CA Flashcards
What is the purpose of the collective agreement?
- To establish a mutually satisfactory relationship between employer and employee
- To provide the machinery for prompt an equitable disposition of grievances
- Establish and maintain satisfactory working conditions, hours of work and wages
When are the disciplinary records and suspension records removed from an employee file ?
- Disciplinary records 2 years
* Suspension records 5 yrs
How much notice must the Fire Chief provide when changing employees from one shift to another?
• 72 hours
What is the policy of the BFES regarding modified work?
• To make every reasonable effort to provide suitable modified work
o To the extent they are capable and competent
• Occupational or non occupational injury
What is the purpose of the Modified Work Plan?
- Integral and important element in providing a safe and healthy work environment
a. Promote an early return to suitable work
b. Safeguard employees health
c. Reduce costs
d. Lessen the inverse impacts on disabled employees - Matching the functional abilities and limitation to suitable and reasonable work
- Continue to accrue
a. Service
b. Senority
c. Sick time - Provide a reasonable period of convalescence as per Doctor
What is the objective of the modified work plan?
- Return a disabled worker to full duties through the
- Process of matching functional ability and limitations as identified by the Health Professional
- With the demands of suitable and available modified work
Who is involved in the modify work program in question?
- Employee
- Health professional
- Assoc rep
- Dept rep
- Health and safety services
What are the employee responsibilities under the Collective Agreement modified work plan?
- Promptly report all injuries
- Provide medical information asap
- Maintain regular contact with the Department +WSIB rep
- Explore modified work opportunities
- Communicate difficulties
- Work in cooperation with modified work team
If there are more employees at any time requiring modified duties than there are signs how are the positions to be filled?
• Available duties must be assigned to employee who is capable of performing the modified work in order of seniority
An employee on modified duties requests to go to a treatment well on duty what is your response?
- CA 12.05(5)
- Make every reasonable attempt to schedule therapy during off duty hours in the event this is not possible allowances will be made with no loss of earnings
How should the placement of employees on to modify duties be determined?
• Based on their functional abilities outlined on the MAF or FAF
What are the standard rate of vacation allowance?
One year one credit per three months < 5 years to credits 4 Credits 5+ years 6 Credits 10+ years 8 Credits 18+ years 10 Credits 25+ years 12 Credit
And how many Lieu Day credits may be carried forward and when must it be booked by?
- 1 credit
* March 31
An employee turned 60 when must they retire by?
• At the last day of the month of their birthday
What is the standard bereavement schedule?
Immediate family 2 days
o Spouse, common law partner, same sex partner,
o parents, grandparents
o sister, brother
o children/step children, and grandchildren
In laws 1 day
o Parent in law, Loco parentis, spouses grandparents,
o Brother / Sister in law, Step brother/sister,
Aunt/Uncle 1/2 of a day
How many days can be deferred for internment?
• One
If a firefighter is notified that his Grandmother passes away Friday noon while on shift and the funeral is Thursday what is the entitlement of the firefighter?
- And the remainder of the shift Friday
* Two more days Sunday and Wednesday
The firefighters Grandfather dies Friday morning after the Thursday shift and funeral is 5 days later what is the entitlement?
- Zero
* He is not scheduled back to work for the funeral
When must uniform form be submitted by?
• October 31
What is the result of an actor refusing to act?
- Removal from the eligibility list
* They will need to requalify
What is the probation period for an officer?
• It is a one year “trial basis”
What is the sequence for vacation rotation?
- Yr 1 Seniority
- Yr 2 Reverse seniority
- Yr 3 Seniority
- Yr 4 Midway a reverse seniority
- Yr 5 Seniority
- Yr 6 Midway seniority
What year of the vacation rotation are we currently in for 2017?
• Year 5 - seniority
Who is the person who will Book 1st and who will book last in the 2 scenarios for year 4 midway reverse senority? A B C D E F
A B C 1st D last E F
A B C D 1st E last F G
Who will pick first in the year six? A B C 1st D last E F
A B C D 1st E last F G
- D from the first column
* E from the second column
What is the protected group?
• The members between the year 4 midpoint and the actual mathematical midpoint for the year 6 list.
What happens if a member is removed from the platoon and is no longer there to be the midpoint reference?
• Next member based on seniority becomes the midpoint
What is the benefit to being in the protected group?
• To ensure you don’t pick last twice
What if you transfer shifts and were in the protective group but now are not?
• You move into the bottom of the new shifts protected group
Under the collective agreement letter of understanding 24hr shift trial how much of a break is required between shifts?
• A minimum of 20 hours
o Which contradicts policy 2-1 which states it is only 10 hours
o policy 2-1 is written after the letter of understanding
What happens if a firefighter is off sick or on WSIB for more than 90 days and accumulates unused vacation?
• They are paid out for all in excess of 6 credits on the first pay in December
A firefighter request to use bereavement leave three days after a funeral what do you tell them?
