Calculation of Doses: Patient Parameters Flashcards
Branch of medicine that deals with disease in children from birth through adolescence.
Neonate (Newborn)
Birth to 1 month
1 month to 1 year
Early Childhood
1-5 years
Late Childhood
6-12 years
13-17 years
A neonate is considered premature if born at less than _____ weeks‘ gestation
True or False: Is a 37 week neonate considered to be premature
False, since it is only considered premature if born less than 37 weeks
The field that encompasses the management of illness in the elderly
The term ______ is subject to varying definitions with regard to chronologic age
Conditions that are particularly common among elderly
Degenerative osteoarthritis
Congestive heart failure
Venous and arterial insufficiency
Urinary Incontinence
Prostatic carcinoma
Alzheimer’s disease
True or False: Drug dosage based on age is still in general use
Today these rules are not in general use because age alone is no longer
considered a singularly valid criterion in the determination of _______
Accurate dosage of a child
Some of these rules (drug dosage based age) are presented
in the footnote for _______
perspective and historical purposes
Enumerate the different ways drugs dosage is calculated based on age
Young’s rule
Cowling’s rule
Fried’s rule for infants
Clark’s rule, based on weight
The value of 150 in Fried’s rule was an estimate of the age (________) of an individual who would normally receive an adult dose
12.5 years or 150 months
The number 150 in Clark’s rule was an estimate of the _______ of an individual who likewise would receive an adult dose
Drug doses based on weight are expressed as a specific quantity of
Drug per unit of patient weight
Standard unit for drug dose
True or False: The value of 150 in Clark’s rule was an estimate of the age (12.5 years or 150 months) of an individual who would normally receive an adult dose
The number 150 in Fried’s rule was an estimate of the weight of an individual who likewise would receive an adult dose
True or False: When different units are given or desired, other units may be substituted in the equation as long as the terms used are consistently applied.
The body surface area (BSA) method of calculating drug doses is
widely used for two types of patient groups which are?
- Cancer patients receiving Chemotherapy
- Pediatric Patients
The average adult is considered to have a BSA of _____
1.73 m^2
Equation that is used to identify BSA
Mosteller Formula
Applies the treatment of disease with chemical drugs
Chemical drugs used for chemotherapy
Chemotherapeutic agents
is primarily associated with the treatment of cancer patients
treatments such as ____________ are limited to specific body sites.
Surgery and radiation therapy
Consists of the heading where the symbol Rx
An abbreviation for
recipe, the Latin for take thou
Rx (An abbreviation for _____, the Latin for _______)
recipe, take thou
The _____ Symbol comes
before the inscription.
Also called the body of the prescription, and provides the names and quantities of the chief ingredients of the prescription
It also includes the dose and dosage form, such as tablet, susp,
capsule, syrup.
What is included in a prescription
names, quantities of chief ingredient, dose, and dosage forms
It gives specific directions for the pharmacist on how to compound
the medication.
Signa is also known as the ____
sig or transcription
It gives instructions to the patient on _________ drug is to be taken
How, how much, when, and how long the
Below the signa line is room for ______
special instructions
What is included in the special instructions
number of times the prescription, special instructions, and warnings followed by the signature of the prescriber.
Enumerate all the Erroneous prescription
Where the brand name precedes the generic name
Where the generic name is the one in parenthesis
Where the brand name is not in parentheses
What to do with a Erroneous prescription
Erroneous prescriptions shall be filed. Such prescription shall also be kept and reported by the pharmacist of the drug outlet or any other interested party to the nearest DOH office for appropriate action.
Enumerate all the violative prescription
Where generic name is not written
Where the generic name is not legible and a brand name which is legible is written
When the brand name is indicated and instructions added (such as the phrase “no
substitution”) which tend to obstruct, hinder or prevent proper generic dispensing.
What to do with a violative prescription
Violative prescriptions shall not be filed. They are kept and reported by the pharmacist of drug outlet or any other interested party to the nearest DOH office for appropriate action. The pharmacist shall advise the prescriber of the problem and/or instruct the customer to
get the proper prescription.
Enumerate all the Impossible prescription
When only the generic name is written but it is not legible.
When the generic name does not correspond to the brand name
When both the generic name and the brand name are not legible
When the drug product prescribed is not registered with FDA
What to do with Impossible prescription?
Impossible prescription shall not be filed. They shall be and reported by the pharmacist of drug outlet or any other interested party to the nearest DOH office for appropriate action. The pharmacist shall advise the prescriber of the problem and/or instruct the customer to get the proper prescription