C4: Metabolic Diseases Flashcards
hepatocellular disease is due to dysfunction of which cells in the liver
describe fatty infiltration
is it acquired
accumulation of triglycerides w/in hepatocytes that can be diffuse or focal… its a precursor to chronic disease
yes, and reversible by lifestyle
2 most common causes of fatty infiltration
alcohol abuse and obesity
what 4 specific things do we evaluate w/ fatty infiltration
echogenicity changes
echotexture changes
attenuation characteristics
ability to visualize vessels/pausity
what technical parameters are important to optimize when assessing fatty infiltration
gain, TGC and focus
another term for fatty infiltration
describe the US appearance of mild (grade 1) fatty infiltration
slight increase in echogenicity
diaphragm and vessels well seen
describe the US appearance of moderate (grade 2) fatty infiltration
increased liver echogenicity
diaphragm and vessels not sharply defined
describe the US appearance of severe (grade 3) fatty infiltration
echogenicity markedly increased
very hard to define diaphragm and vessel walls
describe focal fatty changes
2 types
- focal areas of altered echogenicity that commonly occur in the periportal area of the medial left lobe
- can change rapidly in short periods of time
focal fatty infiltration
focal fatty sparing
how do the boundaries of focal fatty changes appear
does FFC show the mass effect
map like, not like a mass
describe focal fatty infiltration
focal areas of increased echogenicity w/ mostly normal liver tissue
describe focal fatty sparing
mostly fatty liver tissue w/ focal hypoechoic areas of norm liver tissue
potential lab value changes w/ fatty infiltration
describe cirrhosis
a diffuse and progressive process that destroys liver cells and results in liver fibrosis w/ nodular changes
most common cause of cirrhosis
other causes
alcohol abuse
multiple causes chronic viral hepatitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis
chain of events w/ cirrhosis
is it reversible
cell death, fibrosis, regeneration
no, but the progression can be slowed
2 types of nodular changes w/ cirrhosis
micro nodular - due to alcohol consumption
macro nodular - due to chronic viral hepatitis
describe acute and chronic cirrhosis
acute - same appearance of severe fatty infiltration (enlarged liver, coarse textural changes)
chronic - small liver, course texture, nodular surface and paucity of vessels
what can cirrhosis lead to
portal hypertension and then end stage liver failure
what lab values might be increase w/ cirrhosis
conjugated bilirubin
which other organ can be affected by cirrhosis
portal hypertension
classic clinical presentation of cirrhosis
hepatomegaly, jaundice and ascites
describe glycogen storage disease
an autosomal recessive disorder that causes an enzyme deficiency which leads to excessive glycogen deposits in the liver
another name for GSD
when does GSD start
von gierke’s disease
GSD is associated w/ which conditions
benign adenomas and HCC
does a liver transplant help w/ GSD
how is GSD managed and controlled
no, enzyme deficiency still present
US appearance of GSD
presents as diffuse fatty infiltration w/ adenomas that have variable echogenicity (often they appear hypo due to fatty liver)
define ascites
accumulation of serous fluid in a peritoneal cavity
can be transudate or exudate fluid
what is transudate fluid
fluid that contains little protein or cells and suggests a non-inflammatory process (cirrhosis or CHF)
what causes ascites w/ cirrhosis
hypoalbuminemia and increased pressure in the liver causing fluid to leak out of the hepatocytes
what disease process of the heart can cause ascites
what is exudate fluid
fluid w/ high protein content
….can contain blood, pus, chylous
suggests an inflammatory or malignant cause
define chylous
milky fluid w/ high fat content, usually from lymphatic system
US appearance of exudate ascites
fluid w/ internal echos and loculations
define free fluid vs loculated
free: conforms to surroundings and changes w/ patient position
loculated: walled off, no changes w/ position, will show mass effect
3 most dependent spaces in the peritoneal cavity
morrisons pouch
pouch of douglas
paracolic gutters
describe biliary sluge
other names for it
a mixture of particulate matter and bile
biliary sand and microlithiasis
most likely cause of biliary sluge
other causes
bile stasis
prolonged fasting fast weight lost IV nutrition (TPN - total parenteral nutrition) extrahepatic biliary obstruction
progression of biliary stasis
asymp. , biliary colic and inflammation of GB and panc`
US appearance of biliary sluge
non shadowing, homogenous low level echos that layer in the dependent part of the GB (fluid-fluid levels)
describe tumefactive sludge/sludge balls
how can you tell the difference b/w them and polypoid tumors
sluge that mimics polypoid tumors
look at vascularity, mobility and GB wall thickness
most reliable way to tell the difference b/w polypoid tumors and tumefactive sludge/sludge balls
mobility (sludge is mobile, polyps don’t)
describe hepatization
when sludge has the same echogenicity as the liver
what is pseudosludge
an imaging artifact caused by gains, slice thickness or side lobe artifacts
one way to tell pseudosludge from true sludge
pseudosludge is usually seen in the fundus and is independent or gravity
what is empyema
pus is the bile
what is hemobila
common causes
blood in the bile often due to liver biopsy or percutaneous biliary procedures
describe milk of calcium
US appearance
GB becomes filled w/ semi solid substance (calcium carbonate), different than biliary sludge
highly echogenic w/ posterior shadowing that changes w/ patient position and forms a calcium/bile fluid level
most common disease of the GB
factors effecting GB stone formation/cholelithiasis
abnorm bile composition
stasis of bile
most common composition of cholelithiasis
risk factors for cholelithiasis
5 Fs
female fat fourty fertile Fam Hx
clinical presentation of cholelithiasis
asymptomatic (common)
RUQ pain that radiates to the back
nausea and vomitting
US appearance of cholelithiasis
stones smaller than what size may not shadow
echogenic focus w/ posterior shadowing
will be mobile and may float in bile
< 5mm
GB stones are commonly mistaken for which other structures
duodenal gas (most common)
valves of heister
fat in porta hepatis
how to tell b/w GB stone and duodenal gas
duodenal gas will parastalisis and you’ll see a direly shadow vs clean one w/ the stone
WES sign
an US sign seen when the GB is compacted w/ multiple stones or one large stone - W: wall E: echo S: shadow