C16/17: Conveyancing 4 Flashcards
What are stages B, C and D of the Law Society Conveyancing Protocol?
Stage B – pre-exchange – submitting a contract;
Stage C – prior to exchange of contracts; and
Stage D – exchange of contracts.
How is the Protocol relevant when it comes to exchanging contracts?
Some examples of matters which the Protocol deals with here are:
- sharing information with others (e.g. other parties, lenders and estate agents);
- making all necessary searches before exchange;
- raising any necessary additional pre-contract enquiries;
- reporting to the client about the title and other matters;
- considering mortgage instructions and any conditions imposed by the lender;
- approving the contract, and agreeing any transfer supplied before exchange;
- advising the buyer about survey, insurance and deposit arrangements;
- confirming the completion date;
- asking the buyer to sign the contract; and
- checking any mortgage discharge arrangements.
When does the Protocol say that the TA13 form and draft transfer should be dealt with?
It contains provisions about dealing with the draft transfer and the Completion Information and Undertakings Form (TA13) at an early stage, prior to exchange of contracts. These matters are traditionally dealt with after exchange. However, the Protocol also recognises these matters as steps to be dealt with after exchange, so the timing may vary between firms. The introduction to the Protocol recognises that transactions may not always proceed in a fixed order
What are the two main elements to the Report to Client?
Information from:
- Pre-contract searches and enquiries
- Title investigation
What kinds of things will the buyer’s lawyer specify in the Report to Client?
It will contain:
- a summary of the conveyancer’s overall view (e.g. that there are no major problems);
- a summary of the property (e.g. current ownership and a copy of the plan);
- a summary of the title and matters burdening and benefiting it (e.g. easements and covenants), highlighting any problems;
- a summary of the source of funding for the purchase (e.g. details of the buyer’s new mortgage);
- information about the draft contract (the report will often be sent with the contract for signature by the client); and
- information about the conveyancing transaction generally (e.g. explaining the work still to be carried out).
Pre-contract searches:
- a summary of the main points arising from the pre-contract searches and enquiries, highlighting any problems;
- roads
- boundaries
- benefitting property and if they are private (e.g. septic tank)
- Third party interests
- Disputes with neighbours
- Local authority action
- Physical information
- Overriding interests
What is a Report to Client?
Once the buyer’s conveyancer has all the search results, has investigated the title, and has satisfactory answers to any queries, they will give the buyer client a report about the title and the property.
Identify and explain six matters a seller’s conveyancer must check prior to exchange.
The seller’s conveyancer will:
(1) Reply to any outstanding queries.
(2) Ask the client to sign their part of the contract (which has been approved by the buyer’s conveyancer).
(3) Check that any linked (dependent) transaction is also ready (e.g. the seller’s linked purchase).
(4) Ensure that they have redemption figure/s for all charges which the conveyancer will be undertaking to redeem on completion.
(5) Advise their seller client to keep the buildings insurance on the property on risk until completion.
(6) Arrange the method and timing of the exchange with the buyer’s conveyancer.
Identify and explain 12 matters a buyer’s conveyancer must check prior to exchange.
The buyer’s conveyancer will:
(1) Check the answers to the pre-contract enquiries, checks all pre-contract information supplied (including the provision of an Energy Performance Certificate prior to exchange) and resolves any queries.
(2) Check the results of all searches and resolve any queries.
(3) Investigate the title and resolve any queries.
(4) Approve the contract, returning one copy to the seller’s conveyancer so that the seller can sign it prior to exchange.
(5) Ask the buyer to sign the contract in readiness for exchange (they may send the contract to the client with the title report).
(6) Discuss a suitable completion date with the buyer and attempt to agree this with the seller’s conveyancer.
(7) Check that the buyer is satisfied with the result of the survey.
(8) Ask the buyer to physically inspect the property and report any obvious problems (e.g. unclear boundaries, other adults living in the property).
(9) Check that the buyer will have sufficient funds to pay for the property on completion. (If the buyer is obtaining a new mortgage, the conveyancer must check that a firm and satisfactory offer will be made before exchange. Prior to exchange, the conveyancer must ensure that they have received formal mortgage instructions from the lender and that the terms accord with those of the client’s offer.)
(10) Check that any linked transaction is also ready, for example, the buyer’s linked sale.
(11) Discuss the matter of property insurance with the buyer.
(12) Discuss deposit arrangements and asks for the funds to be provided in time for cleared funds to be available on exchange.
What does SCS 2.2.4 provide about the deposit?
Except in the case of a sale by auction, SC 2.2.4 requires payment of the deposit either:
(a) by electronic means from the buyer’s conveyancer’s account maintained at a clearing bank to an account in the name of the seller’s conveyancer maintained at a clearing bank (or where SC 2.2.5 applies, to a conveyancer higher up the chain); or
(b) by cheque drawn on the buyer’s conveyancer’s client account to the seller’s conveyancer (or where SC 2.2.5 applies, to a conveyancer higher up the chain).
This means that the deposit can be paid electronically (through a bank funds transfer) or by cheque, but both methods are linked to conveyancers’ bank accounts. This is to try to minimise opportunities for fraud and money laundering.
Explain who is in charge of the buildings insurance between exchange and completion
This is important in case the property is damaged or destroyed between exchange and completion (e.g. by fire or burst pipes). The fifth edition of the SCS provide that the property is at the risk of the buyer from the date of the contract. This means that the buyer must insure the property from exchange onwards. This was usually done previously in any event, as mortgage lenders required the property to be insured by the buyer in their capacity as borrower.
What does SCS 5.1.2 state about building insurance?
SC 5.1.2 states that the seller is under no obligation to the buyer to insure the property unless the contract provides otherwise, or the property is let on terms under which the seller (whether as landlord or tenant) is obliged to insure.
Even though the seller may not be obliged to insure, this does not mean that they are not entitled to do so. Many sellers will continue to insure, and will indeed be required to do so by their own mortgage lenders. This means that there may well be double insurance (i.e. two policies in effect at the same time), each covering the same risks.
To cater for this possibility, SC 5 states that if the property is damaged, and a payment under a policy taken out by the buyer is reduced because of insurance held by the seller, the purchase price is to be reduced (abated) by the amount of the reduction.
Where the seller is obliged to insure (e.g. as a tenant under a lease), SC 5 requires the seller to maintain the policy and, if the property is damaged, to pay the buyer the amount of the policy proceeds which the seller has received (so far as not used in repairing the property), or to assign the insurance claim to the buyer.
What is “simultaneous exchange”?
When two or more properties need to have their contracts exchanged at the same time. The seller of one property may be buying another one and the buyer of another property may need to sell their own property first.
What are the three methods in which a conveyancer could exchange? (Not Formulas) Explain their pros and cons.
(1) Physical (personal) exchange
The conveyancers for seller and buyer may meet and exchange the part contracts in person. This method is very rare – it is not practicable for chain transactions and is only possible where the two firms of conveyancers are located close to each other.
(2) Postal exchange
Contracts may be exchanged through the post. Normally, the buyer’s conveyancer posts the buyer’s part contract and sends the deposit to the seller’s conveyancer. The seller’s conveyancer then posts their client’s part contract to the buyer’s conveyancer. Exchange takes effect when the second part contract (usually the seller’s part) is placed in the post. This method is not practicable for chain transactions. Postal exchange may be appropriate where there is no chain and the matter is not urgent.
(3) Telephonic exchange
Two conveyancers agree over the telephone that contracts should be treated as exchanged even though the documents have not been physically exchanged (i.e. the binding moment is the moment of agreement on the telephone). Exchange by telephone is very common for all types of transaction and is the only truly satisfactory method for chain transactions. The Law Society has developed three alternative sets of rules (formulas) to be followed when exchanging by telephone. Conveyancers adopting the Protocol are obliged to use one of the formulae when exchanging by telephone.
What is the most common method to exchange through?
Over the telephone.
What is the Law Society formula A?
Formula A is used where one conveyancer holds both signed parts of the contract. This will be the case where one conveyancer (usually the buyer’s conveyancer) has sent their client’s signed contract to the other conveyancer (usually the seller’s conveyancer) in advance of exchange to hold in readiness for exchange. Formula A is not used as often as Formula B.
When using Formula A, one conveyancer will telephone the other to exchange. They will first agree the completion date. The conveyancer holding the contracts inserts the completion date into each part contract and confirms that the contents of both parts are identical. The conveyancers then agree that exchange shall take place from that moment (this is the binding moment) and the conveyancer holding the contracts undertakes to send their client’s signed part that day to the other conveyancer. The buyer undertakes to send any deposit due. The conveyancers should each prepare a memorandum to record:
the date and time of exchange;
the use of Formula A and the exact wording of any variations adopted;
the completion date;
the deposit to be paid; and
the identities of the parties to the conversation.
What is the Law Society formula B?
