Carbon Flashcards
What are some examples of carbon-rich rocks
- limestone
- chalk
Which mountain range is over a collision margin
the Himalayas
How much carboin is in the lithosphere
What are the forms of carbon in the lithosphere
- sedimentary rocks
- organic carbon
- fossil fuels
- marine sediments
how much of the worlds oxygen that humans need to breathe is produced by phytoplankton
over 50%
why do coccolithophores and foraminifera transport the most carbon to seafloor sediments
- reproduce quickly when nutrients are available
- once nutrients are used up trillions die and sink
What is a local example of limestone calcium carbonate sediments that were deep ocean sediments years ago
White Cliffs of Dover
How do the White Cliffs of Dover return carbon to the oceans
through erosion and weathering
how much carbon is stored in soil
over 2,700 Gigatonnes (Gt)
how much Gt of CO2 has been lost from the world’s soil since the dawn of agriculture
133 Gigatonnes (8% of historical stocks)
how much more food needs to be produced by 2050 to feed c.9bn people
70% more food
how much carbon does permafrost store
1,600 billion tonnes (double the atmospheric amount)
by how much has the Arctic warmed by since the 1970s
4 times the global average
what % of gas imports to the UK were from Russia in 2021
4% of the total gas supply
why does the UK have one of the most reliable and diverse energy systems in the world
has invested £90 billion since 2012
how does Norway meet 96% of its energy needs for 5 million people
exploiting its HEP resources, and offshore oil and gas fields
What % of the worlds energy demand is still met through fossil fuels
How much carbon does the City of London produce yearly
1.7 million tonnes/year
How much of the world’s oil reserves does OPEC own
2/3 (78%)
How much crude oil and natural gas does OPEC produce
- 45% of crude oil
- 15% of natural gas
How many barrels of oil did the USA produce in 2018
10 million barrels per day
how many barrels of oil are carried through the Strait of Hormuz
19 million barrels per day
What % was fracking in the USA’s gas supply in 2015
25% of gas supply
By 2020, what did Petrobas want to raise its deep sea oil production to
500,000 barrels per day
how much oil do Canada’s tarsands produce
40% of oil
until what year can nuclear waste be put in the ground in the UK
how much electricity does nuclear power provide to the UK
20% of the UK’s electricity
What is the worlds largest power plant
What % of the UK’s renewable energy mix does solar power provide to the UK
4.3% of the UK’s renewable energy mix
what does one rotation of a Hornsea wind turbine do
power a home for a day
How much energy is generated by the Three Gorges Dam
11% of China’s energy
How many people were displaced through the creation of the Three Gorges Dam
1.3 million people
How many projects use CCS to pump oil
30 projects
How many EV’s were bought in 2021
6.6 million
Whaat could geothermal increase to in the UK’s energy mix
20% (from 0.3%)
How many deep wells are drilled in Cornwall to tap into the granite
2 deep wells
How much could tidal deliver to the UK’s electricity needs
20% of UK’s need
how much of its forest cover has Bourneo lost since 1950
50% of its forest cover
What % of the Great Plains remains intact
just over 50% (366 million acres)
What are the problems with food systems
- account for 30% of GHG emissions
- account for 80% of global deforestation
- use 70% of available freshwater
What are the impacts of deforestation on Madagascar’s atmosphere
- evapotranspiration rates of grass lands are 1/3 of tropical rainforests
- reduceed oxygen content and lower transpiration rates
- drier air
- reduced shading = more sun reaching the forest floor
What are the impacts of deforestation on Madagascar’s biosphere
- vegetation evapotranspiration is reduced
- biomass loss due to reduced plant growth and photosynthesis
- habitat decreases
- reduction in species diversity
What are the impacts of deforestation on Madagascar’s soil
- CO2 released from decaying woody material
- less interception = soil washed from hillside
- raindrop impacts washes finer particles of clay and humus away
- biomass loss due to reduced plant growth
What are the impacts of deforestation on Madagascar’s water cycle
- annual rainfall is reduced
- higher flood peaks and shorter lag times
- increased discharge
- river carrys more eroded material
- seasonality of rainfall is reduced
how much carbon has the ocean absorbed since 1800
30% of carbon produced
how many armed conflicts occured in Indonesia due to land use rights in 2016
700 armed conflicts
How many Indonesians are dependent on ecosystem services for their livelihoods
99 million Indonesians
how many people rely on coral attols in the Maldives
220,000 people
how many people live near mangroves
120 million people
what % of annual protein consumption does fish provide 3 billion people
16% of annual protein consumption