C-words Flashcards
cyclic adenosine monophosphate, signaling molecule
capacitance vessels
alternate name for veins because of their large compliance
carotid sinus
widening of the internal carotid artery at its origin, containing many baroceptors
biogenic amines based on the catechol structure (aromatic six carbon ring with two OH-groups) dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine
polysaccharide built up of glucose molecules forming straight chains
choroid plexus
plexus of cells that produces the cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain
cis and trans position
on the same or opposite side (e.g. the two possibilities of the continuation of the lipid chain at the two ends of a double bond in an unsaturated fatty acid)
CoA, coenzyme-A
coenzyme built around the adenine nucleotide
protein and the main component of the collagen fibers
collateral processes
branches of an axon terminating in locations other than the major target location
colloid osmotic pressure
proteins, mostly albumins, in a blood vessel’s plasma that tends to pull water in to the circulatory system
when two transmitters, or a transmitter and a neuromodulator, are present in the same synaptic vesicle at the same time
the formation of cellular compartments
compensatory pause
longer pause between two heart beats following an extra systole
competitive inhibition
the enzyme may bind to the inhibitor, the substrate, or neither, but it cannot bind both at the same time
complement system
protein molecules responsible for the elimination of the antigen-antibody complex
concentration gradient
change in the concentration of a substance depending on distance
reciprocal value of the resistance
conformational change
reversible change in the structure of a protein molecule
ability for shortening
movement of substances caused by pressure differences
covalent bond
the strongest bond between two atoms that involves the sharing of electron pairs