Bankruptcy Flashcards
What is a Debt Management Plan and typically when used
When can it be used
How set up
- Agreement between debtor and creditors to pay off debts -typically when debtor can afford to make small repayments, but will be able to resume normal payments in future
- Can only be used in connection with unsecured debts
- Either set up by debtor or via Debt MAnagement Company
- DMP can be cancelled by creditors if payments note maintained
What is an Administration Order
When can it be used - 4 points/factors
How set up , by who, details
Additional info
- Agreement with court . Debtor makes one payment to court and then divided out
- Debt must be…alternative to bankruptcy
Debt Less than £5,000
Debtor must owe money to at least 2 creditors
Must prove they can afford payments
Must be County or High Court judgement - Debtor completes admin order and returns to court: court decides how much debt to repay, monthly payment and for how long= court charges administration fee up to 10%
Debtor may be able to keep running business. Court can ask employer to take money from wages. AO is added to register of judgements. Removed 6 years after the order was made
What is an Individual Voluntary Agreement (IVA)
When can it be used
How set up
Additional information
- An agreement between debtor and creditors via Insolvency Practitioner (IP). Debtor make monthly payment to IP who then divided amongst creditors
- Debtor makes a formal approach to creditors and applies to court
- 75% by value of creditors (meeting held)must agree to IVA. Then applies to all creditors (even those who oppose)
less formal
-Normally last 5 years. - Set up via the IP .IP works out how much debtor can afford and how long IVA should last. Then contact creditors and attempt to gain agreement
- IP monitors payments
- May be able to continue business. IVA stops creditors taking action against debtor (Grant of interim order) . If debtors fail to keep up payments, can be cancelled. IVA added to individual insolvency register. Removed 3v months after IVA ends
What is a Debt Relief Order
When can it be used
How set up
Additional info months
- Agreement made through Official Receiver where someone has debts of less than £20,000 and limited assets to repay -through authorised debt adviser
- Debts must total less than £20k, debtor must have less than £50 pm spare income, debtor must have assets less than £1k and can’t own own home, must have lived or worked in England & Wales within last 3 years
- Couldn’t have applied for DRO in last 6 months
- Lasts for 12 months , then normally free of debt
- Applications made to Official Reciever. Must through authorised debt adviser
-Holder of DRO can’t: borrow more than £500 without telling lender
Act as director of company
Create, manage or promote a company without court’s permission
Manage a business without telling those you do business with about the DRO
Restrictions last 12 months
- DRO added to Insolvency register. Removed 3 months after DRO ends
- DRO stays on credit record for 6 years
- Parties to Debt management plan and how debt recorded
- Admin Order
- DMP - Debtor and creditor (possible debt management company)
- Admin order - Court. (Added to register of judgements - 6 years from order
- IVA - Insolvency practitioner (IP)and creditors. Added to Insolvency register. Stays on 3 months after
- DRO - Official Receiver makes agreement. Applied via debt adviser. Stays on credit record for 6 years. On Insolvency register for 3 months after DRO ends
Trustee in Bankruptcy - Stays on Insolvency register for 3 months after discharge. 6 years from date of bankruptcy on credit reference.
Individual : How apply, when
Third party application:
- Where apply to and for what (what’s it called)
- Amount
- What check
- if granted what awarded
- Can apply online with fee - No minimum amount owed
- Considered by adjudicator
Third party:
- Apply to court for a petition
- Applicant must prove they are owed £5k (or share of £5k)
- Must check no other bankruptcy petitions
- debtor not complied with 3 weeks to statutory demand requiring payment
- bailiffs Was Unable to collect
Restrictions placed on bankrupt (5)
How long
- Borrow more than £500 without telling lender they are bankrupt
- Act as Director without permission
- Create, manage or promote a company without permission
- Manage a business with a different name without telling
- Work as insolvency practitioner
Last as long as bankruptcy ….can be extended if doesn’t carry out duties under proceedings or careless/dishonest
Bankrupts assets
- What can they keep (2)
- What do they give to Official receiver
- Pension
- Home- When must it be returned to bankrupt; When can house sale be stopped (3)
Can keep:
- Items for job (tools car)
- Household items (clothes, bedding)
Give to OR:
- Bank card , cheque book,credit cards
pension : keep money but income can be used
- Returned to bankrupt if not put up for sale in 3 years; stopped/delayed 1. Equity less than £1k 2. Can be sold to partner 3. Organise somewhere for kids and partner to live (delay 1 year)
Income Payment Agreement (IPA)
What and when used -How long
Income Payment Order
What and when used
Trustee will inform bankrupt if they have to make monthly payments out of disposable income (only if affordable). Can be used up to 3 years
If bankrupt doesn’t agree. Court order
Ending a bankruptcy
What is term for when ends:
- Duration;when longer
- When end sooner (3)
- Where is bankruptcy recorded and when removed
- what debts may not be cleared after 1 year
Bankruptcy ends when bankrupt is discharged
- Last 1 year (normally) - could be longer if non cooperation
Free of debt even if not paid in full
- Application cancelled 1. Should not have been made bankrupt 2. paid all debts and fees 9or guaranteed by 3rd party) 3. Individual makes IVA
- Recorded on Insolvency register. Removed within 3 months of discharge, stays on credit reference up to 6 years and can apply to remove details from land registry after 5 years
May not be cleared if ; damages owed through personal injury,maintenance/matrimonial,student loan, fines or debts arising from fraud
If Bankrupt has to make monthly payments out of spare income
What are 2 possible ways
IPA - income payment agreement
IPO - income payment order
Bankrupts home
How long does TIB have to sell …or what do they need to have
TIB has 3 years to sell - after doesn’t form part of bankrupt estate - reverts to bankrupt ..unless TIB
Realises interest, apply for possession order or charging order, or enter agreement
Tib can only claim debtors interest - if joint other party may have legal interest. Must apply for court order
- If joint tenancy, it is severed. TIB could sell to somebody else (could be other joint tenant)
- House cant be sold without court order. Court will consider needs of Bella as she has legal interest in property
A bankrupt must not …(7)
- Hide debts from TIB
- Destroy or falsify records
- Make false statements
- sell assets to defraud creditors
- Leave UK
- Take assets outside UK
Official receiver
Trustee in bankruptcy
- take control of assets after bankruptcy awarded
- decides whether to call creditors meeting
(Enables creditors to appoint insolvency practitioner as Trustee in bankruptcy) - Must call meeting if 10% by value owed demand it
- No meeting OR acts as Trustee in bankruptcy
Payments to creditors- order
- Secured creditors
- Expenses of bankruptcy
- Preferential debts )Cap of £ 800 per employee
- Any creditor holding floating charge
- Unsecured creditors
- Interest due on all debts
- Debts to partner
ADvantage of using an IVA over bankruptcy
Advantages of IVA
- Debtor closely involved in process
- costs less than bankruptcy
- restrictions of bankruptcy avoided
- Debtor can still act as director
- avoids stigma
Pensions in bankruptcy
- Registered/approved are protected from TIB - can’t claim
- If TIB/court believes excessive contribution in anticipation of being bankrupt/defraud creditors court order the pension provider to pay to TIB
- Can’t force tho start taking an income if not done already
- Bankrupt could continue to make investment decisions