(c) Biological molecules Flashcards
What chemical elements are there in Carbohydrates?
(CHO) Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen
What is the monomer of Carbs? Give an example
The monomer is monosaccharide, and glucose is a type of monosacchride
What happens when 2 glucose are joined together? Give an example
They form a disaccharide, e.g maltose
What happens when lots of glucose are joined together? Give some examples
They form a polysaccharide, e,g starch, glycogen, cellulose, chitin
What is the function of Carbs?
Important source of Fast energy
Examples of food high in Carbs?
Pasta, breads
How to test for Starch?
Add drops of Iodine to the food sample; positive: from blue to blue-black, negative: yellow/orange
What is reducing sugar? Give some examples
Monosacchride such as glucose, and some disaccharide such as maltose are reducing sugar. They reduce other compounds such as the Benedict’s solution.
How to test for reducing agent such as glucose?
You add Benedict’s solution (mixture of sodium carbonate, sodium citrate, copper (II) sulphate pentahydrate) and heat it at 80 °C for 5 minutes; positive: from blue to brick red, negative: remains blue (the colour of the precipitate depends on the concentration of reducing sugar, 0g% is blue and high in glucose >2g% is brick red)
How do you test for Starch (a polysaccaride)?
You add drops of Iodine to the food sample,; positive: brown to blue-black, negatie: yellow/orange
What chemical elements are there in Lipids?
(CHO) Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen
What is the structure of Lipids and what the are the 2 types of its monomers?
It has triglyceride structure and is made up of 3 fatty acids chains (vary in size & structure) and 1 glycerol molecule
What 2 groups are Lipids devided into? What are the differences between them?
Saturated and Unsaturated. Saturated are Fats and are solid at r.t. They form only Carbon-Carbon single bond. Unsaturated are Oils, and are liquid at r.t. They form both Carbon-Carbon single bond and double bonds.
Is saturated lipid better or unsaturated fat better? Why?
Unsaturated lipids are better, because they include polyunsaturated fatty acids & monounstructured fats. They can help lower the cholesterol levels (cholesterol cannot be exercised off, it is only found in animal products & high-fat dairy products) and reduce the risk of hear diseases.
Examples of food high in lipids?
Butter, oil and cholesterol
How do you test for Lipids?
It is called the Emulsion test. You mix the food sample with 2 cm3 of ethanol and shake, the ethanol is added to an equal volume of cold water; positive: white, cloudy will emerge
What chemical elements are there in Proteins?
CHON: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nytrogen, and some contain Sulphur
What is the structure of Protein and what the is its monomers?
The monomer is Amino acids, and they join together to form a long chain called polypoptide
What are the functions of Proteins?
Muscle development, work in immune system, make up enzymes, genes are codes for proteins
How to test for Proteins?
You use Biuret reagent (sodium hydroxide and copper sulphate). Add drops of it to the food sample; positive: blue to purple, negative: remains blue