BAME (black Asian and minority ethnic) groups have unequal amount of young people committing crime which creates illusion in drastically that minorities are committing more crime
it’s just young people in general committing more crime
26% male prisoners are from ethnic minority group even though only 9% in the general population high levels of criminality
Men vs woman in statistics
Black ethnic minority have a skewed data towards men with nearly 40% making overall statistic larger even though it’s mainly men
Overall 21.2 %
Woman 4%
Lowest crime committing ethnicity
Chinese 2.4
Lowest ethnicity and gender
Indian girls 0.8
Asians compared to whites
2x more likely to get stopped and searched a likely to be charged with fraud - white collar crime - stereotype Becker - smart
Black minority overrepresented because
5 x more likely to get imprisoned than white people
Institutional racism
Reiner macho values and racism encourage stereotypes and mistrust of police
Lea and young Marxist
Left realism
Black people join subcultures to solve relative deprivation and there marginalised - ghettos in USA have the want for American dream can’t achieve consensus goals - commit crime - theift
Chambliss marxist
Poverty and crime control
Focus on w/c surveillance - gypsy Roma areas police aware of criminal activity - over representation - black people more likely to get caught and convicted 26% in prison 9% population
Hall crisis of hegemony and scapegoating Marxist
Media negatively views black African Caribbean - muggings - as a scapegoat to divert attention from moral panic media over exaggerated attention on rather than riots
Subcultures social theory antagonistic institutionalisation racism
Black masculine identities negatively labelled rebellious reject school anti- school subcultures - conform and accepting label - self fulfilling. Prophecy - aggressive behaviour - gang violence smoking weed - drug usage
Anti racist religion - social action - interactionist
Interview - observation youth project charity Asian male gangs + muslim Asians and how they form gender expectation + roles
Asian boys - peer pressure masculine role - dominant -interactionist
Cultural conflict between gangs Asian gangs became close knit poor relationships with police - violent - label
Asian men statistic
Asian men are more likely to get stopped and searched - Islamophobia- 9/11
Becker labelling theory
Negative labelling more likely towards a/c black boys - black African Caribbean minority are 5x more likely to be imprisoned
Focus on the ethnic minority find more crimes