Caprine Industry Flashcards
Leading goat dairy state
Leading meat goat state
X number of dairy goats in U.S. produced Y amount of milk (USDA 2012)
400,000 , 23 million lbs
Number of goats raised for Mohair
Oldest dairy goat breed, with a record of 7965 lbs milk production
Toggenburg (goat breed) is the _____
The record for milk production is _____
Oldest dairy goat breed
7965 lbs
Most numerous dairy goat breed in U.S., with low milk quantity and high butterfat %
Nubian (goat breed) is the _____ _____ dairy breed, whose milk is ____ ______ with ____ ______
Most numerous dairy breed, low milk quantity with high butterfat %
Goat Breed with no dewlap and erect ears
French alpine
French Alpine (goat breed) list two physical characteristics
No dewlap
Erect ears
When were goats domesticated
12000 years ago
How many goats in the US today
3 million
Wisconsin is the leading ____ goat state
Texas is the leading ____ goat atate
Toggenburg goats have what coloration and other identifying features? (4 answers)
Light to dark chocolate coloring
Leg and rump white
2 white stripes down face
What goat breed has light to dark chocolate coloring, wattles, two white stripes down the face, and white legs and rump?
Nubian goats are a mix of what breeds?
List four physical characteristics
British x Egyptian x Indian
Pendulant ears, roman nose
Unusually short haired
What goat breed is a mix of British, Egyptian, and Indian breeds?
What goat breed has pendulant ears, a roman nose, are unusually short haired, and are polled?
Saanen goats are the _______ ______ goat breed, known as the “______ of _____ goats”.
What kind of milk do they produce?
Largest dairy goat breed
Holsteins of dairy goats
Large amounts of low fat milk
What large dairy goat breed is known as the holsteins of dairy goats, producing large amounts of low fat milk?
Saanen goats have what two physical characteristics?
Tufts of hair on bucks
Bucks and does can be bearded
What goat breed has Tufts of hair on the bucks, whose bucks and does can also be bearded?
La mancha goats were developed where, in what year?
List two physical characteristics they can have.
1958, in southern California
Gopher ear - 0-1 inch with no cartilage, end of ear must be turned up or down
Elf ear - max of 2 inches, ear must be turned up or down & cartilage shaping ear is allowed
What breed of goat was developed in 1958 in southern california?
La mancha
What breed of goat has two distinct ear styles, gopher ear and elf ear?
La mancha
Oberhasli goats are adapted for what terrain?
They are all _____, descended from ____ doe(s) and _____ buck(s)
High altitude
Purebred, four does and one buck
What purebred goat breed descended from four does and one buck?
What goat breed is best adapted to high altitude?
What goat breed is identified by a chamois coloring, a dorsal black stripe, two black stripes down the face to a black muzzle, and a nearly black forehead?
What goat breed is identified by black stripes from the base of each ear coming to a point behind the poll, a black belly and udders, and black legs below knees and hocks?
List physical features of the oberhasli goat breed (7 features)
Chamois coloring (bay to reddish)
Black dorsal stripe
Two black stripes down face to black muzzle
Forehead nearly black
Black stripes from base of each ear to just behind the poll
Black belly and udders
Black legs below knees and hocks
Angora goats have _____ on both sexes, produce _______, are vulnerable to ______ after ______, and the younger ________ is ______ and more valuable
Horns on both sexes
Produce mohair fleece
Vulnerable to weather after shearing
Younger fleece is softer and more valuable
What goat breed has horns on both sexes, produces mohair, is vulnerable to weather after shearing, and the younger fleece is softer and more valuable?
Cashmere goats have no true _______ or _____
Cashmere is ________
Genetic breed or registry
Soft down or winter undercoat of fiber
What type of goat has no true genetic breed or registry?
Type of goat known for soft down or winter undercoat of fiber
Boer goats are from where?
What typical coloration?
What is unusual about them?
Eastern cape province of s. Africa
White color, red head, white blaze
Non seasonal breeders, ovulate 1-4 eggs per cycle, more often twins and triplets, typically 3 kids per 2 years
What goat is from cape province of South Africa, with a white color, red head, and white blaze?
Boer goats
What goat breed are non seasonal breeders, ovulating 1-4 eggs per cycle and averaging 3 kids per 2 years?
Boer goats
Spanish goats are used for what two purposes? What are some physical characteristics?
Brush clearance and meat production
Body shape and horns are not consistent
What goat breed has inconsistent body shape and horns shape? They are commonly used for meat and brush clearance
Spanish goats
Spanish explorers brought these goats as a meat source on ships because they were agile, friendly, and had an easy diet.
Spanish goats
Spanish goats originated how? Why?
Spanish explorers brought them on ships as a meat source bc they were agile and friendly with an easy diet
What kind of goats are achondroplastic dwarfs, used for 4H, FFA, and as pets?
Pygmy goat
Pygmy goats are _______ goats, used for what three purposes?
4H, FFA, pets
What goat breed is resistant to the tsetse fly, with a high butterfat percentage?
Pygmy goats
Pygmy goats are resistant to _______
The tsetse fly
How many goats are equivalent to one cow in milk production?
7 goats
How many goats does it take to eat the equivalent to one cow in feed?
How often can goats be milked?
305 days a year, twice a day
What properties does goat milk have?
Why is it easier to digest?
What 5 minerals and vitamins is it higher in?
Smaller fat globules make emulsion easier
Has casein for digestion
Higher in Ca, P, Vit A, Vit E, and some B complex vitamins
How many compartments to a goat’s stomach?
What should they eat?
How much of their bodyweight, and how much for cows?
4 compartments
brushy plants, forbs(broadleaf plants), and grass
5-7% of BW vs 3-3.5% of BW for cows
Can goats milk pick up odors from feed?
Yes. onions, garlic, silage, etc.
How long do goats gestate?
What kind of breeders are they? Why?
144-155 days gestation
Short day breeders - need melatonin to stimulate GnRH.
Retina receiving abundant light inhibits melatonin production.
How long is the goat estrous cycle?
21 days
What effect in goats controls the phenotype of more than one trait? What two traits are examples?
Pleiotropic effect. Polled and hermaphroditism.
List 6 neonatal care practices in goats
Ensure they drink Colostrum,
Dip navel in iodine,
Wean after 6-12 weeks
Employ creep feeding
Disbud after 3-14 days
Castrate after 2-5 days
Are goats social animals?
Yes. Don’t isolate them.