Formula B (more commonly used in practice) is appropriate where each conveyancer holds their own client’s part contract. Again, one conveyancer telephones the other, the completion date is agreed, the parties confirm that the part contracts are identical, the completion date is inserted and the contracts are agreed to be exchanged (the binding moment). Each conveyancer undertakes to send out their client’s signed part contract that day together with, in the buyer’s case, the deposit. A memorandum should again be prepared by each conveyancer to record the exchange. This will be as given earlier, except that it will verify the use of Formula B.
What is the Law Society formula C?
Formula C is designed for use in linked transactions (i.e. where there is a chain). Essentially, each conveyancer holds their own client’s signed parts of the contract and agrees to release the contracts for exchange for a specific period. This allows all parties to be ready to exchange so that, as soon as the party at the end of the chain is ready, all contracts can be exchanged almost simultaneously.
The conveyancer must obtain the client’s specific authority before exchanging contracts on a Formula C basis, mainly because of the complexity and associated risk element. Formula C takes effect in two stages. Stage 1 takes place when the two conveyancers confirm that they hold their clients’ signed contracts. The buyer’s conveyancer undertakes to exchange if, by a set time that day (the time must be agreed there and then), the seller’s conveyancer so requests. Stage 2 occurs when the seller’s conveyancer requests exchange by the agreed time and the contract is binding. The conveyancers also give undertakings in relation to sending out their part contracts and, in the buyer’s case, regarding the deposit.
Which Law Society formula would be used in no chain properties?
Formula B
Which Law Society formula would be used in properties with a chain?
Formula C
Which court case approved the use of telephone exchange?
The practice of telephone exchange was approved by the Court of Appeal in Domb and Another v Isoz [1980], although it did make some reservations, suggesting it should only be done by a partner or sole practitioner. The standard contracts, however, envisage that any conveyancer can effect one. The main danger is the difficulty of having to prove what each party has agreed if one party decides not to proceed, but the formulas and the use of detailed attendance notes should meet the reservations in Domb.
Identify and explain eight matters which must be addressed during exchange of contracts.
The following issues should be addressed in a memorandum:
(1) Buildings insurance.
(2) Client’s authority to proceed.
(3) Utilisation of deposit.
(4) Method of deposit payment.
(5) Agreed completion date.
(6) Method and timing of exchange.
(7) Record keeping (e.g. the memorandum of exchange. When using Formula C there must be two memoranda to reflect the fact that the formula is in two stages). It is also important to ensure that attendance notes are made and kept on file as well.
(8) Correspondence and communications.
There are various communications that should be made following exchange.
The conveyancers may have to send out part contracts to other parties when there has been an exchange by telephone. The buyer’s conveyancer may need to send a deposit cheque if the deposit money has not been transmitted by direct credit transfer.
(a) The conveyancers must keep their clients fully advised with regard to exchange. The clients should be notified of exchange (and confirmation of the completion date) as soon as exchange has taken place.
(b) The conveyancers will also need to tell other parties that exchange has taken place (e.g. estate agents or lenders).
(c) The conveyancers must stress the effect of exchange to their clients. The main effect is that the contract is now binding.
Are the undertaking contained in the formulae for exchange considered as part of the preparation for completion?
No, they are not.
What steps must be immediately taken by the seller’s conveyancer following exchange?
In accordance with the implied undertaking, the seller’s conveyancer must send to the buyer’s conveyancer their clients signed part of the contract (with the date of exchange and completion date written in pursuant to the telephone conversation when exchange took place).
This must be done on the day of exchange. The conveyancers can agree to vary the undertaking and send the contract after the day of exchange. Typically, this would be done if exchange takes place later in the day and it is not possible to dispatch the contract that day.
The seller’s conveyancer will usually telephone or email their client to inform them of exchange and confirm the agreed completion date. They may remind their seller client to keep the buildings insurance on risk until completion and, if relevant, the seller can now confirm the completion date with a removal company.
The seller’s conveyancer might also inform the estate agent of exchange of contracts.
What steps must be immediately taken by the buyer’s conveyancer following exchange?
In accordance with the implied undertaking, the buyer’s conveyancer must send to the seller’s conveyancer their clients signed part of the contract (with the date of exchange and completion date written in pursuant to the telephone conversation when exchange took place) plus the agreed 10 per cent deposit.
This must be done on the day of exchange. Again, it is possible to vary the undertaking and send the contract and deposit after the day of exchange.
The buyer’s conveyancer will usually telephone or email their client to inform them of exchange and confirm the agreed completion date. They may remind their buyer client to put the buildings insurance on risk immediately, although this advice will have been given before the day of exchange. If necessary, the buyer can confirm the completion date with a removal company.
