Carb Utilization Flashcards
Embden Meyerhoff Pathway also called:
common to?
what does it have to do with?
regulated by?
AEC and concentration levels:
also called fructose bisphosphate aldolase
common to a great number of microorganisms
carbs, phosphorylation and the CM
regulated by the energy status of the cell (AEC or adenylate energy charge)
AEC= high ATP concentration = positive, energy demand met
AEC= high AMP & ADP concentration= energy demand not being met
How is the AEC calculated?
and it is a reflection of?
the AEC is calculated from concentrations of adenine nucleotides (ATP + 1/2ADP)/(ATP+ADP+AMP)
it is a reflection of metabolic potential available to an organism
various physiological and biochemical methods have been propoed for assessing the effects of environmental perturbation
the energy charge may be a useful measure in the assessment of environmental impact.
a nucleotide that is?
its also a?
currency of?
also part of the?
incorporated into?
About energy?
a nucleotide that is multifunctional
currency of intracellular energy transfer
signal transduction (kinases, adenylate cyclase)
incorporated into nucleic acids by polymerases
ATP: AMP represents how much enegy is available to a cell, and control of the pathways that produce and consume ATP
whats an optimum range for AEC?
what doesnt affect the AEC value?
an operationally dead value is?
enzymes dont react to AEC but rather?
why is this useful?
.85-.95, and it doesn vary as a function of growth rate
changes abrupting from aerobic to anaerobic doesnt affect the AEC but very little.
.5 is operationally dead
enzymes respond to the concentrations of total adenylates
a good mathematical tool to observe responses of many adenylate-regulated enzymes.
4 important reactions:
1) phosphorylation of glucose and fructose-6-phosphate by ATP
2) cleavage of fructose-1,6-biphosphate to trioses by a specific aldolase
3) structural rearrangements
4) oxidation-reduction and Pi assimilation
Increase/decrease in AEC for ATP regenerating or utilizing enzymes?
to keep the charge from falling there would be an increase in the regeneration of ATP, and a decrease in rates of sequences that use ATP
glucose is metabolized to generate:
hexomonophosphate, entner-duordoroff, and phosphoketolase pathways supply?
glucose metabolized to generate pyruvate, NADH, and ATP
hezomonophosphate, entner-duordoroff, and phosphoketolase pathways supply intermediates not generated by EMP
pentose phosphate pathway:
ubiquitous pathway for?
function is threefold?
divided into 2 phases:
ubiquitous pathway in bacteria and eukaryotes
1) generate NADPH for reducing power in reductive biosynthesis
2) to convert 3 and 6 carbon sugar phosphates for the glycolytic pathway into ribose-5-phosphate for nucleotide biosynthesis
3) to provide erythrose-4-phosphate a precursor for aromatic amino acid synthesis (sedoheptulose)
dividied into two phases, oxidative and non oxidative
formation of two important biosynthetic precursors?
precursors to?
formation of two important biosynthetic presursors: sedoheptulose-7 P and Erythrose-4-P
precursors to aromatic amino acids
Hexose monophosphate pathway:
major pathway for microbes that utilize?
provides pentose-5-phosphate, erythrose-4-phosphate, and NADPH (biosynthesis)
major pathway for microbes that utilize pentoses and use primarly when a microbe lacks a complete TCA or glycolytic cycle
catabolism of glucose to?
Most bacteria use?
there are a few bacteria that?
NET yields of ATP for?
catabolism of glucose to pyruvic acid using a different set of enzymes from those used in either glycolsis or the pentose phosphate pathway
most bacteria use glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway
there are a few bacteria that substitute glycolysis with the entner-duodoroff pathway
glyolysis has a net yield of 2 ATP for every one gluce
ED has a net yield of 1 ATP for every glucose molecule
major fermentation pathway:
conversion to?
phosphoketolase pathway is a major fermentation pathway
conversion to pentose sugars serves as a major source of NADP
many microbes store glycogen as a?
a number of genes encoding catabolic, biosynthetic, and amphibolic enzymes are?
many microbes store glycogen as a reserve
form using ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase and glycogen synthase
a number of genes encoding catabolic, biosynthetic, and amphibolic enzymes are transciptionally regulated by a complex catabolite repression-activation mechanism that involves EIIB of PTS
need for?
need for G6P
PEP synthetase, pyruvate-phosphate dikinase (from pyruvate), PEP carboxykinase (from oxaloacetate)
three fates of pyruvate produced by glycolysis:
lactic acid fermentation
alcoholic fermentation
aerobic oxidation:
citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation
G6P from? and precursor to?
F6P from? and precursor to?
R5P from? and precursor to?
Triose-phosphate from? and precursor to?
Acetyl-CoA from? and precursor to?
G6P from EMP, polysaccharides
F6P from EMP, murein
R5P from HMP, Nucleic Acids
Triose-phosphate from EMP, Lipids
Acetyl-CoA from pyruvate, fatty acids
3-phosphoglycerate, phoshoenolpyruvate, and pyruvate all from what and precursors to?
amino acids
2-ketoglutarate, Succinyl-CoA, and Oxaloacetate
all from what?
and make?
amino acids
and makes?
from HMP
amino acids