CA2FinalStudyGuide Flashcards
Acepromazine (Dose, route, indications/contraindications)
D : 0.1 mg/lb,
C: 10mg/ml,
Route : IM,
Ind : calming/sedation/antiemetic effects
Contra : seizures/aggression/hypotensive complications
Atropine (Dose, route, indications/contraindications)
D : 0.01 mg/lb,
C: 0.54mg/ml,
Route : IM,
Ind : Inc HR(inhibit vagal tone)/dec GI motility and salivation/Myadriasis,
Contra : cardiac arrythmias, Mydriasis, Inc myocardial oxygen consumption
(Dose, route, indications/contraindications)
D :3-6 mg/lb,
C: 100mg/ml,
Route : IM,
Ind : skeletal muscle relaxation/maintain reflexes/some viceral anesthesia,
Contra : excessive salivation, painful injection
Maintenance IV fluids equation (distinguish rate for administration pump and administration set)
5ml/lb/hr (admin pump) / 3600 x drip rate (gtts)
Why should an animal under gas anesthesia receive an assisted ventilation per min?
Prevent atelectasis and ensure gas exchange
What are the minimum acceptable breaths per minute and how low the heart rate can get for the cat and dog?
D 8-20 RR, 60-150 HR;
C 8-20 RR, 120-180 HR
What are the induction, recovery and maintenance oxygen flow rates for the partial rebreating system>
I: 3L, R: 3L, M: 10-20ml/lb/min
What is the equation for maintenance oxygen flow ranges
Minute ventilation
the act of giving an assisted breath per Minute
Appropriate rebreathing bag size for an anesthetic system calculation?
50ml/kg or 25ml/lb = bag size in ml
Total rebreathing system vs partial rebreathing system vs non-rebreathing system
total ???; Partial - circle, scavenge system goes out, uses carbon dioxide absorbing crystals
What are the percentages for an isoflurane vaporizer settings for induction and maintenance
I: 3% M:1%
Lung pressure?
What are the monitoring paramerters for the anesthetized patient
Reflexes : palpebral, pedal, gag,
Pulse : femoral, pedal;
monitoring equipment
What are the placements of the lines for Lead II ECG
Identify the pQRSt complexs parts
P: begins and ends on baseline; depolarization of atrial muscle as negativity spreads from the SA node toward the ventricles; Q:
How does altering the run speed and amplitude (sensitivity) affect the resultant complex?
run speed affects space between complexes (faster=, slower=); sensitivity affects the height of the complexes (1x=, 2x=, 1/2x=)
Indications for placing a urinary catheter
blockage, stone, paralysis, long surgery, difficulty urinating, neurologic bladder, urinary sample
What is the layers of application for a Mason meta-splint?
stirrups, cotton padding, splint, stretch wrap/gauze, stirrups reflected up, vet wrap
Complications seen with a bandage or splint
too tight (veinous stasis), too lose, pressure sores
Anatomic vs Triadan system for tooth ID
Dental abnormalities
Periodontal disease stages
Stages 0-4
Steps of a complete dental cleaning
conscious oral evaluation, anesthetized intraoral radiography, teeth scaling, crown polishing, periodontal probing, periodontal probing, subgingival irrigation, periodontal therapy or extractions, +/- Antibiotic therapy, antiplaque sealant application, oral mass biopsies, anesthesia recovery, home care education
Dental scaler
Periodontal probe
Operator safety measures and reasoning
mask and face shield (aerosolized bacteria); water spray to decrease heat to teeth
Parallel technique
Most consistently accurate image of an object; position film directly behind and parallel to the long axis of the area being radiographed and the xray beam is directly perpendicular to that area and the film; onlu used in mandibular premolars and molars
Bisecting angle
Use bisecting angle (an imaging plan that equally divides the distance btwn the planes of the long axis of the area being radiographed and the film) and position the tube head for the primary beam to be perpendicular to this imaginary bisecting plane
x-ray beam is obliquely aligned in a mesial/distal direction -> interdental spaces appear narrow or superimposed
The tube head or beam is perpendicular to tooth; results in a long tooth picture, the angle of the beam will be too close to the horizontal plane (beam is too low)
tube head/beam is perpendicular to film/sensor; results in stubby teeth
Positive and negative contrast agents used during the radiology section
The dosage range of air that can be safely introduced into the bladder
Positive v negative v double contrast studies
The contrast study to visualize the upper urinary system
OFA views, landmarks, borders and area of measurement
Where are lateral, DV and open mouth VD measured and centered
Cervical spinal views, landmarks, borders and area of measurement
Thoracolumbar spinal views, landmarks, borders and area of measurement