What does it mean to have the deposit ‘held to order’?
The conveyancers may have agreed on exchange that the deposit is “held to order”. This might be done if there is a relatively short period of time between exchange and completion and perhaps insufficient time for the deposit to be sent out. Buyer’s conveyancer confirms to the seller’s conveyancer that they are holding the agreed deposit to the order of the seller’s conveyancer. This means that the buyer’s, conveyancer is giving an undertaking to the seller’s conveyancer that they will send it to the seller’s conveyancer if demanded. In effect, the buyer’s conveyancer is holding onto the deposit until completion and will send the full 100 per cent of the purchase price to the seller’s conveyancer on completion.
What is an “estate contract” and when is it appropriate to register one?
Following exchange, the buyer is not yet the legal owner of the property but is now the owner in equity. The buyer has an equitable interest called an “estate contract” from the point of exchange. This estate contract is regarded as a contract to create a legal estate at a future date and the estate contract can be protected by way of a notice on the register of title.
It is not standard practice to register the contract however, but a buyer’s conveyancer might decide to register it by way of a notice in certain situations (e.g. where a dispute has arisen between the parties, where the buyer becomes suspicious that the seller might be trying to sell the property to another person or where there is to be a long period of time between exchange and completion for some reason). An example of the latter would be where the seller had died after exchange but before completion and there was going to be a delay as a result.
What steps should a seller’s conveyancer take pre-completion?
The seller must:
Obtain an up-to-date repayment figure of use on completion.
Prepare an undertaking to be handed to the buyer’s conveyancer on completion, promising to discharge the mortgage and provide evidence of the repayment.
Return a copy of the transfer doc to the buyer’s conveyancer.
Return the TA13 form (Completion Information and Undertakings Form)
Execute (sign) the transfer form before completion.
What completion preparations should be organised?
Several matters must be organised:
(a) arrangements for handing over the keys (e.g. by the estate agent);
(b) arrangements for completion itself (e.g. collating the documents to be handed over); and
(c) agreeing the mechanics of completion with the buyer’s conveyancer.
What must be shown on the seller client’s financial completion statement and itemised bill?
The statement should show:
(a) the sale price;
(b) all deductions; and
(c) the net amount due to the client.
What sort of deductions would the seller client’s financial statement include?
Deductions may include:
(a) costs and disbursements (to be itemised in a separate bill);
(b) mortgage redemption payment; and
(c) estate agent’s fees (as long as the client has checked and authorised these).
What is the TA13 Form and who completes it?
The TA13 form (Completion Information and Undertakings Form) is sent by the buyer’s conveyancer to the seller’s conveyancer, who will complete it.
List seven matters which are addressed by the TA13 form.
- vacant possession;
- deeds and documents;
- where completion will take place;
- the method of completion;
- the amounts payable on completion;
- bank account details (there is a prominent warning on the form about the risk of emailing bank details, which is to highlight the need to be vigilant against fraud); and
- the arrangements for discharging existing mortgages (this part of the form may actually be used to give an undertaking to discharge a mortgage, hence the warning printed on the form).
Who can sign a TA13 form, and why is this important?
The replies should only be signed by a person with authority to give undertakings on behalf of the firm (e.g. the seller’s conveyancer or another authorised member of staff). With authority from the firm, a conveyancer’s employee can give an undertaking in the name of the firm. The firm is bound to the same extent as if a partner in the firm had given the undertaking.
What are some courses of action that could occur if an undertaking is breached?
If an undertaking is breached this is regarded as a very serious matter, hence the prominent warning on the form. If an undertaking is given, every partner in the firm is responsible for ensuring compliance. If the undertaking is breached, the partners could be ordered by the court to make good the breach (which could involve the conveyancers in paying off the mortgage from their own resources). They could also be disciplined by the SRA or, in extreme cases, imprisoned. An employed conveyancer could also face disciplinary action by the SRA, the firm would still be bound and the partners could face the above courses of action.
What pre-completion searches must a buyer’s conveyancer carry out?
- Land Registry search OS1/OS2
- Bankruptcy search (for any lender) K16
- Company search (if seller is a company)
What form(s) is the main pre-completion search with HMLR?
- OS1 - when the buyer is purchasing the whole of the land in the registered title
- OS2 - when the buyer is purchasing part of the land in a registered title (plot in a development)
The buyer’s conveyancer will receive the results in the form of an official search certificate.
What happens if existing entries are not revealed on the OS searches?
Entries existing at the time of the search, but which are not revealed, will bind the buyer but they will be entitled to compensation for any loss suffered as a result.
