Cancer Flashcards
slight risk
florid, sclerosis adenossis, radial scar, pappiloma
moderate risk
atypical ductalm lobular hypoplasia
Gail uses
age,fecund, period,#FDR,BrBx
Gail misses
pat hx, 2’ relatives, otehr ca
Claus uses
BrCa risk
Claus misses
Fhx beyond 2 all allother factors
BRCA1/2 mutations models
BRCApro, myriad, PENN2 Bodicea
PJS cancers
Breast panc colon gastric harmar polyps
panc brca 1
brca 1male br
brca1 prostate
average risk
panc brca 2 risk
male br brca2
malee prostate brca 2
Fanc anemia risk in what brcas
LFS criteria
proband w/ multiple primary under 46 cept 2xbr ca
LFS criteria + Fhx
LFS tumor beofre 46 plus FDR/SDR can under 56 cept br ca
Cowden Sx
macro, trichelloma,pappilomatous,thy,colon,harmar polyps
moderate pen genes
PALB2-br + panc
gardener syn
FAP w/desmoid osteom +teeth
AKJ var for FAP
L1037L AKJ variant adds FDR w/ ca risk not FAP
MYH assoc polyposis risk
70%col, duedenal ov bladderskin
lynch risks
R prox col 70, endomet 50, stomach 10, ov 9, panc, uterine 10
pathology for lynch
R side signet rin, mucious, tumor inf lymph
PJS cancers
small bowerl, stomach breast uterine sex cord panc lung
juvenille polyposis genes
juvenillepolyposis other ca
col ca + gastric
gastric criteria
2 FDR/SDR w/ diffuse gastric ca under 50
VHL sx
eye brain spine hemangiomas, endolymph sac tumors, panc cysts phep, renal cysts
TSC2 ARPKD location
cutaneous lich amyloidosis
MEN2B sx
more aggressive GI ganglioneuroma, pheo, marfinoid, skeletal
Carney complex Sx
gastric leiomyosarcoma, cardiac myxoma, sertolli cell, adrenal adenoma, chondroma
Birthogg dube gene sx
FLCN, pneumothorax, RRC choromophone oncocytic
TSC sx
hypomelanotic macules, cortical tubers, SEGA, brain nodules, angiomyolipoma, heart rhabdo, lyphmandiomyomatosis (muscle into lungs)
TSC major criteria:
macules, angiofibroma,, shagreen, retinal harmar, cortical dysplasia, SEGA, rhabdomyoma, LAM, andiomyolipoma
TSC risks
50% ID seziures
TSC continguous gene
PTEN pathoneumonic
pappilomatous papules, trichelloma, acral keratosis
PTEN major criteria
brca, thyroid, macrocephaly, endometrial
PTEN mino
thyroidlesions, MR, GI harmar, lipomas, fibromas, RCC
CDKN2A risks
melanoma, panc, neurostromal
NF1 criteria
6+CAL, 2+ neurofibroma/ inguinal freckling, optic glioma, 2+ lisch, 1 FDR, osseuous lesions
NF1 features beyond dxcrit
malig peripheral nerve sheathtumor, HTN dt pheo
NF2 genes
NF2 dx crit
b/l vestibular schwannoma, u/l schwannoma plus 2: mengioma glioma, neurofrimoa schwannoma lenticular opacities)cataracts)
Gorlin sx major(2 major +1minor)
nevoid basal cell, calc of falx jaw keratosis, palplant pits
minor crit gorlin
medullomblastoma, macroceph, CLCP, rib, polydact, ovarian,cardiac fibroma, ocular
ATM dxby
immunoblot more senstive than genetic
2nd primary w/ BRCA1/2
40% br, 10% ov
absence of Ov Ca or BRCA mut
no OOphrectomy
BRCA pro
ca risk: age, can risk ancestry, 1-3 unaff relatives, male br, FDR, BRCA positove, mat pat hx`
lynch ca
gastric ov bowl unirary cns biliary sebacous
if IHC reveals more than 2 consider repeat IHC if persist
testing MSh2/MSH6 if pair is missing plus one other…tst MLH and PMS2 if MLH1 PMS2 pair missing plus one other
ca geneti test offered if
phx,fhx,test interp,benefit>risk,voluntary, consent
BEthesda criteria
CRC b4 50, synchronous CRC/LS tumor any age, CRC w/ MSIH under60, CRC dx w/1+FDRw/LS before50, CRC dx in 2+FDR/SDR LS can any age
test for lynch when
bethesda met, endometrial before 50, LS FHx, >5% risk of LS based on MMRPro, PREMM, MMR
Surveillance w/ LS
colonscopy @25, BSO, urothelial ,gastric EGD, CNS, no panc nobR
IHC sporadic
15% for MLH1 hypermethy
amsterdam II
3 relatives w/ LS, 1 FDR of other two, 2 generations, 1 under 50
PMS2 risks
CRC 20%, endometri 15%, others reduced 6% total
MLH1 MSH2 risks
CRC 80, endo 60, ovary 25, GI urinary small bowle panc all slight
CRC 20, end 26, ov 11, urinary stomach - 1% others not reported
APC criteria
> adenomas, FHx, desmoid hepatoblastoma, pappilary ca
MUTYH criteria
Fhx, 20+ adenomas
100+ polups, CHRPE, osteoma,+teeth, desmoids, duodenal, gastric, medullo/hepato blastoma
PJS Dx criteria
2 PJ harmars, pigment, Fhx
FAP surveillance
colectomg, endoscopy, thyroid, CNS, intraabdomnal palpaltion + MRI
PJS risks
Br, CRC , gastric , small bowel, panc , ov , cervix 10, uterus, lung GC PO CLUB
juvenille polyposis dx
3-5 juv polyps, or multiple polyps in GI tract
Juvenille polyposis risk for
JuvPS risk
colon, stomach, small int panc
serrated polyposisdxcrit
5+serrated or any serrated w/ fhx in FDR, or 20+ serrated
BrCA further eval if
Fhx, beca before 50, trip neg b4 60, brca any age w/ ov can or 2 br and panc at anyage OR 1 reltaive w/ BRCA under 50
Further eval for Brca w/ Fhx or personal history of 3+
panc prostate sarcoma acc brain ndometrial thyroid kidney derm macrocep gi harmar diffuse gastric
HBOC criteria
personal hx under 45, OR brca under 50 w/ 1 additional primary, 1-3rd DR w/br ca, panc, prostate, male br or akj
HBOC phx single criteria
PHx of ovarian or male breast
HBOC phx prostate plus
1 relative w/ br under 50 ov panc prostate
HBOC crieria Phx panc plus
1 relative w/ br panc or ov uner 50
HBOC criteria pnac plus
AKJ hx
HBOC FHx onlycriteria
FDR/SDR meeting any HBOC criteria or tDR w/br/ov and 2+ close relatives
BRCA1/2 risk for fanc?
Li fraumeni ca
sarcoma osteosar, brain br acc leuk lung
LFS compret criter
LFS before 46 AND s/fdr w/ lfsbefore 56 OR multiple tumors before 46 or br ca before 35
cowden major criteria
br,endome,follicular thy, GI harmar, ganglionueoroma,macroceph,pigment, trichell,palmkerato,papillomaous
cowden minor
autism,CRC,lipoma,esophogeal acanthoses ID/DD, pappilary thy, renal
when to test for cowden
2+ major(one is macro)3 major, 1maj 3 mminor or 4 minor
Intervention for MRI mod pen
intervention insuff for MRI