Canada's History Flashcards
First Europeans
- Vikings from Iceland
- Reached Labrador and Newfoundland
- Settlement was L’Anse aux Meadows
1497 European exploration starts for realsies
Naming Canada
1534 and 1542
- Jacques Cartier made 3 voyages across atlantic for King Francis I (France)
- Heard captured guides say Kanata (village)
1550 Name Canada appeared in maps
The French
First settlement in Canada (other than the first nations)
1604 First European settlement north of florida. By:
- Pierre de monts
- Samuel de Champlain
Arrived in
- St. Croix Island (Maine)
- Port-Royal in Acadia (Nova Scotia)
1608 Champlain built a fortress that’s now city of Quebec
He allied with:
- Algonquin
- Montagnais
- Huron
Vs. The Iroquis
- Fought for 100 years
- 1701 made peace
In the beginning, Economy was Fur Pelts
French and Aboriginal people collaborated to get beaver pelts to Europe= Fur-trade economy
Hudson’s Bay Company and The King
- King Charles II (England) gave them exclusive trading rights over watershed draining into Hudson’s bay
- These company competed with montreal-based traders that travelled by canoe and allied with first nations
Meanwhile the British…
1497 John Cabot (English) got to Newfoundland
1610 Was when they settled (After the french)
- The english colonies along the Atlantic searboard became better than the french ones
1700s Britain vs. France for control of North america
British Beat the French
1759 In the Battle of the Plains of Abraham in Quebec City
The British then renamed the colony to the province of Quebec
Coexisting Cultures…
Catholics Vs. Protestants
1774 Quebec Act allowed religious freedom for the catholics + allowed them to hold public office
- Restored french civil law
- Kept British criminal law
United Emire Loyalists
1776- 13 British colonies to the south declared independence and became the United states
- Loyalists fled to settle in Nova Scotia and Quebec
Joseph Brant led loyalist Mohawk Indians ito Canada
1792- Some black nova scotians got tired of the land and went to found sierra leone
1758- First representative assembly elected in Halifax and Nova Scotia
- 1773- Assembly for Prince Edward Island
- 1785- Assembly for New Brunswick
Constitutional Act of 1791
- Divided the province of quebec into:
- Upper Canada (Ontario)
- Loyalist
- Protestant
- English-speaking
- Lower Canada (Quebec)
- Catholic
- French-speaking
- Upper Canada (Ontario)
- Together known as british north america
- Act gave for the first time, legislative assemblies elected by the people (1st use of name Canada)
Abolition of Slavery
Late 1700s- 1st movement to abolish transatlantic slave trade emerged in british parlliament
1793- Upper Canada (Governor John Graves Simcoe) was the first to move toward abolition
1807- British parliament prohibits buying+ selling slaves
1833- Abolished slavery throughout empire
- American slaves moved to canada thorugh Underground Raildoad (christian organization)
Mary Ann Shadd Cary
- Activist to abolish slavery in USA
1853- 1st woman publisher in canada
- Made provintial freeman newspaper
Oh NO They Didnt
War of 1812
- After defeat of Napoleon (1805), Royal Navy ruled the ocean
- US didn’t like this
- Americans thought it would be easy to conquer Canada… It wasn’t
1812- Launched invasion
- Canadian volunteers + 1st nations helped british soldiers defend canada
- Chief Tcumseh
- Sir Isaac Brock
War of 1812 (Now on 1813)
1813- Charles de Salaberry + 460 soldiers turned back 4000 american invaders :)
- Americans also burnt down the Government house + Parliament in Toronto
1814- Robert Ross from Nova Scotia went and burnt down the White house LOL
- Duke Wellington: Sent soldiers to help
- Laura Secord: In 1813 did a 30km trip to warn soldiers of american attack
Rebellions 1837-38
- They thought we should join US
- They tried… and failed
- Not enough public support
Responsible Government
Lord Durham- Came to report on the rebellions
- Suggested upper and lower Canada joined together
- Also wanted us to have responsible government
Responsible Government: Ministers of the Crown must have support of a majority of elected representatives to rule
Fathers of Confederation
- Sir Etienne-Paschal Tache
- Sir George-Etienne Cartier
- Sir John. A. Macdonald
Responsible Government
1840- Upper and lower Canada united as the Province of Canada
Sir Louis Hippolyte La Fontaine: First head of responsible government
1847-48- Nova Scotia was the first british colony in north america to attain first responsible government
1848-49- Lord Elgin Governor of united Canada introduced responsible government for everyone
System today: If government loses confidence vote in the assembly, it must resign
1864-1867- Representatives of Nova Scotia, New Brunswiock, and the province of Canada made a new country!
