C Detailed Design Flashcards
Can an architect apply for building consent on behalf of the owner?
Why would they?
Yes, with authority to do so.
So they can be the point of contact with the BCA.
Who should apply for CCC?
The owner, under the Act.
Which projects have you worked on with a change of use?
1 Dawson - adding residential (sleeping) to top of existing commercial building.
What might be affected in change of use?
- Protection of other property
- Sanitary facility provisions
- Structural performance
- Fire Rating Performance
What does Section 112 of the building Act offer?
That an altered building must comply as near as reasonably practicable with the building code. Only applies to existing buildings. Can be applied with discretion by the BCA and can be measured as a balance of benefits vs. costs/sacrifices.
What does a compliance schedule do?
Identifies essential safety features which require periodic inspection/maintenance to remain effective.
Name some items on a compliance schedule
Sprinklers Automatic Doors Alarms Back-flow preventers Lifts, Escalators Mechanical Ventilation
What are the four types of producer statements?
PS1 - Design
PS2 - Design Review
PS3 - Construction
PS4 - Construction Review
Should an architect issue a Producer Statement?
Not unless they have to. If they do, then it should only be for a certain element of the design. Never for construction.
What is a producer statement?
A document prepared by a qualified professional confirming their professional opinion that aspects of a design or construction will achieve compliance with the building code or have been built in accordance with the consent.
What should an architect be aware of if asked to issue a producer statement?
Can only be issued by a natural person, not the company.
What was in your fee agreement? Typically these are not included so need to discuss with your client.
Issue for the element only.
Never issue PS3 - these are for construction.
What is restricted building work?
RBW relates to houses and small-to-medium sized apartments. It is classified as work is critical to make home structurally sound and weather tight, and also includes fire safety systems.
What should a producer statement contain?
Information about the author
Information about the building work to which the PS relates.
Information about the means of compliance of the work.
Information to assist the BCA to determine the extent of reliance they should place on the PS.
How might ANARP be assessed?
- Early discussions with council.
- There are determinations available which can be referenced.
What level of license are registered architects deemed to have as an LBP?
Design 3
When is building work complete?
The Act is open to interpretation, but the consensus is that it is complete at Practical Completion.
How long is the defects liability period under SCC, and how long in the building Act?
3 months under SCC
Client has 12 months to give notice of defects under the building Act.
The architect’s responsibilities are absolved at the 3 months.
Retentions only need be held as per the contract (3 months)
Name the building code sections
A General B Stability C Fire D Access E Moisture F Safety of Users G Services H Energy Efficiency
What are the 4 parts of a specification sections?
1 General - Warrantees, Standards etc.
2 Products -
3 Execution - Installation methods
4 Selections - The actual materials, fixings, finishes and performance requirements.
Does the spec or drawings take precedence?
Drawings do
Order of Heirarchy?
Dimensions drawn Large scale drawings Specific drawings Drawings Specifications Schedule of Quantities
What documentation is required for a building consent?
- Application forms
- Checklists – council
- Architectural drawings and spec
- Other consultant drawings and spec
- LOA and CT
- Memorandum if residential
- PS1s
For 131 we’ve also had:
Summary of works, pre application meeting minutes, façade compliance reports, accessibility reports, testing reports – fire and E2, PN22s.
How do you find out about material compatibility?
E2/AS1: Table 21 and 22 Material Compatibility
3604: Steel fixings and fastenings depending on location in building and environment zone
Branz Documents
MRM Code of Roofing
What are the benefits of working with a QS?
- Cost projection accuracy
- Cost strategy when savings or checks are needed during design and construction.
What are documentation structures in NZ?
CBI - Coordinated Building Information System
- General
- Site
- Structure
- Enclosure
- Interior
- Finish
- Services
- External
How does the H&S at work act impact on the design development?
- Architects are known as ‘upstream duty holders’ under the Act and PCBU.
- Practices which are designers are PCBUs who design plant, substances or structures.
- As a PCBU, a designer:
- Has a duty to ensure designs are without risks to H+S of those at a workplace who will use the structure for its purpose
- Cannot contract out of duty
- Must consult and coordinate with other PCBUs
- Carry out analysis and testing on design
- Provide any relevant information to each person provided with the design.
Building Act Sections 112, 114 and 115
112 - Alterations to existing buildings must bring ANARP to comply for fire and accessibility
114 - must state change of use
115 - change of use must bring ANARP to comply for fire and accessibility
What is the role of the BCA under the building act?
