Calculations Flashcards
A unit operation is exemplified by the process of
To get the moles of gas in an ORSAT analyzer, it is absorbed using different solutions.
The best solvent to absorb:
1. CO2 is ______
2. O2 is ________
3. CO is _________
- KOH (Potasium hydroxide)
- Alkaline pyrogallol solution
- Cuprous Oxide
It measures the amount of octane in mixture.
Octane Number
Formula of Diesel.
C10H20 to C15H28
The average chemical formula for common diesel fuel is C12H23.
Diesel is made up of 25% aromatic hydrocarbons like alkyl benzenes and naphthalene and 75% saturated hydrocarbons like paraffin
Octane/Cetane number formula
Cetane No. = Vol C8H18 / (Vol C8H18 + Vol C7H16)
O2 Theo formula
O2, Theo = C + H/4 + S - O2
(in fuel)
O2, theo = O2, supply - O2, xs
O2, XS formula (shortcut)
O2, free = O2, xs + CO/2 + H2/2
O2, free = O2, xs + O2, unreacted
O2, free = O2, xs + (1-conv.)(O2, theo)
O2, XS formula
(O2, Theo)
O2, XS = O2, theo (%XS)
O2, XS = O2, supp - O2, theo
Products of Complete Combustion
O2, free (if w/ XS)
Products of Incomplete Combustion
O2, free
Products of Combustion with XS O2
O2 free
Proximate Analysis
is the volatization of solid fuels
M - VCM - FC - Ash
Modified Proximate Analysis
M - CW - net H - N - S - C - Ash
Ultimate Analysis
H - O - N - S - C - Ash
Calderwood Equation
C = 5.88 +
2.206(CV - 0.094S)
+ 0.0053|80 - 100 (VCM/FC)|^1.55
CV = MJ/kg
Dulong Formula
CV = 0.338C + 1.44net H + 0.094S
net H = H,total - O/8
Formula for H in Ultimate Analysis
H = net H + (M+CW)(2/18)
Formula for O in Ultimate Analysis
O = (M + CW)(16/18)
Uncoked Coal
(VCM/FC)gc = (VCM/FC)refuse
Coked Coal
No VCM in Refuse
Ash and FC only
Combination of Coke and Uncoked
(VCM/FC)gc ≠ (VCM/FC)refuse
Classification or Ranking of Coal
Page in HB
P 24-4
Classification or Ranking of Coal
Page in HB
P 24-4
Gross Calorific Value
Higher Heating Value
(H2O, liquid)
O2 supply formula
- Ratio and Proportion with N2
- O2, supply= O2, Theo (1+%XS)
Analysis of VCM
net H
C in VCM
C in VCM = Total C - FC
CV in fuel
CV, fuel = CV, FC + CV, VCM
CV, FC = 33. 8 MJ/kg (constant)
multiply to their given mass to balance and to avoid getting negative CV, VCM value.