C. L. 7 Flashcards
The study of words meanings
Something that is very small, especially a miniature version of something
The belief that all reality is just one’s own imagining of reality, and that one’s self is the only thing that exists
A man brought back to life by Jesus after being in the tomb for four days. This is considered Jesus’ greatest miracle on earth, and the one which sets his enemies plotting against him
Roman God of sleep and dreams.
The branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of art and with judgments concerning beauty
Something of little value
A beautiful sound, inaudible to human ears,my hat the ancient Greeks believed was made by the stars and planets as they moved through the heavens
Music of the spheres
Ease and dexterity in social and practical affairs
The feeling of camaraderie among members of a group or organization
Esprit de corps
An agreeable word or expression substituted for one that is potentially offensive, often having to do with bodily functions, sex, or death.
A public official or administration serving out a term in office after having been defeated for reelection or when not seeking reelection
Lame duck
An outstandingly versatile, well-rounded person.
Renaissance Man
A group of intellectuals and planners who act as advisors, especially in government
Brain trust
A novel whose narrative is present in the form of letters written by one or more characters
Epistolary novel