• The collective agreement says in no case will bereavement be granted beyond two calendar days immediately following the funeral
The 24 hour agreement has a variation of work hours that allows the Chief to do what for the purpose of training?
- Rotate personnel out of the 24 shift
- 61 days notice provided
- Max two weeks a year
- 5 days consecutive Max
- Not exceeding 42 hours per week
How much time will be given off before and after the training before returning to 24 hour shift rotation?
- 20 hours before
* 20 hours after
What is the grievance procedure for stage 1?
• Within 10 days of the occurrence submit in writing to a senior officer
• A meeting will be scheduled within 5 days with (grieved and senior officer)
• A decision within 5 days
If the results of the stage 1 grievance are not acceptable what is the stage 2 grievance procedure?
• 3 days to notify in writing
• A meeting within 5 days (Assoc and Chief)
• Decision within 5 days
If the stage 2 decision is not acceptable what is the process for the stage 3 grievance?
• Within 3 days notify in writing
• A meeting within 10 days of (Assoc and CAO)
• Decision within 5 days
When are Lieu days open for the remainder of the year?
• September 2
When must all the vacation be booked by?
• August 15
When must all the lieu days be book by?
• September 15
What is the maximum allowable off?
• 18 total including Lieu days – vacation - time owing
o 13 firefighters
o 4 captains
o 1 DC
When is the vacation booking period?
• October 1 through November 30
According to the Vacation, Lieu day and T.O. schedule when can a Vacation be canceled?
- After completion of the vacation and initial day booking
* If it is not full and spaces are available
How many vacation exchanges are allowed per year per firefighter?
- 4 credits
* Only 2 may be exchanged during July and August
Can lieu days be exchanged?
No only vacation days
How little notice is allowed to cancel a Lieu day or Vacation? (3)
- A minimum of 1 hour before the shift due to illness
- Vacation cancellation requires a doctor’s note
- Must be confirmed in writing at the members earliest convenience
Who must give approval for carryover of lieu time in excess of one credit?
The Chief
If it is confirmed by the Fire Chief that an acting Captain will be promoted by what date and how will that affect their vacation?
- March 15
* They will pick as a Captain
If possible when should all members be notified of a pending transfer?
September 15
During the Vacation and Lieu day booking, October 1 to November 30 how much time does each member have to make the choice before being bypassed?
- 12 hours each vacation rotation before being bypassed
* 6 hours for your initial lieu day
If a member will be away during the vacation booking period what should the member be responsible for?
- Be cognizant of the dates
- And leave a written list with the DC
- If available it will be booked
When will the number of members off for Vacation exceed the allowable amount?
(Appendix A 4)
- No member shall lose vacation time due to a platoon trnasfer
- Members on new platoons, will be accommodated with vacations dates which are as close to the previously booked vacation time as possible
When contacting a member who is not at work, all numbers in Telestaff shall be tried, what is considered an attempt?
• An attempt consist of 2 calls a minimum of 3 hours apart o Direct contact o Message on a machine left with family Voicemail o Pager
What is not considered an attempt when trying to contact and off duty member to book vacation or lieu time? (2)
- No answer
* busy signal
If vacation is canceled due to illness, WSIB, promotion or transfers how will the vacation that has been canceled be redistributed if it was full, what is the process?
• Utilizes the vacation rotation list for the current year
o If it is accepted the member goes to the bottom
o If declined the member remains in their spot for next time
• They have 3 hours to reply
• If it is for today day it must be decided upon immediately
• One attempt to call off duty members
• 3 hour window to return the call
If vacation or lieu days become available due to illness, WSIB, promotion, or transfer and there’s space still available, do we have to use the vacation rotation list to offer the cancelled time?
• No, its on a First come first serve
What is the stipulation if time owing is used to accept cancelled vacation or lieu time?
- They must have enough for the entire shift
* Must be able to book off the entire shift
What is the selection order for booking initial lieu days after vacation booking has been completed?
• Reverse order of the vacation rotation for that year
Where do probationary members fit into the selection list for the initial lieu day booking?
- Added to the bottom
* However their order is also in reverse
When does the initial Lieu day booking begin?
- December 1
* It may begin before as long as all members are aware of the new start date
How many consecutive credits may be booked during the initial Lieu day pick?
• 2
When the initial lieu day booking is complete what must the DC attempt to do?
- Advise all the members of the start date of the open Lieu day booking
- 61 day rule applies
What if an employee fails to successfully complete an exam for advancement?
- They cannot be advanced for 6 months
- Will be retested in 6 months
- 2 failed attempts at 6 months and 12 months are subject to termination
What are the key performance indicators for assessing efficacy of the 24 hour shift trial?
- Absenteeism
- Operational efficiencies
- Training completion rates
- Crew involvement in Department programs
- Health and wellness employees
- Morale