Calcium Metabolism Drugs Flashcards
What are the segments of the bone?
Spongy trabecular bone
Compact bone => bone mineralization process
What is the osteoblast differentiation factor?
What are the diff factors that affect bone turnover?
Humoral factors: PTH, VIt D, Calcitonin
Others: Glucocorticoids, TH, Gonadal steroids
What are the local factors that help fine tune bone remodeling?
IGF-1 = INC osteoblast proliferation
TGF-B & IL-6 = INC osteoClast activity
PGs = INC bone turnover
Bone morphogenetic proteins = bone formation
WHat are other factors affected by bone remodeling?
Local stresses: exercise
Electrical stimulation
Environmental: temp, O2 levels, ABB
What are the 3 hormones that regulat Ca?
Vitamin D
What is the most important endocrine regulator of Ca homeostasis? What cell secretes it?
Parathyroid gland
Cell: Chief cells
How does plama Ca level stimulate PTH secretion?
Low plasma Ca levels => stimulates PTH secretion
High plama Ca levels => suppresses PTH secretion
What are the 3 organs acted on by PTH indirectly & directly?
Indirectly = GI tract
Directly = Kidneys & bone
From what cells is Calcitonin produced & released? IN response to what?
Parafollicular cells
In response to HYPERCALCEMIA —> inhibits resoprive activity of osteoclasts => DEC bone resorption & plasma Ca levels
In what organ is Vit D activated? What is Vit D’s purpose?
Regulator of PTH => Inhibits PTH synthesis & release => INC osteoClast activity
INC Ca uptake, binding protein (Calbindin), Ca to capillaries
What is the effect of Intermittend PTH signal?
INC bone formation & bone mass
What is the often cause of bone mineral disorders?
Disruption of bone turnover
WHat are the three factors that cannot be imbalanced for they can lead to poor mineralization of the bone?
- Abnormal levels of Vit D, PTH
- INC rate of bone remodeling
- Failure of organs that maintain mineral homeostasis
What are the 3 pharmacologic agents for Osteoporosis? WHat are its MOA?
Antiresorptive agents => inhibits bone resoprtion
Bone anabolic agents => stimulates bone formation
Supplements = given depending on stage of osteoporosis (oral Ca & Vit D)
What are the diff Bone anabolic agents?
Teriparataide, Abaloparatide, Stronitum ranelate, Fluoride
What is the effect of antiresopritve agents & what are the diff drugs under it?
INC osteoclast acitivity (rate of turnver)
Calcitonin homrone replacement therapy
Selective estrogen receptor modulators
What pharmacological agents are given to px w/ CKD? What are its purpose?
Oral PO4 binders = DEC plasma PO4 levels
Vit D & Calcimimetic = DEC PTH synthesis & secretion
What drugs are given for px w/ Rickets, Osteomalacia, & HYPOthyroidism?
Oral Ca & Vit D = prevention & tx
WHat are the 3 drug clases for hormonal/mineral imbalance?
Vit D analogues
Vitamin D (Calcitriol)
Ca Analogues
What are the diff Vit D analgoues?
Doxercacliferol & Paricalcitol
CHolecalciferol, Ergocalciferol, Calcifediol
What Vit D analgue is given w/in 24-48 hrs for Vit D-dependent rickets?
What vitamin D analogues are used for tx of Secondary hyperthyroidism of CKDs?
Doxercaliferol & Paricalcitol
What vit D analogues are used in tx of HYPOthyroidism, rickets, Osteomalacia, Osteoporosis, & CKD?
Cholecalciferol, Ergocalciferol, Calcifediol
What Vit D analogue is used as an adjuvant tx of psoriasis due to its immunomodulatory effects?
Of all the Vit D analogues, what are the only 2 drugs that are in activated form already?
Calcitriol & Paricalcitol
What is the stimulus & inhibition of Vit D/Calcitriol?
Stimulus: LOW Ca, LOW Phosphorus
Inhibition: HIGH Ca, HIGH P
WHat are the 3 actions of Vit D?
Activates Ca pump in the lumen
INC ATP w/ diverts Ca into the blood
INC Ca binding protein
Explain the photosynthesis & activation of Vit D/Calcitriol?
Endogenous vit D (synthesized on the skin)
=> 7-dehydrocholesterol —(sunlight) —> CHolecaliferol. (Vit D3)
Exogenous VIt D
CHolecalciferol (Vit D3) —> animal source OR
Ergocalciferol (Vit D2) —> plant source
Cholecaliferol —(25-hydroxylase: liver)—> 25 (OH) Cholecalciferol (calcifediol) —(1a-hyoxylase: kidneys)—> 1,25(OH)2 cholecalciferol (Calcitriol) —> active form