C. elegans Introduction Flashcards
What is development?
a) a process where a single cell gives rise to a complex multicellular organism
b) the series of morphological and physiological changes that take place during the lifespan of an organism
c) change in phenotype over time
What are typical developmental phenomena on cellular level?
mitosis, meiosis growth, quiescence, senescence determination, differentiation, morphogenesis adhesion, migration apoptosis, fusion, polarization
What are typical devlopmental phenomena on organismal level?
embryonic cleavages, gastrulation, organogenesis
oogenesis, spertmatogenesis
List typical features of metazoan development.
fertilization cleavages gastrulation differentiation organo and morphogenesis growth and sexual maturation (gametogenesis)
What does “gene centered” approach mean?
identify all genes
determine which function each gene has
figure out where and when it is active
figure out how it is regulated
Describe forward genetic screen in C. elegans.
Mutagenize P0 animals
Are hermaphrodites = each animal = 2 haploid mutagenized genomes
in F2, 1:2:1 ratio of +/+, +/m, m/m
loss-of-function mutation arise with a frequency of 1:2000 in an average sized gene
Sketch initial invariant development.
What structures are formed from 6 founder cells?
AB + P1
EMS + P2
MS + E + C + P3
D + P4
AB: epidermis, muscle, neurons, pharynx MS: muscle, pharynx, coelomocytes E: gut C: epidermis, muscle D: muscle only P4: germline