- Made the 2 levels of government
- Federal
- Provintial
- Province of Canada split up into Ontario and Quebec
- Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia formed a new contry called Dominion of Canada
1867- British North-America Act: Canada became a country!
- What we celebrate the 1st of June (Canada Day!)
The First Prime Minister
1867- John Alexander Macdonald
- Scottish immigrant
- Lawyer
Challenge In The West
First Nations got sick of it
1869- Canada took over northwest region from Hudson’s Bay Company
- 12 000 Metis were not consulted
Louis Riel led an army and seized Fort Garry
1870- Ottawa sent soldiers to retake Fort
- Riel fled
- Canada established the province of Manitoba
1873- Macdonald established the North West Mounted Police (NWMP)
1885- Indian rights were threatened AGAIN and they rebelled AGAIN
- Riel executed
- He was the father of Manitoba and protector of Metis rights
- People were pissed
Railway for Bribery
Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR)
1871- Brittish Columbia joined Canada after Ottawa promised to build a railway to the west coast
1885- Railway complete
- Donald Smith was the director of the project
- The chinese built it
- They were discriminated againsted against
- Head tax
- Race-based entry fee
- They were discriminated againsted against
Sir Wilfrid Laurier
1st French Canadian prime minister since confederation
(Hes in the $5 bill)
Liked immigration!
1914- Germany attacked Belgium + France and Britain declared war on them
- Ottawa formed the Canadian Expeditionary force (Canadian Corps)
1917- April 9th Battle of Vimy Ridge
- We captured it boys!
From 1914-1920 Ottawa interned 8,000 Astro-Hungarian men as enemy eliend in 24 labour camps in Canada
1918- Under command of Arthur Currie- Canadian Corps advanced alongside the allies
- August 8: battle of amiens
- November 11: Germany + Austria surrender and war ends
Sir Arthur Currie
Canada’s greatest Soldier
Women Get the Vote
Women’s Suffrage Movement: Effort by women to get the right to vote
- Founder= Dr. Emily Stowe
- 1st Canadian woman to practice medicine in Canada
1916- Manitoba gives us right to vote
1917- Gederal government Robert Borden gave us right to vote
- 1st to nurses that served in war
- Then to women related to soldiers
1918- Most women allowed to vote
1940- Quebec gives us rights
Agnes Macphail
1st woman MP
November 11: Rememberance Day
- Honour veterans
- Share a moment of silence at the 11th hour in the 11th day in the 11th month
John McCrae: In Flander’s Fields 1915
In-Between Wars
- We are now part of British Commonwealth of Nations
- Then there’s the roaring twenties
1929- Stock market srash
- Led to the dirty thirties/ Great depression
1933- Many businesses wiped out
1934- Bank of Canada created to manage money supply and bring stability to the finantial system
Phil Edwards
- Olympian in track and field
- From Guiana
- Won bronze in:
- 1928
- 1932
- 1936
- Then became doctor
June 6 1944
1943-44- We help in the liberation of Italy
June 6 1944- Invasion of Normandy in Northern France (D-Day)
- 15 000 Canadians stormed and captured Juno beach from germany
1944-45 Canadian Army freed Netherlands and helped them force gernal surrencer and end the war
1939- Hitler invaded Poland + conquered lots of Europe
1941- Canadians fought to defend Hong Kong from Japan (lost)
1942- We also participated in a failed raid on Diepe (France)
- Royal Canadian Airforce (RCAF)- Helped in battle of britain
- Royal Canadian Navy (RCN)- Helped in the battle of attlantic
- Protected convoys of merchant ships
Pacific War: Japan was acting up so we took all of the land from Japanese imigrants here (1988 gave it back)