vein mineral
Crystal System and Distinguishing Feature of Calcite
Trigonal, 3 in hardness
Alias of Calcite
Iceland Spar
A variety of calcite consisting of scalenohedral crystals resembling a dog’s canine teeth.
Dog-tooth Spar
A lamellar variety of Calcite
Slate Spar
A variety of calcite determined by a flat pyramidal termination of the prismatic crystals, resembling a nailhead.
Nailhead Spar
An optically clear form of Calcite
Iceland Spar
A fibrous variety of calcite which, when struck, emits an odor like that of truffles.
A variety of calcite distinguished by a foul odor emitted upon fracturing by inclusions of H2S
Crystal System and Distinguishing Feature of Gaspeite
Trigonal, light green
Crystal System and Distinguishing Feature of Magnesite
Trigonal, Rhombohedral Cleavage
Serves as a refractory mineral for the steel industry
Obsolete name for an Fe bearing variety of magnesite
Colloidal gel form of Magnesite
Crystal System and Distinguishing Feature of Otavite
Crystal System and Distinguishing Feature of Rhodochrosite
Trigonal, Effervescence; Pink
Alias of Rhodochrosite
Inca Rose
Uses of Rhodochrosite
Yellowish brown to gray banded ferro-zinciferous variety of rhodochrosite.
A ferroan (iron-bearing) variety of Rhodochrosite
Crystal System and Distinguishing Feature of Siderite
Trigonal, Brown
Alias of Siderite
Clay iron stone; Black band ore
An unnecessary name for a manganoan variety of Siderite
Obsolete name for a Mg-bearing variety of siderite
A fine grained, concretionary variety of siderite.
A fibrous variety of siderite
Wood iron
Crystal System and Distinguishing Feature of Smithsonite
Trigonal, Double refraction; white
Alias of Smithsonite
Zinc Spar
A Cu-bearing variety of smithsonite
A variety of massive or botryoidal smithsonite with a dull, dry, porous appearance.
Dry Bone Ore
A ferroan variety of Smithsonite
Crystal System and Distinguishing Feature of Spherocobaltite
Trigonal, Magenta Red
Alias of Spherocobaltite
Members of this group have a crystal structure similar to that of calcite.
Dolomite Group
Crystal System and Distinguishing Feature of Dolomite
Trigonal, Saddle-shaped curved crystal
Dark or black iron rich dolomite
A ferroan variety of Dolomite
A Co2 bearing variety of dolomite
A manganoan variety of Dolomite
Crystal System and Distinguishing Feature of Ankerite
Trigonal, Brown color
Alias of Ankerite
Brown Spar
Greyish-white variety of ankerite
A manganese-bearing variety of ankerite
Crystal System and Distinguishing Feature of Kutnohorite
Trigonal, Pink or Light brown color
Crystal System and Distinguishing Feature of Minrecordite
Trigonal, white
Crystal System and Distinguishing Feature of Skachaite
Trigonal, pink with a distinct rhombohedral cleavage
Minerals in this group form in low-temperature hydrothermal environments, as well in sedimentary rocks and caves.
Aragonite Group
Crystal System and Distinguishing Feature of Aragonite
Fluorescence in blue, pink, yellow.
Alias of Aragonite
Arragon Spar
made of the fossilized shells of ammonites
White or yellowish aragonite that occured with the pisolite habitus
A helictitic, sometimes coral-like variety of Aragonite
Flos Ferri
Crystal System and Distinguishing Feature of Cerussite
Orthorhombic, Fluorescent
Alias of Cerussite
Lead Spar
Crystal System and Distinguishing Feature of Strontianite
Orthorhombic, Fluoresces blue or bluish-white
Alias of Strontianite
Strontian Spar
Crystal System and Distinguishing Feature of Witherite
Orthorhombic, Fluorescent whitish-blue
Crystal System and Distinguishing Feature of Azurite
Monoclinic, Deep blue color
Alias of Azurite
Mixture of blue Azurite and green Malachite
Crystal System and Distinguishing Feature of Malachite
Monoclinic, Perfect in one direction cleavage
Alias of Malachite
Atlas Ore
Crystal System and Distinguishing Feature of Gaylussite
Monoclinic, Greyish white
Crystal System and Distinguishing Feature of Huntite
Trigonal, White
Crystal System and Distinguishing Feature of Natrite
Alias of Natrite
Sodium Carbonate