Capillaries Flashcards
Capillary Structure
- single layer
- extensively branched
- low blood volume (large SA)
- slow velocity
Capillary Function
Sites for exchange
Capillary Structure is
ideal for exchange
Capillary density
tissue dependent
- skeletal m. and heart are capillary dense
- cartilage/fat = low capillary density
Capillaries also do..
nutritional/non-nutritional flow
heat removal
Capillary wall structure
consists of endothelium & basement membrane. thin walls & small lumen diamenter
optimal for exchange
Capillary permeability
varies depending on organ/tissue supplied
Types of capillary permeability
- Continuous
- Fenestrated
- Sinusoidal
Continuous capillary location
brain (NO pores)
lymph nodes
Fenestrated capillary location
exocrine glands
Sinusoidal capillary location
pituitary gland
bone marrow
Capillary blood flow controlled by…
- Arterioles
- Metarterioles
- Precapillary sphincters
can bypass system if capillary bed doesn’t need blood OR permit it to flow
precapillary sphincters
- appear to be innervated sympathetcially
- high degree of myogenic tone
- sensitive to metabolic factors
Transcapillary exchange
processes of solvent & solute movement across capillary walls
Types of transcapillary exchange
- Diffusion
- Filtration/Absorption
- Pinocytosis
movement from high to low concentration
types of transcapillary exchange diffusion
- transcellular
- paracellular
FIltration/Absorption (bulk flow)
volume of protein-free fluid filtered out of capillary into ISF or absorbed into capillary from ISF
Purpose of Filtration/Absorption transcapillary exchange
keep plasma volume at normal level