Capitulo 1-2 Flashcards
by then / by that time
para entonces
the screen door
la puerta mosquitera
old-fashioned / outdated / obsolete
The furnishings and appliances are somewhat outdated
El mobilario (moh-bee-lyah-ryoh) y
los electrodomésticos están algo anticuados
out-of-style / behind the times
out of phase
to raise / to bring up
It seems that I was raised differently
Parece que me criaron de forma diferente / de otra manera
I won’t do it / He/she won’t do it
No lo haré / No lo hará
to pet (animal) / to caress (person)
The little girl was afraid to pet the dog (in the car)
acariciar (ah-kah-ree-syahr)
La niña tenía miedo de acariciar al perro
I got up, put on my robe, and went to the kitchen to make some coffee.
Me levanté, me puse mi bata y fui a la cocina a hacer café.
to guide
She wants to guide us in all that we do
Quiere guiarnos en todo lo que hacemos