C. elegans Vulval development Flashcards
How is opening and closing of vulva controlled?
muscles (stacked, uterine + 4 more)
neurons (VC4/5/6 + HSN, on both sides)
At which stage of development do vulva cells arise?
postembryonic, L3
Which are the 5 steps of vulval development?
1: generation of precursor cells (P3.p - P8.p)
2: vulval precursor patterning (1 - 3° fate)
3: generation of adult cells
4: anchor cell invasion
5: morphogenesis of the vulva
Which VCP adopts 1° fate?
What do its descendants form?
the vulva
Which VCPs adopt 2° fate?
What do their descendants form?
P5.p and P7.p
the vulva
Which VCPs adopt 3° fate?
What do their descendants form?
P3.p, P4.p, P8.p
descendants fuse with the hypodermis
How did they study the role of individual cells in vulval development?
by ablating them with laser (shooting the cells, nucleus boils, cell dies)
if vulva did not form, they observed the Egl phenotype
Why is timing of ablations important?
if cells have not acquired their cell fates yet (before 1st division), they are still multipotential and can respond to new cell environment by switching their fates
but after 1st division, they are locked in specific fate
What is vulval equivalence group?
P3.p - P8.p are multipotential (but not their descendants)
Which cell induces the vulva/is required for VPC patterning?
Which cells does it influence?
anchor cell
(no vulva, if ablated)
induces P5.p - P7.p to adopt 2/1/2° fate
What is the ground state of VPCs?
3° fate
Which 3 signals play a role in VPC patterning?
signal 1: inductive signal
signal 2: lateral signal
signal 3: represses vulval fate of neighboring non-VPC cells
Which models were proposed for VPC pattern formation?
graded anchor cell signal
adjacent cell interaction
partially graded AC signal
ungraded AC signal
Which models are true for VPC pattern formation?
graded anchor cell signal
(AC signal is graded so that cell within a certain distance from AC adopts a 1° fate, slightly further away 2°, distant 3°)
adjacent cell interaction
(AC signals directly underneath -> 1° fate of P6.p; P6.p then signals adjacent cells to become 2°)
combination of those two (signal 1 + 2)
Which are the vulva related mutant phenotypes?
Muv = multivulval = too much vulval induction Vul = vulvaless (bag of worms) = not enough vulval induction