- Issue consents
- Inspect work
- Issue notice to fix
- Issue code compliance certificates
- Issue compliance schedules
What is the role of the TA under the building act?
- Same as BCA’s, plus;
- Issue PIMs
- Issue building consents
- Issue CPU’s
- Issue compliance schedules
- Administers annual building WOFs
What is the building consent process?
- Pre-lodgment consultation
- Can choose to apply for PIM
- Lodge the application
- 20 working days to process – may request further information at any time (RFIs)
- Consent Granted
- Fees Paid – some require this on application
- Amendments can be made, or minor variations.
- Inspections
- CPU and/or CCC
What are the compliance pathways?
Nine compliance paths. 1-5 are alternative methods, 6-9 are deemed to comply:
- Comparison with Acceptable Solution or Verification Method.
- Comparison with other documents (e.g. determinations or BRANZ appraisals).
- Comparison with an in-service history
- Expert opinions
- Comparison to previously accepted alternative solution
- Product Certification (CodeMark)
- MBIE Determinations
- Verification Methods
- Acceptable solutions
What is a determination?
A specific confirmation that a proposal meets code requirements, provided by MBIE.
Results are legally binding - BCA must accept.
What are compliance schedules and what might be on them?
All buildings, other than single residential buildings, require a compliance schedule and annual warrant of fitness if they contain any specified systems.
The compliance schedule lists the building’s specified systems and the inspection, maintenance and reporting procedures needed to keep them in good order.
Who issues a building WOF?
The Owner
The building warrant of fitness is
a declaration by the building owner, or the building owner’s agent, that all the specified systems
in the building have been inspected, maintained and reported in accordance with the compliance
schedule for a period of 12 months prior to the issue date.
A property manager can sign and issue a building warrant of fitness on your behalf.
List some NZ standards that you know
3604 – Timber Framed Buildings 4120 – Design for access and mobility AS/NZS 3500 – plumbing and drainage 3602 – Timber Products 3910 – Contracts 4223 - Glazing
What are Standards?
Standards are created by the organisation Standards New Zealand.
Acceptable Solutions and Verification Methods refer to Standards. They provide practical information or guidelines, often including ‘how to build’ solutions.
Code = What
Standard = How
What is a risk matrix?
The E2 Risk Matrix is a tool for calculating the weather-tightness risk of a building envelope. It identifies six different risk factor categories, and each are scored low, medium, high, very high or extra high. It is applied to each building face.
The total risk score determines what type of cladding and fixing (cavity) will comply.
Which projects are exempt from needing a building consent?
The list of building work that does not require a building consent is provided under
Schedule 1 of the Building Act 2004. Includes:
• Buildings up to 10m2
• Up to 30m2 if lightweight and carried out by LBP
• Contains no sleeping, plumbing
• Tents/Marquees
• Pergolas
Who administers Acts/Standards /Acceptable solutions/Determinations etc.
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
What do MBIE do?
MBIE is the lead policy advisor to government on the building regulatory system. It is responsible for advice on legislation and regulations, including the Building Code.
- Building Code
- Product Certification (Codemark)
- Monitoring performance of BCAs
- Making determinations
What is Codemark?
CodeMark is a voluntary product certification scheme that provides an easily-understood and robust way to show a building product meets the requirements of the New Zealand Building Code. Can be:
- building method
- construction method
- building design
- building material
What is an acceptable solution?
These are simple step-by-step instructions
that show one way to comply with the
Building Code.
What is a verification method?
Verification Methods are tests or calculation
methods that prescribe one way to comply
with the Building Code.
What is an alternative solution?
An alternative solution is a building solution that
differs, in part or wholly, from the solutions
offered by the Acceptable Solution or
Verification Method, but achieves compliance
with the performance requirements of the
Building Code to the satisfaction of the building
consent authority.
What are the four types of producer statement?
PS1 - design
PS2 - design review
PS3 - construction
PS4 - construction review
What is LBP?
LBPs are building practitioners who have been assessed as competent to carry out building work essential to the structure or weather-tightness of residential buildings.
You must use an LBP to design or carry out restricted building work.
What is a design memorandum?
This is a form provided by the designer LBP that:
• Identifies the person(s) who did the design relating to RBW – so that that
person(s) can be held accountable for that design
• Identifies that the design involves RBW design
• Certifies that the RBW design elements will comply with the building code,
or states that waivers and modifications are required.