Carbonater Flashcards
Hvilke to typer carbonat-sten findes?
Limestone: CaCO3 reacts with Hal
– calcite or aragonite
Dolomite: CaMG(CO3)2 doesn’t react with HCl at low T
Mixed carbonate-siliciclastic rocks (3 types)
Hvad kaldes de 3 typer af mixed carbonate-siliciclastic rocks?
Rudite: Conglomerate (calcirudite)
Arenite: Sandy calcarenite
Pelite: Marl (calcipelite)
Hvad består carbonate rocks af?
Components (allochemes) +/- matrix + cement
Matrix = micrite
Cement = sparit (calcite crystals)
Main allochemes:
- Bioclasts (skeletal material)
- Ooids
- Peloids
- Intraclasts
Hvad er sparit?
Carbonate cement.
Looks like grey glass; kinda transparent.
The only type of cement that you can see with the naked eye.
Hvad er crinoider?
Hvad er bivalves?
Asymmetriske pr. låg - men de to låg er symmetriske!
Hvad er brachiopoder?
Enkelt låg er symmetrisk, men de to låg er asymmetriske
Hvad er gasteropoder?
Hvad er ooider?
Små, kugleformede, “overtrukne” sedimentære korn.
Dannes normalt på havbunden, mest almindeligt i lavvandede tropiske hav.
Hvad er Dunham classification (texture)?
Et skema til at definere typen af sten baseret på tekstur.
Hvad er biogen silica?
Main components ? SiO2
Diatoms –> diatomite (light, white)
Sponge spicules –> spiculite (rare)
Radiolaria –> radiolarite (like micrite, don’t fizz)
Chert, flint (diagenetic) –> conchoidal fracture
Hvordan klassificeres kul (%C)?
Organisk terrestrisk materiale (planter)
Tørv (50% C) –> brunkul (70% C) –> stenkul (85% C) –> antracit (95% C)
Peat -> lignite -> bituminous coal -> anthracite coal
Flydende: petroleums-olie
I hvilken rækkefølge dannes mineraler ved fordampning af vand?
Calcit (CaCO3)
Gips (CaSO4)
Halit (NaCl)
K- og Mg-salte
Hvordan klassificeres pyroklastiske sten? (tephra)
Consolidated = pyroclasts
Unconsolidated = tephra
> 64 mm = block, bomb = pyroclastic breccia
2-64 mm = lapillus = lapillituff
< 2 mm = coarse ash = coarse-grained tuff
< 1/16 mm = fine ash ? fine-grained tuff
Hvordan klassificeres ore stones?
Ore content > 15% (mainly iron)
Very dense
Colour: red, yellow, green
BIF = Precambrian Banded Iron Formation
Phanerozoic steel-rich stone
- Oolithic ironstone
- Bioclastic ironstone
- Glauconitic sandstone
Hvordan klassificeres fosfater?
P2O5-content between 5–37%
Relatively rare
Color: beige, brownish, dark grey
Sticks to the tongue
Phosphatic pebble
Phosphatic crust
Phosphatic bonebed
Bioklastic phosphorite
Phosphate-rich claystone
Phosphate-rich sandstone