Capítulo 10 Flashcards
To fascinate, to be fascinating (to)
We like our teachers.
Nos gustan nuestros maestros.
It seems that nobody likes to cook.
Parece que a nadie le gusta cocinar.
To suit someone, to be convenient (for)
Does it suit you to take that job?
¿Te conviene ese trabajo?
How many pages are left for us to read?
¿Cuántas páginas nos quedan por leer?
She likes the mountains.
A ella le gustan las montañas.
To study is interesting to them.
Les interesa estudiar.
To travel is enchanting to (him).
Le encanta viajar.
To live in the country is pleasing to me.
Me agrada vivir en el campo.
Maria writes a letter to her sister.
María le escribe una carta a su hermana.
Patricia is going to lend you (form) her guitar.
Patricia va a prestarle a Ud. su guitarra.
Do you like your courses?
Te gustan tus cursos?
Do y’all’s feet hurt you if you run a lot?
¿A Uds. les duelen los pies si corren mucho?
To be pleasing to
They bring coffee with milk to us.
Ellos nos traen café con leche.
Maria writes a letter to Juan.
María le escribe una carta a Juan.
The boy is going to tell them the truth.
El niño va a decirles la verdad.
They lack discipline.
A ellos les falta disciplina.
Do you all like the president?
¿A Uds. les gusta el presidente?
Nothing bothers him.
A él no le molesta nada.
To be interesting (to)
Does it bother you if someone smokes?
¿Le molesta si alguien fuma?
It’s not convenient for us to travel now.
No nos conviene viajar ahora.
To be enchanting to, to like very much
It seems that it’s going to rain.
Parece que va a llover.
To bother, to annoy
I need to take a vacation.
Me hace falta tomar unas vacaciones.
Maria writes a letter to you (form).
María le escribe una carta a Ud.
Here there is no light.
Aquí falta luz.
Do you like the sunset?
¿Te gusta la puesta del sol?
To say
To have more than enough of (sth.)
I want to lend you guys my bike.
Quiero prestarles a Uds. mi bicicleta.
Juan writes a letter to y’all.
Juan les escribe una carta a Uds.
They like hotels.
A ellos les gustan los hoteles.
I don’t have much money left.
No me queda mucho dinero.
Your teeth hurt you.
Te duelen los dientes.
He likes wine.
A él le gusta el vino.
To relate, to tell a story, to count
Instead of writing a letter to me…
En vez de escribirme una carta…
We are going to sell our friends the house.
Vamos a venderles a nuestros amigos la casa.
Who likes to clean their apartment?
¿A quién le gusta limpiar su apartamento?
She wants to tell me a story tonight.
Quiere contarme un cuento esta noche.
To count on, to rely on
Contar con
It seems to me that it’s a good school.
Me parece que es una buena escuela.
Isn’t swimming pleasing to you?
¿No te agrada nadar?
To be someone’s turn
Tocarle a alguien
Flamenco dance fascinates us.
Nos fascina el baile flamenco.
I have more than enough food for tomorrow.
Me sobra comida para mañana.
Who is going to write to their family?
¿Quién va a escribirle a su familia?
Every time it’s his turn, he loses.
Cada vez que le toca a él, pierde.
To charge (money)
We like chocolate cake.
Nos gusta la torta de chocolate.
We are going to teach him to paint.
Vamos a enseñarle a pintar.
To need (something)
Hacer falta
The programs are pleasing to (#2) you.
Te agradan los programas.
S/he is fascinated by those computers.
Le fascinan esas computadoras.
To visit Spain is enchanting to (her).
Le encanta visitar España.
Before lending you money…
Antes de prestarte dinero…
She wants to bring coffee to us.
Quiere traernos café.
Our friends are important to us.
Nos importan nuestros amigos.
My head hurts me.
Me duele la cabeza.
To be painful, to hurt
She lends him her pen.
Ella le presta su bolígrafo a él.
These drawings are fascinating to me.
Me fascinan estos dibujos.
To lend
To bring
We have 20 minutes left.
Nos quedan veinte minutos.
I like the chairs.
Me gustan las sillas.
To be left over, to remain
It’s not important to me.
No me importa.
To be lacking (sth.), to be missing (sth.)
Sandra’s friends are important to her.
A Sandra le importan sus amigos.
You like to take a break.
A Ud. le gusta tomar un descanso.
How much are you (form) charging me?
¿Cuánto me cobra Ud.?
Robert likes new cars.
A Roberto le gustan los carros nuevos.
Can you (form) do me the favor of closing the window?
¿Puede Ud. hacerme el favor de cerrar la ventana?
Carlos gives me today’s lesson.
Carlos me da la lección de hoy.
They like those red cars very much.
Les encantan esos carros rojos.
It interests me to go to museums.
Me interesa ir a los museos.
Do you all like black coffee?
¿A Uds. les gusta el café negro?
After teaching us French…
Después de enseñarnos el francés…
He tells me that his sister lives in New York.
Él me dice que su hermana vive en Nueva York.
It doesn’t matter./ Nevermind.
No importa.
Pedro wants to give you a book.
Pedro quiere darte un libro.
To be important to, to matter
Every time it’s my turn, I win.
Cada vez que me toca a mí, gano.
Do you like red flowers?
Te gustan las flores rojas?
To go shopping
Ir de compras
To take a ride
Pasear en el carro
Outskirts, suburbs
Las afueras
To taste
How can I serve (help) you
En qué puedo servirles
Los mariscos
Are you ready to order?
¿Están Uds. listos para ordenar?
The lobster
La langosta
To choose
Clam chowder
Crema de almejas
The crab
El cangrejo
El ajo
Los camarones
To walk
To pack the suitcase
Arreglar la maleta
To carry
To take a walk
Dar una vuelta
To wait
To enjoy
Gozar (de)
To delay
The seat
El asiento
The headphones
Los audífonos
The stewardess, flight attendant
La azafata
The image
El imagen
The aisle
El pasillo
The window (in a car, boat, or airplane)
La ventanilla
The flight
El vuelo
That which (often translated as what)
Lo que
There is a lot to do
Hay mucho que hacer
Ida y vuelta