📕Canadian Geo1️⃣📕 Flashcards
👞represent specific symbols like bridges or buildings👞
👞Point symbols👞:
🐹an influence that people or things have with each other 🐹
🍘Sedimentary rocks🍘
🍘sedimentary rocks form when rock sediments are carried away and laid down into layers. The lower layers get compressed and harder into different layers of rocks.🍘
🗻What is Canada’s highest mountain, what is its height, and where is it found🗻
🗻Canada’s highest mountain is found in the southern western part of the Yukon-Mount Logan with a height of 5959m.🗻
🌂Describe how the Rocky Mountains were formed🌂
🌂These mountains were formed when the pacific plate went under the North American plate by force, creating folds and faults. That and along with the volcanic activity are how the mountains were created🌂
🌸a computerized system for input, management, mapping, and analysis of data that answers specific questions🌸
🌸Geographic information system (GIS)🌸 :
🍗the yearly path (orbit) of the earth as it travels around the sun🍗
👖Where do most major earthquakes and volcanoes occur?👖
👖The pacific ring of fire has many oceanic trenches, volcanic mountain ranges, and a lot of plate movement occurs there👖
🎭Geomatics is decided into 4 areas🎭:
🎭Griffin Sure Makes Rand Cheery🎭 🎭GIS🎭 🎭Surveying and Measuring🎭 🎭Remote sensing🎭 🎭Cartography🎭
⭕️an area that shares certain or similar characteristics (ex, landscape, climate, or human activities⭕️
🎌The theory behind the movement of the earth’s crustal plates causing earthquakes, volcanoes, and the formation of mountains🎌
🎌Plate tectonics🎌
🎭recording accurate details about the earth’s surface using sophisticated tools such as GPS🎭
🎭surveying and measuring🎭:
📍political boundaries that follow physical features (ex, mountains, rivers, etc.)📍
📍Natural boundaries📍:
👛2 plates separate, causing one plate to drop👛
🚩a political boundary that does not follow physical features (ex, they follow lines of latitude and longitude)🚩
🚩Artificial boundaries🚩:
🏯is the study of how the earth works and how people interact with their earthly home.🏯
🍈What is on March 21🍈
🍈vernal equinox: March 21 we experience 12hrs day and 12hrs night🍈
🐃Words related to geography inquiry🐃
🎭effective map making to ensure that the special story is told🎭
🍒When an extra day is added on February 29th every four years🍒
🍒Leap year🍒
👠magma pushes the land up from underneath👠
👠Volcanic pressure👠:
🍝the four main directions: north, south, east, west.🍝
🍝Cardinal points🍝:
🌑Igneous rocks🌑
🌑Igneous rocks from when lava is ejected from beneath the earth’s surface. The lava cools very quickly so crystals don’t have enough time to form and solid rock form called igneous rocks🌑
🏀method used to determine the most effective pathway for transfer of formations, materials or peoples🏀
🏀Network analysis🏀:
🐜A gigantic fast moving wave caused by an undersea earthquake🐜
🐈is the ability to observe and understand how different things are related within space on the earth’s surface. It helps you understand where you are in relation to other things.🐈
🐈Spatial skills🐈:
🍭a line of longitude that joins the north and south poles and measures 0 degrees longitude passing through Greenwich England.🍭
🍭Prime meridian🍭:
🌁the natural features ( mountains, plains, rivers) and human features (buildings)🌁
🍅What is on September 21🍅
🍅autumnal equinox: September 21 we experience 12hrs day and 12hrs night🍅
🎊What is June 21🎊
🎊summer solstice: June 21 longest day🎊
🎷method used to find the most efficient use of resources🎷
🎷Optimization analysis🎷: