Capítulo 7 - Paso 1 Gramática Flashcards
Fill in the blank with the correct demonstrative adjectives: No me gusta ni (this) _____ bufanda ni (this) __________ gorro.
esta; este
Fill in the blank with the correct demonstrative adjectives: ¿Cuánto cuesta (these) _____ calcetines? ¿Y (these) _____ gorras?
estos; estas
Fill in the blank with the correct demonstrative adjectives: (That) _____ traje es mi preferido. (That) _____ camisa es horrible.
ese; esa
Fill in the blank with the correct demonstrative adjectives: Quiero comprar (those) _____ trajes negros y (those) ______ corbatas rojas.
esos; esas
Fill in the blank with the correct demonstrative adjectives: Quiero probar (that one over there) ______ camiseta y (that one over there) _____ cinturón.
aquella; aquel
Fill in the blank with the correct demonstrative adjectives: ¿Te gustan (those over there) _____ zapatos a rayas o (those over there) _____ camisetas.
aquellos; aquellas
Fill in the blank with the correct demonstrative adjectives: ¿Qué es (this) _____? ¿Y que es (that) _____?
esto; eso
Para los verbos como gustar, ¿qué pronombres se utilizan?
Indirect object pronouns (me/te/le/nos/les)
Para los verbos como gustar, ¿qué pronombres se utilizan?
Indirect object pronouns (me/te/le/nos/les)
What are the seven gustar-like verbs we discussed?
- encantar (to love something)
- faltar (to be short of/to lack something)
- importar (to matter/to be important to someone)
- interesar (to be interested in)
- molestar (to bother/to annoy)
- parecer (to seem/to appear)
- quedar (to fit/to have left)
What adjectives do we use for quedar when describing how something fits someone?
apretado(a)(s) - (too) tight flojo(a)(s) - (too) loose grande(s) - (too) big pequeño(a)(s) - (too) small bien - well mal - poorly
What adjectives do we use for parecer?
barato(a)(s) - cheap bonito(a)(s) - pretty caro(a)(s) - expensive comodo(a)(s) - comfortable elegante(s) - elegant/fancy feo(a)(s) - ugly informal(es) - casual pasado(a)(s) de moda - out of style