Whose name is the OS searches done in, depending on whether the buyer has a mortgage or not?
Where the buyer is not having a new mortgage, the HMLR search will be made in the name of the buyer. Where the buyer is having a new mortgage (and so the buyer’s conveyancer is also acting for the lender), the search must be made in the name of the lender (e.g. in the name of the building society). The search form will say that the applicant lender intends to take a registered charge over the property. There is no need to make another search in the name of the buyer, because the search made in the name of the lender will also protect the buyer.
What is the priority period for OS1/2 searches?
As long as you register your client’s new title within 30 days, then if there are any registrations/new entries in that period, then your client will take priority over those interests.
What is the priority period for the bankruptcy search?
15 working days. The mortgage must be registered within this period so the lender will take priority if there are any subsequent entries against the buyers in those 15 days.
What is a bankruptcy search for?
If the buyer is having a new mortgage (and so the conveyancer is also acting for the lender), the buyer’s conveyancer must also carry out a bankruptcy search against the full name of the buyer.
What is the name of the bankruptcy form?
Form K16
What is a company search for?
One of the three pre-completion searches, the company search will be used when the seller is a company. It is important for the buyer’s conveyancer to check that the company is still in existence and has not been struck off (e.g. for failing to file accounts with Companies House). If it does not exist, it will not have power to enter into a transfer as it will not exist in law. The search will also check whether the company is being wound up.
There is no official search procedure for company searches and searches are made by firms of agents who inspect the Companies Register.
What is a “completion statement”?
The buyer’s conveyancer will send a financial statement (a completion statement) to the buyer, saying how much is needed to complete. This statement will usually contain details of the firm’s charges and any disbursements (expenses). If it shows that a balance is due from the buyer (the usual case), the conveyancer will request the money from the buyer so that it can clear and be used on the day of completion.
What additional steps must be taken by the buyer’s conveyancer if there is a lender?
They check that the title is acceptable, requesting the mortgage funds, completing the mortgage documentation and carrying out pre-completion searches on behalf of the lender.
After exchange of contracts, the buyer’s conveyancer will submit the Certificate of Title to the mortgage lender to confirm that the title is marketable, can be accepted as security for the loan and to request for the mortgage funds.
What other documents should a buyer’s conveyancer get the buyer to sign pre-completion?
If the buyer’s conveyancer has not already dealt with it, they will also ask their buyer client to sign the mortgage deed in readiness for completion.
The buyer’s conveyancer asks the client to sign or approve the Land Transaction Return. This is signed or approved in readiness for use after completion.
What is form TR1 and who completes this?
Form TR1 is a standard HMLR form, used where there is a transfer of the whole of land in a registered title. It is usually made up by the buyer’s conveyancer and sent to the seller’s conveyancer in duplicate at the same time as the procedural requisitions form (TA13).
What does engrossing mean in context of the TR1 form?
Once the seller’s conveyancer has approved the form of the transfer, the buyer’s conveyancer will “engross” it – this means that the draft transfer is made into a final copy to be used in the transaction (e.g. printed on good quality paper).
When must a buyer sign the TR1 form?
Although buyers don’t need to sign the transfer unless they are either:
- entering into covenants or;
- are doing so as joint buyers, it is good practice for them to do so.
What is the alternative to joint owners signing the transfer deed (TR1)?
A declaration of trust can alternatively be made using form JO, which will be signed by the joint buyers. Where joint buyers have made a declaration of trust using form JO, they need not execute the transfer for this reason. Of course, they will still have to execute the transfer where they are entering into covenants.
What particular requirements in TR1 relate to co-owners?
Joint buyers will need to execute the transfer as they will be entering into a declaration of their joint ownership (declaration of trust) within the transfer deed. The declaration is made by completing box 10 of the TR1 transfer and executing the deed to support this. By making this signed declaration of trust, the parties will be confirming the status of their joint ownership as joint tenants or tenants in common, etc.
Do buyers need to sign the TR1 form if they are entering into an indemnity covenant?
One reason the buyers may have to execute the transfer is where they are entering into an indemnity covenant, promising to indemnify the sellers against future claims for breaches of existing covenants. Box 11 of form TR1 contains space for any additional provisions in the transfer and one example of a clause which would be inserted here would be an indemnity covenant.
Does the seller need to execute the transfer deed TR1?
The seller always needs to execute the transfer and it will be sent to their conveyancer for the seller to sign before completion.
What must anyone do when signing the transfer deed TR1?
The signature must be witnessed.