Carbohydrate Feeding- After Exercise W3 Flashcards
What is classified as short-term recovery?
0-8 hours
What is classified as long-term recovery?
8-24 hours
What is the rate limiting enzyme in glycogen synthesis in skeletal muscle?
Glycogen synthase
What is the general carbohydrate target for athletes during light exercise intensity?
3-5 g/kg/d
What is the general carbohydrate target for athletes during moderate exercise intensity?
5-7 g/kg/d
What is the general carbohydrate target for athletes during high exercise intensity?
6-10 g/kg/d
What is the general carbohydrate target for athletes during very high exercise intensity?
8-12 g/d
What are the 2 phases of glycogen re-synthesis?
Rapid phase= Insulin independent
Slow phase= Insulin dependent
What is glycogen synthesis post exercise (4-6h) dependent on?
Carbohydrate Intake
What value of carbohydrate intake cause little or no benefit to the glycogen synthesis?
Above 1.2 g/kg bw/h
What type of carbohydrate provides a readily available source of substrate for glycogen synthesis?
Carbohydrate-rich foods with a moderate-to-high glycaemic index
What has a greater 6hour synthesis rate in the liver out of glucose and fructose-glucose ?
Fructose-glucose (8.1- 0.6 g/h)
During short-term exercise recovery, how can replenishment of glycogen stores be accelerated?
Fructose is co-ingested carbohydrates alongside glucose-based carbohydrates
What can enhance subsequent time-to-fatigue?
Fructose co-ingested with glucose in recovery from exercise
What is the difference in glycogen synthesis within the first 2 hours post exercise after CHO diet was intaken?
3-fold higher