CAP Year 4 Flashcards
What is the management of a patient identified as MRSA positive on routine screening?
Daily skin washing Single room PPE for staff Clean furniture and equipment No antibiotics
What is the most common cause of reiters syndrome?
What are the clinical features of carotid artery stenosis?
Ischaemic attacks e.g. amarosis fugax
What is the management of carotid artery stenosis?
Anti-platelet medication
If high grade >70% - carotid endarterectomy
How do you calculate the number of units in 1 litre of alcohol?
In 1 litre - % alcohol =no. of units
What is the first line treatment for intermittent claudication?
Life style modification
Is Olanzapine safe in pregnancy?
When is ECT indicated in depression?
Emergency presentations of severe depression where life is at risk
Management of viral gastroenteritis in children?
Advice re Hydration and fluid intake
When should a patient with bronchiolitis be admitted?
When they have low saturations
What drug can be used in Hyponatraemia cause by SIADH where fluid restriction is unsuccessful?
What are the two functions of parathyroid hormone?
Increases calcium levels by increased reabsorption from the kidneys
Increases conversion of Vitamin D to 1,25 hydroxy vitamin D which increased calcium absorption from the gut
Signs of WARMD?
Neovascularisation and haemorrhage at the macula with eventual scarring.
What is Addison’s?
Auto immune adrenal failure
Why does Addison’s cause tanning of skin?
Additions has low cortisol and high ACTH.
ACTH comes from a pro-hormone which also makes melanocyte stimulating hormone
How can diagnosis of polymyositis be made?
Muscle biopsy
What is the most common causative organism of pneumonia?
Step pneumonia which is gram positive diplococci
What is the most common cause of encephalitis?
Herpes simplex
Which 3 groups are more likely to be affected by listeria?
What is the least teratogenic anti-epileptic for women of child bearing age?
What does delay of femoral pulses in a new born suggest?
Coarction of the aorta
What are defensins?
Small cysteine rich cationic proteins that bind to microbial cell membranes and asset in killing cells
What is seen on biopsy in dermatitis herpetiformis?
Granula IgA at the dermal papillae
What fluid management should be given in severe pre-eclampsia?
Fluid restriction due to poor renal function. 80mls NaCL if urine output low - measure output.
What is the long term management of SIADH?
Long term fluid restriction
Name 1 common cause of SIADH?
Lung cancer
What fluid management should be given in acute dehydration e.g. gastroenteritis?
Rapid replacement using an isotonic crystalloid e.g. IV NaCl 500ml per 30 minutes
Serum iron, reticulocytes and lactate dehydrogenase in acute haemolysis?
Serum iron - normal
Reticulocytes - increased
Lactate dehydrogenase - Increase
Iron and ferritin in anaemia of chronic disease?
Iron - normal
Ferritin - increased
When are hyperhsegmented neutrophils with macrocytosis seen?
In B12 or folate deficiency
Which paediatric condition presents with bile stained vomit?
Which condition presents in young babies with projectile vomiting and a hungry child?
Pyloric stenosis
What are the signs of reflux in babies?
Small vomits after every feed, infant otherwise well
In which bone is the trochlea?
The frontal bone
What is a common cause of dermatofibromas?
Insect bites - feel firm on palpation
What is the definition of bowens disease?
Full thickness epidermal dysplasia and a pre-cursor to SCC development
What % of prostate cancer cases have locally advanced and metastatic disease at presentation?
What the most important complication of thyroidectomy?
Damage to recurrent laryngeal nerve - hoarseness of voice
What type of medication can be used for urge incontinence?
How is the dose of acetylcysteine calculated?
Based on weight
What is the gold standard test for confirming placement of an endotracheal tube?
End tidal CO2
What type of murmur is aortic stenosis?
Ejection systolic murmur
What type or murmur is heard in aortic regurgitation and mitral stenosis?
Diastolic murmur
What sort of murmur is heard in mitral and tricuspid regurgitation?
Pan systolic murmurs
Which statistical test compares two proportions?
Fishers exact
Which statistical test compares two matched samples?
Paired t-test