Capitulo 2-2 Flashcards
to lead / to drive
This aisle leads to the emergency exit.
I was driving the car while he looked at the map
Este pasillo conduce a la salida de emergencia.
Yo conducía el coche mientras él miraba el mapa
footprint / fingerprint
The suspect was taken to the police station for fingerprinting. (They took ..)
huella / huella digital
Llevaron al sospechoso a la estación de policía para tomarle las huellas digitales.
to stop (cease movement)
to report / notify
I’ll stop there and report the theft
me detendré allí y denunciaré el robo
to be well-to-do
They come from a well-to-do family
ser acomodo
Provienen de una familia acomodada
incessantly / continuously / nonstop (w/o ceasing)
The three old ladies chatted nonstop during the whole trip.
sin cesar
Las tres ancianas charlaron sin cesar durante todo el viaje
which made them very annoying to everyone else
lo que les hacía muy molestos para los demás
The building was set back from the street
El edificio estaba alejado de la calle
ligeramente (lee-heh-rah-mehn-teh)
the housekeeper
el ama de llaves
(ah-mah deh yah-behs)
handsome / good-looking
Laura is a good-looking, intelligent girl.
Laura es una chica apuesta e inteligente.