c-3 Flashcards
- ____ causes the gradual increase of stress-related hormones mainly:
- released from ___ in response to stress.
Safety mechanism:
- cortisol 2. aldosterone
- adrenal gland
- usually employed when BP falls, as in blood loss (when there is a need for more energy (glucose)»_space; emergencies
Cortisol allows:
Also increases:
*calcium channel blockers-decrease vasoconstriction
- greater degree of vasoconstriction of blood vessels, vessels become narrower slowly over time. ( CO x incr vascular vasoconstricion=incr BP
- Glucose levels-> incr insulin levels, so cells take in more glucose. If not used converted into lipids, lipids can be deposited in walls of arteries-> narrows arteries=incr BP
Aldosterone causes:
** diuretics- incr urine production to decreases blood volume
incr of Na re-aposrption by the kidneys into vascular system. Water follows Na which incr BV= >HR x incr SV x vasocon = incr BP
Essential hypertension defined as:
diastolic press > or equal to 90mmhg= damage to heart, damage to blood vessels
HBP (hypertension) referred to as:
Why is this bad:
elevated AFTER LOAD- where the ventricles have to generate a greater force to eject blood. This leads to pathological changes in the heart- left ventricular hypertrophy, heart failure
-can also damage blood vessel lining->CVA->stroke
or Atherosclerosis- arterial occlusions
People with high blood pressure are more likely to develop ____
This leads to:
extra pressure, damages arteries-> makes more vulnerable to narrowing assoc with atherosclerosis->limits/blocks blood flow;depriving heart of oxygen= MI, Heart failure, sudden death
most serious problem r/t untreated HBP also r/t stroke, renal disease, blinds, amputation
Systolic pressure is the:
Diastolic pressure is the:
What is normal resting BP
for each heart beat blood pressure varies between systolic and diastolic press
- peak pressure in the arteries, when L ventricle is at maximum contraction
-minimum pressure in arteries, when L ventricle are filling with blood (complete non contracting)