Calculations Flashcards
Premium on short leases
Premium (-) [ (years of lease - 1) x premium / 50]
Lease premium £100,000, 40 year lease
£100,000 - (40-1) x £100,000/50 = £22,000
Income Tax calculation
6 Step approach
- Add up all income to give gross income
- Take off all allowable deductions
- Deduct P/A
- Extend basic/higher rate tax band if applicable
- Calculate tax
- Deduct any tax reducers
Capital Gains Tax
6 step approach
- Disposal proceeds
- Less buying/selling costs/ costs of enhancement
- Less current year losses
- Less previous tax year losses
- Less AEA
- Add to taxable income to determine what rate of CGT
Share pool calculation
No. Shares x purchase price (a). 1000 x 0.90p = £900
No. Shares x purchase price etc (b) 1000 x 0.80p = £800
Total/no shares - £1700/2000 = 0.85p
Gives average price
Part Disposal formula
—. X Original cost ……to work out buying cost
A - proceeds of part disposed, B - market value of part kept
Proceed £20k - original cost £5k. Remaining value of land £50k Buying cost of part disposed; £20K / £20K + £50K X £5K = £1,428.57 Gain relating to part disposed £20,000 - £1,428.57 = £18,571.43
Remaining buying cost £5,000- £1,428.57 = £3,571.43
Interest in Possession Trust
- How much income tax paid by Trustee
- Beneficiary
- Settlor
- How are expenses dealt with
- Trustee pays income tax at BR only(20%/7.5%) - No PA, PSA, DA
Can deduct expenses - Settlor no liability unless parental settlement or Settlor interested
- Beneficiary. Non tax - Can reclaim taken ; BR - liability met;HR - 20% ;AR - 25%. Allowances can be used
Further tax due by beneficiary based on Gross trust income after expenses.
Example: £12,500 gross income (£10,000 net) - then deduct expenses (£300) = £9700
You gross up this figure to get £12,125. So HR pays 20% on that, AR 25% (allowance can be used)
Interest in possession - IHT charges
What are 3 possible charges and how much (calculations)
£400,000 into IIP Trust (no available exemptions)
What are charges (assume grows to £500,000 after 10 years)
£100,000 paid out after 12 years
- Immediate charge £400,000 - £325,000 = £75,000 @ 20% = £15,000
- Periodic charge on 10 year anniversary (assume £500k value) =
£500,000 - £325,000 = £175,000 @ (30% of lifetime rate of 20% ie 6%) = £10,500
Giving effective rate of 10,500/500,000 = 2.1% - Exit charge No. quarters/ 40 x amount withdrawn x effective rate from previous 10 year ann
8/40 x £100,000 x 2.1% = £420
Chattels calculation
What is a chattel
Chattel is tangible movable property
£6k < Exempt
£6k> 5/3 x excess over £6k
Lower of actual gain or 5/3
Child Benefit Tax Charge
£50,000 < 1% per £100 over i.e £1k would be 10%, 10k(£60k total) would be 100%
So ..£53,000 income would mean if Child Benefit was £1,788.50 annually , then tax charge would be 30% ( £3k over) of £1,788.50 = £536,64 (round down)
Threshold Income
Taxable income for the tax year
Any taxable lump sum pension death benefits accruing in the tax year
Employment income given up for pension contributions (i.e. salary sacrifice)
The gross amount of any relief at source pension contributions (to ensure that when calculating threshold income, there is parity between any contributions made under net pay, which are deducted arriving at taxable income, and relief at source).
