CAP 3 Flashcards
What psychiatric condition are patients with velocardiofacial syndrome more at risk of?
When is breast cancer screening done?
50-70 every 3 years
When is bowel cancer screening done?
50-74 every 2 years in Scotland
When is diabetic eye screen done?
In diabetic patients over 12 every year
What is galanatamine?
Cholinesterase inhibitor
What artery is at risk in lateral abdominal port?
Inferior epigastric
What artery is anatomically close to lower end of ureter?
Uterine artery
How is hep A spread?
Fecal oral
What is the first area affected in alzheimers?
Nucleus baseless of meynert
What is the feature of early stage diabetic nephropathy?
What is p53 and why is it important?
It is a tumour suppressor - if it mutates if may not function in cancer
At what stage does an embryo implant?
What happens to Blood pressure in pregnancy?
Decreases in 2nd trimester - returns to normal in 3rd
What happens to CO and GFR in pregnancy?
Increase by 30-50%
What happens to vital capacity in pregnancy?
What does of folic acid should obese women take?
What is the difference between dystonia and tardive dyskinesia in terms of time?
Dystonia - onset in hours
TD - onset in years
What nerve root is responsible for leg extension, patellar reflex and ankle dorsiflexion?
How is wilsons disease inherited?
Autosomal recessive
What might a green nipple discharge indicate?
Duct ectasia
What condition might trauma to the breast cause?
Fat necrosis
What might cause a hot tender breast in an elderly woman?
Inflammatory breast cancer
What sort of organism is treponema palladium?
What may happen to phosphate in CKD?
What is seen in urine in UTI - nitrates or nitrites?
What other condition is polycystic kidney disease associated with?
Subarachnoid haemorrhage
What is the most abundant antibody?
Which antibody is found in breast milk?
Which antibody is pentameric?
What volume of urine in the bladder causes a desire to void?
Parasympathetic or sympathetic, what causes contraction of detrusor muscle?
Name an antibiotic contraindicated in breast feeding?
What is the treatment for gonorrhoea?
Azithromycin and ceftriaxone
Which area is affected in receptive aphasia?
Which area is affected in expressive aphasia?
Which area is affected in nominal aphasia?
Angular gyrus