Call outs Flashcards
PA before departure
Cabin crew, prepare for takeoff
Take off thrust with autothrottle
PM: take off thrust set
Take off thrust without autothrottle
PF: set take off thrust
PM: take off thrust set
Transition altitude in climb
PM: transition altitude, altimeters reset 1013
PF: 1013 set, passing FL050
Transition level in descent
PM: altimeters reset, 1003
PF: 1003 set, passing 4000 ft
Climb and descent 1,000 ft to level off
1,000 ft to level off
GPWS 2,500
PF: checked
GPWS 1,000 ft
PF: checked
500 ft AGL
PM: cleared or standby for clearance
100 ft before DA
PM: approaching minimums
At minimums DA
PM: minimums, approach ligts / go around
PF: continue / go around
Below DA when visual
PM: threshold / runway touchdown zone
PM: landing / go around
After touchdown
PM: speedbrake up, reversers normal
PM: 60 knots
PM: autobrake disarm
PF: manual braking
PA when on ground
Cabin crew and passengers, remain seated
Verschil tussen ‘’set, engage en select’’
Set: je zet een value, zoals heading 120
Engage: je engaged een mode, zoals heading select, vor loc of lvl change
Select: is een mode + value, dus select vertical speed 800 ft/min