Taxable income - Lump sum death benefit - Gr Taxable income for the tax year less
Any taxable lump sum pension death benefits accruing in the tax year (ITEPA 2003 section 636A-4ZA) plus
Employment income given up for pension contributions (i.e. salary sacrifice) under an arrangement made on or after 9 July 2015 less
The gross amount of any relief at source pension contributions (to ensure that when calculating threshold income, there is parity between any contributions made under net pay, which are deducted arriving at taxable income, and relief at source). Taxable income for the tax year less
Any taxable lump sum pension death benefits accruing in the tax year (ITEPA 2003 section 636A-4ZA) plus
Employment income given up for pension contributions (i.e. salary sacrifice) under an arrangement made on or after 9 July 2015 less
The gross amount of any relief at source pension contributions (to ensure that when calculating threshold income, there is parity between any contributions made under net pay, which are deducted arriving at taxable income, and relief at source)
Royal London
- Adjusted Income Calculation (simple)
- Threshold Income
Adjusted Income
- Total Taxable income (include earnings and investment income)
PLUS - Any Employer Contributions (total pension input)
LESS - Any taxed lumps sum death benefits
= Adjusted Income
Threshold Income
- Total Taxable Income
Less - Gross value of member contributions (RAS and net pay)
-Any income given up from salary exchange
Less - Any taxed lump sum death benefits
= Threshold Income
Top Slicing
What is 5 step approach
Work out full years tax liability including all of gain
Step 1. Calculate chargeable gain tax across bands (remember to reduce PA if applicable)
2. Work out tax due on bond gain across all tax bands.deduct 20% of gain already paid
3. Calculate annual equivalent (gain divided by n)
4. Calculate tax due on annual equivalent, deduct basic rate tax (on slice)and then multiply back up by n (remember to reinstate PA)
5. Find top slicing relief due by deducting Step 4 from Step 2
You then take this from the original total tax due (1) and then deduct the 20% tax relief of total gain to give total tax due
Top Slicing 5 step approach
- Work out total tax due, seeing how much tax is paid on gain over the different bands (don’t forget to inc PSA and starting rate)
- Calculate liability for year by taking figure from step one and taking off 20 % of total gain.
Tax on bond gain across bands minus tax on total gain @ 20%
- Calculate liability for year by taking figure from step one and taking off 20 % of total gain.
- Work out annual equivalent -Take total gain and divide by no. Whole years
- 4 Find total relieved liability-Take annual equivalent figure from step 3 and add to total income. work out tax on the slice
- Calculate top slice due = difference between total liability and total relieved liability (step 2 - Step 4)
Step one
- Calculate top slice due = difference between total liability and total relieved liability (step 2 - Step 4)
Anne’s taxable income (including the chargeable event gain) is £59,900. The gain falls within the different tax bands as follows:
PSA - £500 @ 0%
Basic Rate Band - £1,100 @ 20%
Higher Rate Band - £22,400 @ 40%
Step two
The total tax due on the bond gain across all tax bands is £9,180
The tax treated as paid on the gain is £24,000 @ 20% = £4,800
The individual’s liability for the tax year is therefore £9,180 - £4,800 = £4,380
Step three
The ‘annual equivalent’ of the gain £24,000 / 8 = £3,000.
Step four
The ‘annual equivalent’ + taxable income = £3,000 + £35,900 = £38,900.
The total tax on the slice is (£500 @ 0%) + (£1,100 @ 20%) + (£1,400 @ 40%) = £780
The tax treated as paid on the slice is £3,000 @ 20% = £600
The individual’s tax relieved liability is (£780 - £600) multiplied by “N”. In this “N” case is 8 years so the tax relieved liability is £1,440
Step five
Top slicing relief = £4,380 – £1,440 = £2,940
Anne’s liability after top-slicing relief is £16,360 - £2,940 = £13,420
The basic rate credit is £24,000 @ 20% = £4,800.
The overall liability is reduced to £13,420 - £4,800 = £8,620
Trustee Expenses for Interest in Possession trust
Net income received less amount of expense = x
Gross up x to give gross savings income paid out
Net income. £10,000. £10,000
TAx @ 20%. £. 2,500
Gross. £12,500
Expenses. (£300)
Net income for
Beneficiary. £9,700
Gross therefore £12,125
Discretionary Trust
- Periodic Charge
- Exit Charge
Periodic charge - Made on 10th anniversary - charged at 30% of lifetime rate(30% 0f 20% = 6%) on excess of NRB
Eg £75,000 x 6% = £4,500.
Effective rate is 4,500/400,000 x 100 = 1.125%
Exit charge = amount of distribution multiply x/40 (where x is no. Of quarters ) x effective rate at last 10 year
Threshold Income
Total Income \+ Salary sacrifice _ Pension contribution under Relief at source & Gross employee under net pay - Lump sum death benefits
Adjusted Income
) When working our pension taper
Total income ( all income in savings etc) \+ Total pension input _ Personal contributions - Lump sum death benefits
Trustee expenses for Discretionary Trust
Gross up expenses and take from Savings/dividend income, then apply tax using standard rate @ 20%, expenses at 20%/7.5%, then 45% on excess
£12,500 savings income, £300 expenses
12,500 - (300/0.8 = £375) = £12,125
£1,000 @ 20%
£375 @ 20%
£11,125 @ 45%
Beneficiary taxed on £12,125 gross income rather than 12,500
Multiple sLry N/I
- Pay 12% on one employ and 2% on the other
- Salary 1 minus Primary threshold( 8,632) + Salary 2 minus PT minus £41,368 (50,000 - £8632)
Difference charged at 2%
Total would be 1 + 2