Capitulo 2-5 Flashcards
to put away (to place)
to save / keep (reserve)
to keep / store (conserve)
to keep / have (nmaintain)
to guard / protect (watch over)
to sound like
you sound like a trial lawyer
parecer que
Pareces una abogada de juicio
amusement / fun
Reading is my only source of amusement.
Mi única fuente de diversión es la lectura.
I don’t know what to think
No sé qué pensar
to beg / plead
He begged the thief not to shoot.
Le suplicó al ladrón que no disparara.
Isn’t it so? / wouldn’t it ?
I thought first I had to pay and then enter. Isn’t it so?
¿No es así?
Pensaba que primero tenía que pagar y luego entrar. ¿No es así?
to write / draw up / draft
He drew up a contract that applies to both parties.
Redactó un contrato que es válido para ambas partes.
if he/she ever …
si alguna vez …
it’s none of my businessi
t’s none of your business
no es asunto mio
No es asunto tuyo
young lady
Your daughter is a lovely young lady.
Tu hija es una jovencita adorable.