Calculating in Business Flashcards
What is a budget?
The planned income and expenditure of a household.
What is a cashbook used for?
A cashbook is used to record all money actually received and spent.
What is an Asset?
Anything owned by a company or individual.
Give two other names for Debit. 2.=(+-). What are numbers on the Debit side?
Positive (+)
Money we receive, money IN
Give two other names for Credit. 2. (+-). What are numbers on the Credit side?
Negative (-)
Money we spend, money OUT
What is meant by ‘balancing an account’?
Balancing an account means we are calculating the difference between money received and money spent.
What is balance c/d?
Our closing balance on the account is called balance c/d. (Carried down)
What is balance b/d?
This balance is brought down as the opening balance for the next month as balance b/d (brought down).
What is the difference between a cashbook and an analysed cashbook?
All items of income and expenditure are categorised under suitable headings (E.g. travel) instead of just a cash column.