Bovine D&D Flashcards
Anthrax (cause, 3 initial symptoms, 2 intermediate symptoms, 2 advanced symptoms)
-Bacteria in soil
-Depression, reluctance to move, temp. of 107
-Rapid breathing, congested membranes
-Blood from orifices
Blackleg (cause, 4 symptoms)
-Soil and intestinal tract
-Inflamed muscles, toxemia, gassy swelling under skin, dragging leg
Brucellosis (Bang’s Disease) (1 alternate name, 2 things about it, 2 symptoms)
-Undulant Fever in humans
-Zoonotic, Vet. vaccinated
-Abortion after 5th month or Orchitis
Calf Diptheria (cause)
Fusobacterium Necrophorum (same as foot rot)
Foot and Mouth Disease (1 symptom, 2 things about it)
-Vesicles on the mouth, feet, udder
-Highly contagious, reportable
Foot Rot (1 alternate name, 1 cause)
-Interdigital Phlegmon
-Fusobacterium Necrophorum
Johne’s Disease (2 external symptoms, 2 internal symptoms, 4 transmission vectors)
-Diarrhea and emaciation
-Thickening or folding of intestinal wall
-Semen, milk, feces, or placenta
Lumpy Jaw (1 alternate name, 1 external cause, 1 internal cause)
-Sharp objects
-Infection of the jaw that causes proliferation
Wooden Tongue (1 alternate name, 1 cause)
-Sharp objects
IBR, Red Nose (1 full name, 1 cause, 2 symptoms)
-Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
-Bovine Herpesvirus
-Abortion and infection of the upper airway and trachea
BVD (1 full name, 2 symptoms)
-Bovine Viral Diarrhea
-Abortion and diarrhea
Cryptosporidiosis (2 things about it, 1 alternate name)
-Affects calves one to four weeks old
Lice (Describe lice & their two types, four locations where they commonly appear)
-Wingless, flattened insects
-Sucking and biting
-Nect, back, face, and udder
-Sucking louse - pointed mouth parts
-Biting louse - rounded head with chewing mandibles
Mites (1 alternate name, two types of mites, two symptoms of mites)
-Chorioptic and sarcoptic
-Pruritus, Alopecia
Coccidosis (1 cause, 1 symptom)
-Bloody diarrhea
Nematodes (2 alternate names, 3 symptoms)
-Ostertagia Ostertagi
-Diarrhea, Weight loss, Anemia
Ringworm (1 cause, 2 symptoms)
-Crusting and Alopecia
Mad Cow Disease (1 alternate name, 2 similar diseases, 1 cause, one transmission vector, 1 thing about it)
-BSE, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
-Creutzfeldt-Jacob’s or Kuru are similar in humans
-Spread via bonemeal
Malignant Edema (1 cause, 1 transmission vector, 2 symptoms)
-Entrance through cuts and scratches
-Swelling in muscles, crackling sound
Pinkeye (2 causes, 3 initial symptoms, one advanced symptom)
-Flies and dust
-Ulceration of the eye, tears, photophobia
Pneumonia (1 description, 2 symptoms)
-Infection concentrated in the lungs
-Labored breathing, nasal discharge
Shipping Fever (5 causes)
-Stress from vaccination, castration, dehorning, weaning, and shipping
Tuberculosis (3 things about it)
-Respiratory disease
Hairy Foot Warts (1 symptom)
What bovine disease causes bloody diarrhea?
What disease should you vaccinate for to prevent undulant fever in humans and abortion in cattle?
Brucellosis (Bang’s disease)