C6: Macroevolution Flashcards
All of the changes, diversifications, and extinctions that happened over the
course of life’s history are the
patterns of macroevolution
state the patterns of
Many lineages on the tree of life exhibit don’t change much for a long time
what organism is termed as the living fossil?
Lineages can change quickly or slowly.
can happen in a
single direction, or it can reverse itself.
Changes can occur within a single
lineage or across several lineages
Character Change
Character Change includes:
____ and _____
Adaptive Radiation
Co evolution
Species evolved into several different forms that live in different ways; the evolution of many diversely adapted species from a common ancestor.
Adaptive radiation
It generally means an event in which a lineage
rapidly diversifies, with the newly formed
lineages evolving different adaptations.
Adaptive radiation
what are the Causes of adaptive radiation
- Key Adaptation
- Competition
- Invasion of vacated/ new niches
usually means an adaptation that allows the organism to
evolve to exploit a new niche or resource.
Key Adaptation
results into character displacement
Lineages that invade islands may give rise to adaptive radiations because the invaders are free from competition with other species.
Invasion of vacated/ new niches
Refers to a kind of interaction between species which is described as reciprocal interaction
An evolutionary change in one species may
constitute a new selective force on another
includes only those situations in
which direct genetic change in one species is
attributable to genetic change in the other
Types of Coevolution
- Predator Prey
-Herbivore Plant
Patterns of lineage splitting can be identified by constructing and examining a _____.
Patterns of long, stable periods are
interrupted by brief periods of more
rapid change.
Punctuated Equilibrium
A catastrophic event or major genetic
change occurs, rapid evolution and
speciation occurs
Punctuated Equilibrium
An evolutionary process in which unrelated organisms evolve
structures, traits or morphological features that the same function, in
other words, unrelated organisms come to resemble one another.
Convergent Evolution
refers to the trait acquired by unrelated species as a result
of same adaptive response to a similar environment. It arises from
convergent evolution in which different species evolved analogous
It can be a frequent or rare event
within a lineage, or it can occur
simultaneously across many
lineages (mass extinction).